who got my reward

Chapter 186 Thick-skinned Lao Qin!

Chapter 186 Thick-skinned Lao Qin!

There was a dead silence in the hall, and a needle could be heard falling.

Lu Gang's face was pale, and his seemingly burly body was trembling because of fear. Beads of sweat fell drop by drop, and the clothes on his back were completely soaked.

How can it be!

how can that be!

He couldn't understand why Qin Muchen knew that there were interlayers in that book.

The most evil thing, why does that guy know that there is writing on the inside of his thigh?Does this guy have clairvoyant eyes?


Leng Qingyan's voice was extremely cold.

Lu Gang trembled, knelt on the ground and moved forward, while kowtowing desperately: "Your Majesty, I am wronged, I am wronged!!"

Several female guards stepped forward, grabbed Lu Gang's arm, and wanted to take off his clothes.


Suddenly, Lu Gang let out a roar, and a wave of violent energy swept away and directly sent the guards and Zhen Fei away.

Like a ghost, he rushed towards Leng Qingyan!

Yes, he did not run away!Because this is the imperial palace, he couldn't escape at all, so he just tore his face directly, trying to catch the empress Leng Qingyan.

Everyone understands the principle of capturing the thief before capturing the king!
And when he kowtowed just now, he intentionally or unintentionally narrowed the distance with the queen, causing the surrounding guards to be Moli and other ministers, even if they rescued each other, it was too late!
Rumor has it that Her Majesty the Empress is unparalleled in strength and is the number one expert in the Nine Profound Continent!

At the beginning, there were so many clan bosses who refused to accept the royal family, and the reason why they surrendered in the end was that Leng Qingyan defeated them one by one!

But Lu Gang planned to fight.

In the past few years, he had vaguely heard a secret from the palace, saying that the queen would occasionally suffer from a strange illness and become very weak.

Although he doesn't know if this secret is true or not, but judging from the fact that the queen has never made a move for so many years, Lu Gang has great confidence, proving that the queen's strength may have regressed.

He has a chance to capture the Supreme Empress!

Seeing that Lu Gang was so bold and dared to assassinate Her Majesty the Empress above the main hall, everyone was shocked and rushed to escort him.

Moli swept her body and rushed forward.

And Qin Muchen also subconsciously summoned the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, stabbing towards Lu Gang.

"Catch the Dragon Claw!"

With a flick of Lu Gang's wrist, the spatial ripples exploded like a firecracker, creating a small crack in the ripples, faintly bringing forth the sound of wind and thunder.

The majestic killing intent emanating directly stagnated the people who came to escort him for a few minutes.

Psychic period!
Feeling the bursting strength of the opponent, everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Master Lu, who usually prides himself on his strength in the Nirvana stage, would deliberately hide his strength. This scheming is too deep!

The bead curtain in front of the dragon chair was instantly lifted.

Revealed the true face of Her Majesty the Queen.

She didn't wear a dragon robe, but a very ordinary dark blue dress, outlining a moving and beautiful figure.

At first glance, it looks like a noble woman.

Her long ink-like hair was casually draped without a bun, and the only accessory was the pair of slightly swaying crystal clear earrings, reflecting the bright brilliance.

"What a nice view……"

Although deep in his heart he had already imagined the real face of Her Majesty the Empress, Qin Muchen was amazed to see that beautiful cheek that did not belong to Yun Ruoshui Moli at all.

At the same time, there was an inexplicable sense of kindness in his heart.

I always feel that there is a strange attraction on the other party, not the attraction between men and women, but some emotion that seems to be boiling in the blood.

At this moment, that beautiful cheek was covered with frost.

Even in the face of the incoming threat, the empress still sat peacefully, her eyes like autumn water revealed a trace of supercilious arrogance and disdain.


Just when Lu Gang thought he was going to take down the queen, he suddenly found that he couldn't move his body.

Not only him, but other people in the hall were also imprisoned by an extreme and majestic invisible force, unable to move.

Lu Gang was horrified.

He stared in horror at the woman sitting on the dragon chair in front of him.

Even though the distance between the two was less than two meters, this distance was like heaven and earth, shattering his previous fantasies, hopes and confidence.

He even felt that he was not as good as an ant in front of the other party!

It turns out...she is so strong.

Lu Gang was extremely bitter.

"It seems that there is no need to investigate, you are indeed a member of the Zhutian Sect."

Leng Qingyan lazily sat sideways on the dragon chair, with her left arm resting on the armrest beside her, she gently supported her jade cheek with the back of her hand, and stared at Lu Gang with great interest.

This look lacked a bit of the majesty of the queen, and added a bit of contempt for the enemy.

"It's hard for you to help me catch a lot of rebels before."

Leng Qingyan said lightly. "There's a saying, I don't want my child to be caught by a wolf. In order to win my trust, you Tianzhu Sect really took great pains."

Lu Gang said coldly: "It's up to you whether you want to kill or cut!"

"Tell me, how many people from the Tianzhu Sect are there in this court, such as the Master Zhang who took the blame for you just now?"

Leng Qingyan's beautiful eyes looked at Mr. Zhang who had already looked ashen in the hall.

At this moment, Lord Zhang couldn't move, felt the killing intent, and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, please forgive me, I... I don't know that Lord Lu is a traitor, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"is it?"

Killing intent flashed across Leng Qingyan's eyes, and she lightly tapped the chair with her fingers.

As if his body had been hit by a heavy hammer, Mr. Zhang flew to the outside of the Golden Luan Hall, and then exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

Everyone was shocked.

The queen's strength is still so perverted.

Qin Muchen gritted his teeth, and said secretly: "This empress has a cleanliness habit. She is afraid of dirtying her golden palace even if she kills someone. I can't afford it, I can't afford it."

Looking at the terrified Lu Gang, Leng Qingyan's voice was indifferent: "Once a person stays in the warm nest for a long time, he will be reluctant to part with everything he has. In fact, you don't want to die, and you don't want to die.

I will give you a chance to live, as long as you truthfully recruit everything you know, I will save you from death, how about it? "

Lu Gang was struggling fiercely in his heart.

Just when he made up his mind to speak, suddenly, his eyes slowly shattered like glass, and a few strands of blood floated out.

Seeing this scene, the queen's pupils shrank, and she stretched out her jade hand to condense a light blue halo to protect the opponent inside.

But unfortunately it was still a step too late.

Seeing the vitality disappear from Lu Gang's eyes, Leng Qingyan slowly closed her eyes, and sighed: "The curse of killing the heart, once you betray, you will die without a whole body!"

With a wave of his arm, he threw Lu Gang's body outside the Jinluan Hall.

Leng Qingyan murmured: "Who is the person behind the Tianzhu Sect? Such a profound and unpredictable technique, even I, I am afraid that I should be afraid of it."

At this time, others also regained their freedom.

Looking at Lu Gang's corpse outside the hall, they all had complicated expressions.

"Moli, continue the investigation and apprehend all the people in the Lu family!" Leng Qingyan said lightly.


Moli replied in a deep voice.

"As for you..."

Leng Qingyan looked at Qin Muchen and smiled lightly. "Your sin will be forgiven, what reward do you want?"

Hearing this, Qin Muchen said solemnly: "The grassroots are loyal to the queen, and killing the rebels is what people of my generation should do. As for rewards or not, it doesn't matter.

To be honest, the first time I saw Her Majesty the Queen, it was like seeing my own mother. From now on, Her Majesty the Queen will send me.

Caomin is willing to dedicate his meager life and strength to Her Majesty the Queen! "

Hearing Qin Muchen's words, everyone was speechless.

How thick-skinned.

Leng Qingyan smiled slightly: "Little slick, it seems that he wants to be an official."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I will do my best to solve your majesty's worries and problems, and live up to the grace! Long live, long live, long live!"

Qin Muchen knelt down and said.

Leng Qingyan: "..."

It seems that I haven't said what kind of official I want to make him.

(End of this chapter)

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