who got my reward

Chapter 185 Qin Muchen's Jedi Counterattack!

Chapter 185 Qin Muchen's Jedi Counterattack! (Part 3)
Jasmine raised her eyebrows.

Mei Mou looked at the official who took the initiative to take the crime, and said lightly: "Master Zhang, you have to think it over carefully, harboring this book is a felony!"

The official looked neither humble nor overbearing, and there was no panic on his face:
"Weichen is not lying. I got this book by chance in the market, so I asked Mr. Lu to investigate and find out who is disrespectful and dared to print this book!"

At this time Lu Gang also said: "Your Majesty, it is indeed the case. After Master Zhang handed over this book to me, I will immediately inquire about it."

Moli stared at him: "Although Master Lu is in a high position, there should be no need for you to investigate this kind of case, you should hand it over to our Jiuxuanmen to investigate as soon as possible.

Did Mr. Lu make a mistake on purpose for such a low-level common-sense question? "

Lu Gang apologized: "Princess Moli's lesson is that the humble official saw someone slandering Her Majesty the Queen, and was also angry for a while, so he hurriedly sent someone to investigate."

At this time, Lu Gang was completely like a fried dough stick, completely unable to find out the targeted weaknesses.

Seeing that Moli was silent, Lu Gang secretly sneered.

Little girl, you are still young!
Just when he was secretly proud, Qin Muchen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up: "Your Majesty, do you know why I forced my way into Lu's mansion and beheaded Lu Hezhu?"

"Bold, it's not your turn to speak in the court!"

an official snapped.

The queen stared at Qin Muchen with great interest, and said calmly: "Just now Moli said that you accidentally killed Lu Hezhu because you were desperate to save a girl."

"True, but... there is another reason."

Qin Muchen had a smile on his face.

"Oh? What's the reason?"

the queen asked.

Qin Muchen cupped his hands: "I have admired Her Majesty the Queen for a long time, and in my mind, Her Majesty is like a sun shining on this continent and warming the hearts of each of us.

Without Her Majesty, the world will fall into darkness, people will lose their spiritual sustenance, and I will live in endless sorrow all day long.

So Her Majesty the Empress is my Nine Profound Continent—”

"Okay, okay, young people are good at flattering and talking about business."

Leng Qingyan smiled a little, and the anger in her heart dissipated a little.

Suddenly I thought this young guy was really interesting.

The other people in the hall also looked strange, looking at Qin Muchen with contempt.

Brat, how can you be as good at flattering as we are.

Qin Muchen coughed and said loudly: "Your Majesty, what I did was actually to capture the traitors!
Because my admiration for you is like a torrent of water, so whenever I see a rebel around, I will be extremely angry, and I wish I could kill all the rebels in the world! "

"According to what you said, you mean Master Lu is a traitor?"

The queen's voice was a little cold, and her sharp eyes stared at Qin Muchen through the bead curtain. "Above the court, if you talk nonsense without evidence, I will never forgive you!"

Lu Gang shouted: "Your Majesty has learned from you, I am loyal to you, to the empire, and have no second thoughts!
If this little thief dares to slander me, he is slandering Your Majesty! "

Qin Muchen smiled brightly: "Lord Lu, don't cry in a hurry, because I have evidence... to prove that you are a traitor!!"

what! ?

Everyone was shocked when they heard Qin Muchen's words.

Even the queen was stunned.

You must know that although Lu Gang has minor problems and his son is relatively dandy, he has been loyal to the empire for so many years, and has helped the empire wipe out many rebels.

If he is a traitor, it would be...too dreamy!

"Hmph, nonsense, if you have evidence to prove that Mr. Lu is a traitor, then a sow can climb a tree!"

Princess Qingling sneered.

Moli frowned, staring at Qin Muchen with questioning and worried eyes.

Seeing Qin Muchen nodding to comfort her, Moli was still a little uneasy, feeling that Qin Muchen was being reckless.

"You said you have evidence, what evidence?"

the queen asked.

Qin Muchen smiled and said, "If I can prove that Lu Gang is a traitor, then...can Your Majesty exempt me from the crime?"

The queen said: "Of course, if you really have this ability, not only will I not punish you, but I will reward you heavily, and even give you a small job!"

"His Majesty the Empress is holy!"

Qin Muchen flattered again.

He walked up to Moli, took the book from the other party's hand, and held it up high: "You all must know this book, it's not a simple book."

Master Zhang said coldly: "Of course we know that this book contains contents that slander Her Majesty the Empress, and we don't need you to remind us."


A cold glow appeared in Qin Muchen's eyes. "I mean, this is not an 'easy' book!
There is a big secret hidden in this book, and I only discovered it not long ago. This secret... is enough to prove to me that Mr. Lu is a traitor! "

Lu Gang remained silent, with a look of disdain on his face, but his body trembled slightly.

"Bring me a basin of water first."

Qin Muchen said to the guard.

The guard didn't dare to move, and he didn't rush to fetch water until the queen said "sure".

Soon, a basin of water came.

Qin Muchen slowly put the book in his hand into the water basin, and when the book was completely soaked, Qin Muchen took out the book again.

Then he turned to a page and carefully opened it.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Qin Muchen had a thin sheet of paper in his hand.

After seeing the paper, Lu Gang was stunned, his face turned pale instantly, his hands tightly gripped the clothes, veins appeared on the back of his hands.

"Princess Moli, please take a look, what is this?"

Qin Muchen handed over the paper.

After reading it, Moli gasped, stared at Lu Gang with her beautiful eyes, and said coldly: "I am the only one in the world! This is the identity order of the followers of the Heavenly Killing Sect!

And the name on it belongs to Mr. Lu Gang Lu. "

As soon as these words came out, the pot exploded immediately.

Those ministers were all terrified by this situation, and looked at Lu Gang with complicated expressions, both regretful and angry.

"Nonsense! Someone framed me! Your Majesty, someone framed me!!"

Lu Gang roared loudly.


Qin Muchen laughed, and stared at Lu Gang gloomily. "Lord Lu, you are the only one who knows whether you were framed or not.

In addition, Master Lu please take off your clothes, because there are a few words written on the inside of your legs, which must be enough to prove that you are a traitor! ! "


Lu Gang's mind went blank, and his lips trembled violently: "You...you..."

Seeing the other party like this, Qin Muchen smiled.

Know that Lu Gang is over!

So how did he make sure that there were interlayers in the book, and how did he make sure that there were words on the other party's body?
In fact, when the book was in front of him, he turned on the scanning mode and found that the book had interlayers, but he didn't tell Moli, because he was waiting for this moment!
 ps: Thank you for the rewards of 'Sorrowful Bean Sprouts', '*second*', 'Murloc's Life emm', 'LONG', thank you guys for your rewards, and thank you for your recommendation tickets... Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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