Chapter 188 This Man Is Too Talented 2

His face was red and his eyes flickered.

"No...not...I mean..." She tried to explain, but she hesitated.

Of course Lou Yi understood what she meant, but he really wanted to take it off because he was really hot, but he couldn't really take it off.

Turning his face away pretending not to care, he secretly adjusted his breathing, and said calmly, "It's okay, just do it naturally."

Shu Rao nodded quickly, like a chicken pecking rice, "Okay, okay!"

He pursed his lips, not knowing what else to talk about, this was the first time he encountered such an embarrassing situation, it was as bad as it could be.

Lou Yi wasn't much better, but as a man, especially as a soldier, he was more calm after all, stroking the outer wall of the teacup with his fingers, and asked in a deep voice, "Did Xinxin not cause any trouble these days?"

Shu Rao shook her head quickly, "No, she is learning English recently, she is quite obedient."

"Learn English?" Lou Yi couldn't help raising his eyebrows. The little devil hates studying the most, especially ABC. Why is he so motivated all of a sudden?
Shu Rao explained, "She likes to read "Harry Potter", but the book is in the original English version. In order to understand it, she had to learn it."

Lou Yi couldn't help but smile, this is a good way!

Shu Rao couldn't help but smile too. In fact, although the little devil is a bit naughty, he is actually quite sensible, but he can be a little noisy.

The atmosphere got a little better, and it wasn't so awkward anymore. Shu Rao picked up the teacup herself and took a sip, but found that Lou Yi didn't drink anymore. She reminded, "The tea is not too hot anymore. , you can drink."

Lou Yi's heart was buzzing, if possible, he would like to drink ice water.

Picking up the teacup, he reluctantly took another sip. The water was already warm, but to him, it still felt like boiling.

Shu Rao suddenly remembered the matter of paying back the money, immediately put down the teacup, and made an excuse and said, "Sisi is sleeping, I'll go and see her, you sit down!"

Lou Yi nodded slightly and smiled politely.

Shu Rao got up embarrassingly, hurried back to her room, and closed the door behind her backhand.

Lou Yi also stood up immediately, strode to the window, opened the window, and wanted to take advantage of the outside air to cool down her abnormal body temperature.

It's obviously not the age of youth, but why is it still so restless?Is it because the scene today is too exciting, or is it because he hasn't had any contact with women in these years?

Shu Rao opened the drawer, took out the money that had been prepared, beat a small drum in her heart, and walked back to the living room slowly.

Seeing Lou Yi standing in front of the window, her footsteps suddenly stopped, and she clearly saw him wiping his sweat!
Her heart skipped a beat suddenly, no, no way, he is very hot?Is it... because of her?
Oh my God, how could she have such a thought?According to his conditions, she has never seen such a beautiful country, what is she thinking wildly!

Lou Yi sensed someone behind him and turned around slowly.

"What's wrong?" He saw her dumbfounded expression.

Shu Rao suddenly regained consciousness, raised her head to meet his clear eyes, suddenly felt a little guilty, her breathing was messed up again, her ears were burning hot, and her face turned even redder.

God... She secretly exclaimed in her heart.

She didn't know why she was blushing, whether it was because of embarrassment, or because of her random thoughts just now.

When a 15-year-old girl blushes, everyone thinks she is pure and cute, but she is still blushing at the age of 25, seems a bit too immature, right?
She quickly shook her head, shook off the messy thoughts in her mind, and said softly, "No, nothing."

Lou Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw a blush on her fair cheeks, an inexplicable throbbing in his chest again, he quickly restrained his abnormal breathing rate, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

Shu Rao bit her lip lightly and walked towards him, holding the money tightly in her hand.

"The clothes from last time..." she muttered.

Lou Yi quickly understood what she was going to say, and her Adam's apple moved slightly in an imperceptible arc, with a half-smile on her face.

Shu Rao was very embarrassed, but had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know that the clothes were so expensive and cost you a must accept the money!"

She reached out and handed over the money.

Lou Yi frowned subconsciously, of course he wouldn't want it, but she seemed to be very persistent, she was silent, didn't answer, and said instead, "Xinxin has been bothering you and Xingchen for so long, this is my little Make up your mind."

Shu Rao shook her head again and again, "No, no, no..."

Before he finished speaking, the doorbell rang again, and this time it was the little devil who had returned.

Shu Rao was very annoyed, this little devil didn't come back when he was supposed to come back, what kind of trouble did he come back now?

She turned to open the door, and the little devil rushed in like a locomotive, "Niuer...ah, Dad? You're back!"

After seeing Lou Yi, the little devil immediately ran over. Lou Yi saw her rampage, and couldn't help sighing, but the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised a little, "Xinxin..."

The little devil was ecstatic, shook Lou Yi's arm and said, "Dad, I miss you so much! When did you come?"

Lou Yi grabbed her restless little hand and said dotingly, "I just arrived, but I came to pick you up as soon as the military exercise was over, are you satisfied?"

The little devil grinned, overjoyed, "Dad, take me to the bookstore tonight, I want to buy the complete works of Harry Potter!"

The corner of Lou Yi's mouth twitched, you missed me because of this, right?
The little devil giggled, turned around and grabbed Shu Rao, and said, "Girl, you go too! Let's watch a movie by the way! By the way, put on the dress you bought last time!"

A row of crows flew over Shu Rao's head, why didn't this kid open which pot and which pot to lift?But... about watching a movie, what she said last time should be fulfilled by now, right?But today is really embarrassing!

Lou Yi was also a little hesitant, he had already agreed last time, but today is obviously not suitable, but if he behaves too preoccupied, it seems to be out of style, and it will embarrass the girls even more, he hesitated, and finally Said, "Then let's go together, and you can help Xinxin choose books by the way, I don't know anything about Harry Potter."

After hearing what he said, Shu Rao had no choice but to agree.

Soon, Ye Xingchen came back from get off work, she discussed with Shu Rao, and decided to invite Lou Yi to eat outside, because there was no water at home, so it was inconvenient to cook.

The hospitality was hard to turn down, and Lou Yi was too embarrassed to refuse, so a group of five went downstairs and took a taxi to the restaurant.

The place was chosen by the little devil. It is a self-service restaurant. The two children ate very happily, and they liked those little cakes very much.

Shu Rao made a secret decision in her heart to open a cake shop by herself after the Chinese New Year.

These days, she has learned a lot of related consultations, and even signed up online and took a course. She has a foundation for making cakes and pastries, but after all, she hasn't done it for a long time and needs to learn something new , These days, she has already explored almost.

The little devil was very farsighted and asked, "Girl, what name do you plan to name your cake shop?"

Shu Rao shook her head, "I haven't thought about it yet, just pick one at random, something fragrant and warm."

The little devil waved his hand, "No, no, it's too vulgar! Let me get you one! How about calling it Shuxin Cake Shop?"

(End of this chapter)

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