Chapter 190 Playing the Piano 2
Lou Yi took two steps back slightly, and smiled awkwardly, "I just want to ask, where did you buy this milk tea?"

"Brother Liberation Army, give me your phone number first, and I'll tell you later!" A girl smiled slyly.

"Yes, yes, I can take you there to buy it!" The other girls also booed.

The boys couldn't listen anymore, and directly punctured the pink fantasies of the girls, "Hey, hey, my military wife is standing beside me!"

He pointed at Shu Rao.

Military Wife?

Only then did the girls realize Shu Rao's existence, and their eyes widened.

Shu Rao's face turned red, she no longer wanted to read a joke, and was so embarrassed that she didn't know what to do.

Lou Yi was also slightly taken aback, the smile on the corner of her lips froze.

A boy said kindly, "Brother Liberation Army, sister-in-law, if you want to buy milk tea, hurry up, the milk tea shop will be closed soon, just turn right 200 meters ahead."

After speaking, they dragged a few girls and left quickly.

Shu Rao froze in place, her pretty face flushed, and Lou Yi was silent for a few seconds, then she looked back at a leisurely pace, and said two words softly, "Let's go."

The two continued to walk forward, and after walking about 200 meters, they saw a milk tea shop.

The shop is not big, the signboard is very new, it looks like it is newly opened, but it is very popular, it is almost closed, but there is still a long queue outside.

Shu Rao couldn't help being curious, and hurried over to line up, while Lou Yi stood aside and waited.

Shu Rao looked into the window while queuing up, obviously trying to steal the teacher, Lou Yi finally realized that she didn't just want to drink a cup of milk tea, couldn't help smiling, and felt admiration for her hard work in her heart, There are not many girls who work so hard and learn so much nowadays, and he also knows something about her family, so he admires her self-improvement even more.

However, unfortunately, the girl in front of Shu Rao bought the last cup of milk tea, and the boss said apologetically, "Sorry, Miss, we are closed."

Shu Rao was very disappointed, staring at the milk tea machine eagerly, and couldn't help begging, "Boss, can you make me another cup? I've been waiting for a long time."

The boss shook his head, "Miss, I'm really sorry, I make this milk tea in one pot, you only buy one cup, what do you do with the rest, I have to close the shop immediately."

Shu Rao thought for a while, and a pot of milk tea was about twenty cups. She bought it all and took it home. It would be fine to store it in the refrigerator for two days, so she quickly said, "Boss, can I buy it all? Help me make another pot!"

The boss still shook his head, "Miss, it's not about money, but about time. Let me tell you the truth, my daughter is upstairs waiting for me to practice piano with her. I'm going to call it a day. If I don't go up, she Refuse to play!"

"Play the piano?" Lou Yi suddenly interjected.

The boss closed the booth and said, "Yes, my daughter is going to participate in the piano competition next month, but she is not in a good state recently, and said that this time the competition is not good, so she will not practice in the future, but she has been studying for a long time. , the cost of learning the piano is so expensive, I can’t give up halfway, I have to go to work during the day, sell milk tea at night, and my wife goes to the restaurant to wash dishes, and it’s all for her, hey!”

Shu Rao pursed her lips, feeling sympathetic and touched in her heart, she really felt sorry for the parents of the world.

"Okay then, I'll come and line up early tomorrow."

The boss quickly informed and said, "Miss, I'm sorry, I will be closed from tomorrow, and I will continue to open after my daughter finishes the competition."

Shu Rao couldn't help but frowned slightly, so wouldn't she have to wait for a long time?After the Chinese New Year, she will be busy with opening a store, so she probably doesn't have time.However, it can't be difficult.

Lou Yi suddenly said, "Boss, I can play the piano, why don't I go up to practice with your daughter, if you think it's okay, you can help us make another pot of milk tea, how about it?"

Hearing this, the boss was slightly taken aback, and Shu Rao was also surprised, he can play the piano?

"Father, come quickly!" The little girl's voice came from upstairs.

The boss quickly put down the things in his hands, wiped his apron with his hands, saw that Lou Yi was wearing a military uniform, looked good, and was upright, so he trusted her, so he said, "Then try it, it's best to guide her. "

"I'll try my best." Lou Yi promised.

The boss opened the small door next to him, and invited Shu Rao and Lou Yi to go in, "Come in!"

The two followed the boss up the narrow stairs to the second floor. This is a small attic where the boss's family of three lived without any furniture. A grand piano was placed in the center of the floor. The girl sat in front of the piano with a troubled expression on her face.

Music should be enjoyed, but at this moment, the little child is already under pressure.

The boss asked Lou Yi to play a song first. Lou Yi smiled at the little girl, then sat beside her, with his hands on the keyboard, tried a few notes lightly, and then his fingers flew like a twirl. Instantly flows from the fingertips.

The light from the roof shone down, covering his face in a halo, making him extraordinarily hazy, yet extraordinarily handsome.

This kind of him is like the prince charming in a fairy tale, so gentle, but the straight military uniform on his body makes him so strong and resolute, more like a knight, with a dignified appearance.

Shu Rao didn't know anything about the piano, so she just looked at him quietly and listened quietly. She thought the music was very pleasant, like a gurgling stream, clear and clear, flowing slowly through her heart.

The little girl also gradually became obsessed with listening to the beautiful melody. The expression on the little face relaxed unconsciously, and the boss smiled gratifiedly.

The sound of the piano ding ding dong dong, the whole world is pure and beautiful.

At the end of the song, the ending notes were lively like elves dancing in the forest, and the beautiful tune drew a perfect ending in the air. He slowly raised his head and turned around.

"How is it?" A deep and gentle voice.

"It sounds good!" The little girl couldn't help applauding, with an expectant expression on her face, "Uncle, can I play as well as you?"

Lou Yi smiled lightly, and said encouragingly, "As long as you practice a lot and don't think about anything when you play the piano, just think about the notes, you will play better than Uncle."

The little girl immediately smiled, and covered the keyboard with a pair of small hands, and the notes of ding ding dong dong sounded again, and she was extremely happy.

Lou Yi occasionally helped her correct it, the sound of the piano was melodious, like a dream.

The boss burst into tears of gratitude, and quickly said, "I'll go down and help you make milk tea!"

Shu Rao was overjoyed, and followed downstairs, but when she reached the stairs, she suddenly turned around, feeling a little bit reluctant for no reason.

In the small attic, the lights were on and the piano was shining. That tall and straight figure was sitting quietly.

She was stunned, then put away her thoughts, turned around and went downstairs to watch the boss how to make milk tea, secretly imitating, the sound of the piano upstairs was always heard.

More than half an hour later, the milk tea was ready. The boss poured a pot of milk tea into small cups and sealed them with a machine. Twenty cups of milk tea were packed into two big bags. He took a straw and packed them together. , handed them.

Shu Rao stretched out her hand to pick it up, but Lou Yi took the first step. She was slightly startled, and didn't fight any more. She took out her wallet and gave the money to the boss. Lou Yi also knew that she wanted to pay back the money for the dress, so she didn't talk to her. scramble.

The boss refused repeatedly, and refused to accept the money, "No need, you have done me a big favor today, this milk tea is just a little bit of my heart, no money!"

"How can I do that? You are doing business!" Shu Rao insisted on paying.

(End of this chapter)

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