Chapter 289 Sympathy
Xia Tian hoped that his father was still alive, but ten years ago, he saw his father's body with his own eyes. This could not be a mirage, but a real experience.

Xia Tian sympathized with this female ghost's infatuation, and also hated her ferocity, so with the help of the formation and the encouragement of the Dragon Slaying Sword, Xia Tian didn't feel much pressure, took the Dragon Slaying Sword, and slashed at the weakest one first male ghost head.

To capture a thief, first capture the king, but when the king is difficult to deal with, you can only start with the weakest.

Facing this kind of life-and-death battle, killing one counts as one, this is Xia Tian's idea, Luo Yu silently danced the sword, the Great Five Emperors' money formation turned, and the reincarnation gossip formation also turned. At this time, there were only three female ghost heads, It is no longer manipulative.

Xia Tian silently stabbed the male ghost head with a sword. As a male ghost head, although his strength is the weakest among the three ghost heads, he is still a ghost head, and his strength should not be underestimated. Can kill this ghost.

As expected, the male ghost was surrounded by a red ghostly aura, he reacted instantly, and flew up to avoid Xia Tian's sword in a thrilling manner.

The male ghost knew the power of the Dragon Slaying Sword, so he hid very well, not daring to be touched by the Dragon Slaying Sword.

In the next moment, there were many ghosts, the head of the male ghost disappeared, and countless ghosts turned into bats and attacked Xia Tian.

"You're pretty slick, smarter than your dad, and you know how to attack the weak first."

Mo Xiaole wore clothes from the period of the Republic of China, which looked very plain, but in fact it was not plain. When he stretched out his hands, the sleeves instantly lengthened to both sides, attacking Xia Tian from both sides.

And the RB female ghost was holding a RB knife, her whole body sank down and disappeared on the ground.

In an instant, three attacks attacked Xia Tian from the front, left and right, as well as the ground.

Xia Tian jumped forward, with a sound of "clang", a RB knife stabbed up from the ground where he was standing just now, Xia Tian was startled, almost stabbed his foot by the knife.

Holding the dragon-slaying sword in Xia Tian, ​​he met the group of bats whose heads had transformed into male ghosts.

With a "poof", blood splashed everywhere, and a sword killed two bats, but it was of no use to the birds. Xia Tian took out two purple fire talismans and threw them out at the moment of falling. With a "bang", a group of bats Struggling with a creak, it disappeared into the talisman fire.

The head of the male ghost appeared in an instant, and stretched out his ferocious ghost claws to catch Xia Tian.

And Mo Xiaole's white sleeves also came to both sides of Xia Tian, ​​and the "shua shua" sound of pulling the cloth bound Xia Tian the moment Xia Tian just landed.

Xia Tian was tied up like a rice dumpling, unable to move.

With a sound of "poof", the male ghost's head clawed at Xia Tian's chest, Xia Tian screamed, his face was extremely pale.

And the RB knife of the RB female ghost also stabbed out from the ground, piercing a hole in Xia Tian's foot, and Xia Tian screamed again.

"Hehe..." Seeing that Xia Tian was restrained, Mo Xiaole let out a horrified laugh and walked over, "You are better than your father back then, really amazing, if your father hadn't lied to me, I wouldn't be like this Pain, it turns out that where there is love there is hatred, as long as your father comes, I will not make things difficult for you." Mo Xiaole said.

But Xia Tian who was tied up didn't speak, he seemed very dull, and then another Xia Tian's voice sounded, "Thank you for your compliment, it's okay to be better than my dad,"

With a sound of "poof", a sacred, vast, and shining golden sword appeared behind the male ghost's head, which was lifted high by Xia Tian and chopped off, blood splashing everywhere.

Mo Xiaole and the female ghost head who appeared were screamed by the golden light, turning their heads to the other side.

The head of the male ghost was cut in half by Xia Tian, ​​and his body was reduced to ashes under the golden light.

And Xia Tian, ​​who was bound by Mo Xiaole's sleeve, turned into a purple talisman with a "bang" and burned.

"Stand-in talisman, it's still very useful for you ghosts." Xia Tian laughed.

"Why did you appear behind him?" Mo Xiaole yelled angrily when she saw her capable man die tragically in Xia Tian's hands. fly to summer.

Xia Tian dodged to the side, waved the dragon-slaying sword, cut off the two white sleeves that were entangled with him, and said, "You ghosts can fly and pass through walls, so it will be very difficult for us Taoists to catch the ghosts you are trying to escape. And It is also very difficult to defend against your sneak attacks. Then our ancestors created a movement method called shape-shifting, and using a double amulet is a good way to escape. Otherwise, how could I put such a The powerful ghost head is gone."

"I didn't expect you to be more cunning than your father. I've changed my mind now. I want to kill you and make your father a male slave." Mo Xiaole yelled at Xia Tian.

"Male slave! You are a ghost, you are a ghost, even if my son's father is alive, you are still human ghosts. And my father doesn't like you, you should go to hell." Xia Xia finished , I thought that cloth is most afraid of fire, and it will burn when it encounters fire, so Xia Tian took out the last two fire talismans and smashed them out.

With a sound of "bang", the two talisman fires were knocked out by the two sleeves in an instant, and they entangled towards Xia Tian. Xia Tian turned back, kicked the two attacking sleeves with both feet, and flew out backwards.He hit the wall of the cave, spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Xia Tian was very speechless, he did not expect the power from these two sleeves to be so great.

Suddenly, Xia Tian's super sensing ability and reaction ability sensed that there was a rush of Yin Qi from the ground, and he suddenly turned over.

A RB knife stabbed out from the seat where Xia Tian had just sat, making him break out in a cold sweat.

"Your sister's island ghost." Xia Xia took the Dragon Slaying Sword and stabbed it towards the place where the RB knife was stabbed.

With a "bang", the entire blade of the sword fell into the ground, and with a "poof", blood oozes from the ground.

Xia Tian was very surprised, he didn't expect to hurt the RB female ghost like this.Originally, he was taken aback and was very angry, so he stabbed it with the dragon sword, but it had an unexpected effect.

The RB female ghost came out from the ground, holding a RB knife in one hand,

Xia Tian was speechless and embarrassed for a while.But there was no pity, and an expression on your face that you deserved to be pierced in the chest by a sword.

Xia Tian stood up, feeling a little weak, because he had tried his best and felt very tired.But in order to survive, one must stand up and fight.The current situation is not the worst for Xia Tian, ​​at least he has already killed two BOSS level ghosts.

"You like my dad, and that's how you treat his son?" Of course, Xia Tian will use all kinds of tricks, so now he is playing family tricks, because he is too tired, he is still panting while standing, and he is injured. Humans can get tired too, unlike that red-eyed zombie who has an immortal life.

"Didn't you say that humans and ghosts have different paths? Didn't you say that your father is dead? Didn't you say that your father only loves your mother? Hearing what you said, I have already figured it out. You men are ruthless. I want to kill all the men in the world." Mo Xiaole's ghostly aura surged all over her body, her eyes turned red, she looked crazy and violent, she flew up, and flung her hands towards Xia Tian.

The sleeves "shuashua" became longer and attacked Xia Tian.

Xia Tian kept turning to the side, dodging Mo Xiaole's crazy attack.

Mo Xiaole's sleeves made big holes in the places he walked before, dust splashed everywhere, and it was hazy.

Xia Tian said while running, "Father pays off the debt, since my dad hasn't finished dealing with it, let me finish it."

Xia Tian said seriously, biting the middle finger instead of the index finger, and drew a forbidden spell rune on the palm of his left hand, this time the rune was a little different from the previous ones, but looked like a ghost head, half a smile but not a smile , full of weirdness, this forbidden curse is called Mishen Forbidden Curse.Legend has it that this curse can destroy gods.The caster of the spell will be backlashed by the forbidden curse of destroying the gods, the light one will be seriously injured, and the severe one will die directly.It is because this forbidden spell will absorb the blood of the caster as the source of power.

(End of this chapter)

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