Chapter 189 Playing the Piano 1
"Shu Xin?" Shu Rao raised her eyebrows, it's really good, it makes customers feel comfortable and satisfied, the meaning is very good, and it also contains her surname, which is much better than Shu's.

"It sounds good, right?" The little devil was proud.

"Not bad!"

The little devil secretly laughed, Shu Xinxin refers to her Lou Xinxin, so they are a mother-daughter combination, yay, long live!

After finishing the meal, several people left the restaurant together. Turn left and not far away is a large bookstore. The little devil is scrambling to buy "Harry Potter". The little girl bought a few more books for reading and writing with pictures, so the group of five went to the bookstore again.

The little devil successfully bought the complete works of "Harry Potter", a total of seven volumes, and Shu Rao rushed to pay. Although it was only a few hundred yuan, it was still a little favor to Lou Yi.

After leaving the bookstore, Shu Rao checked the time. It was just right to go to a movie. There was a good movie theater across the road. The five people went there again, but they were divided into two groups. Hall A and Hall B played movies at the same time. But it's different, hall A is war movies, hall B is cartoons, obviously, Ye Xingchen wants to take Sisi to watch cartoons, and the little devil is also rebellious, he doesn't watch war movies, he insists on watching cartoons, so Shu Rao and Lou Yi looked at each other.

Of course Shu Rao knew that Lou Yi wanted to watch a war movie last time, if she didn't go with him, it would be as if she broke her promise and backtracked, which would be weird.

Lou Yi can also choose to watch cartoons, but in that case, it seems that he minds the two of them being alone. It feels too deliberate, and it will embarrass the girls, which is very bad.

So the two of them went through some psychological struggles and entered Hall A together.

In the pitch-black screening hall, there were quite a lot of people, and the seats were basically full, because they bought the tickets on a temporary basis without any advance reservations or group purchases, so the location was not very good, it was at the back, third from the bottom The first row, and it's very biased, are two seats next to the aisle.

After the two found their seats, they were about to sit down when Lou Yi stretched out his hand to gently hold Shu Rao, and said in a deep voice, "I'll sit inside."

Shu Rao stopped and gave him the seat inside without thinking too much, but the audience in the front and back rows had some opinions, several couples were couples, and the men unanimously cast contemptuous glances at Lou Yi, The women are even more aggrieved, the good position should be given to the girlfriend!

Lou Yi looked sideways, looked at Shu Rao, and explained in a low voice, "Actually, these two positions are similar, but if there is a fire or some accident, it is more convenient for you to sit on the side to escape."

Shu Rao was a little dumbfounded, moved and adored, this man is so thoughtful!
The two sat down quietly, waiting for the movie to start.

After Lou Yi sat down, she immediately took out her phone and set it to vibrate, obviously afraid that the ringtone would ring halfway and disturb others.

Shu Rao was immediately in awe, and a wave of admiration suddenly rose in his heart, no, it was worship, my God, this man is so talented!

He quickly followed suit, took out his phone, and set the ringer to vibrate.

Stuffing the phone back into her bag, she straightened her shoulders, feeling an inexplicable "I'm great" sense of pride, really... amazing!
She couldn't help thinking, how could this be near Zhu Zhechi?

From the corner of the eye, he sneaked a glance at his side, the two bars of four stars on his shoulders were so dazzling.

The movie started soon. Like other ordinary girls, Shu Rao is not very interested in war-themed movies. The most impressive ones are "Tunnel Warfare" and "Mineral Warfare", so I am not interested. But seeing the man beside her watching so intently, she also forced herself to be more serious, unexpectedly, she really took a look at it.

When she saw a revolutionary soldier in the movie, in order to save his comrades, his heart was pierced by an enemy bullet and he fell slowly, tears immediately came to his eyes.

The girl in the front row also cried, and buried her head in her boyfriend's chest, crying loudly, while the man hugged his girlfriend tightly, taking advantage of the opportunity, and the two began to flirt with each other.

Shu Rao stared, held back tears, and secretly glanced at the man beside him, only to see Lou Yi's serious face, still focused on the heroic plot in the movie, and then looked at the pair in front, She immediately shook her head and sighed, she didn't know if she didn't compare, but she could see it when she compared, look at the one next to her, he deserves to be a real soldier, with real revolutionary sentiments!
The movie ended with the victory of the Red Army. The audience got up one after another, and the popcorn cones were left on the ground. Lou Yi slowly looked away, and realized that they didn't even buy a bottle of water. He said apologetically to Shu Rao, "I'm sorry. , do you find it boring?"

"No, no." Shu Rao shook her head again and again, how could she be bored, her entire soul has been sublimated!

She smiled slightly, but that smile made Lou Yi a little stunned.

After leaving the screening room, the next-door hall B has not yet finished. It is said that the cartoon is the latest 3D blockbuster released by Hollywood. It lasts three and a half hours, and there is still more than an hour to finish. Shu Rao and Lou Yi can only wait. But they couldn't just wait, the two discussed it and decided to go for a walk around.

After leaving the cinema, the sky outside was completely dark, and the neon lights were shining, forming a sea of ​​lights from a distance, which was very beautiful.

I didn't know where to go, so I just walked casually along the road where the cinema is located. The breeze is gentle and very pleasant.

On the sidewalk, people passed by from time to time, most of them were couples holding hands side by side, and there were also small groups of high school students, apparently just going home after evening self-study.

Shu Rao noticed that many students were holding milk tea in their hands, and the patterns on the cups were all the same, obviously from a store. She couldn't help but wonder why milk tea is so popular?
She has researched that there are many cake shops that also sell milk tea and other drinks. Although the profit is relatively small, if the sales volume is good, the income is good, and the milk tea is easy to make. It takes up a lot of space and can be more profitable. Most importantly, she can also make milk tea, and occasionally cooks it at home. Xingchen said that the taste is better than those sold outside. If she studies more, she can have another profitable project up.

Lou Yi noticed that Shu Rao had been staring at her cup, thinking she wanted to drink, and remembered that he didn't even buy a bottle of water for her when they were watching a movie, so she quickly stopped several students passing by and asked He said, "Excuse me, where did you buy this milk tea?"

Several students, both male and female, stopped in their tracks. A male student was about to answer, but several girls screamed in unison, "Wow... so handsome!"

Lou Yi was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't expect that the current students would be so bold and yell like this in the street, his handsome face was slightly embarrassed.

Shu Rao was also taken aback by them, but couldn't help laughing, and turned to look at the man beside him. He had black hair like ink, and was wearing a neat olive green military uniform. The two stripes of four stars on his shoulders were particularly dazzling. On his face, there are deep eyes... Well, he is quite handsome!
"Brother Liberation Army, your four-star is a senior colonel, right?" A girl was very excited, with love in her eyes.

"Brother Liberation Army, you see it's so late now, can you take me home?" Another girl was even more excited.

The boys on the side couldn't help but collapse, and whispered, "Can you stop embarrassing our school?"

A few girls ignored them and went forward to surround Lou Yi, "Brother Liberation Army, can you leave a phone number?"

(End of this chapter)

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