Chapter 2 Emergency Surgery

Seven years later.

After Ye Xingchen finished washing, he changed into a neat uniform. The shirt had been ironed twice, the edges of the skirt were straight, and even the pumps on his feet were spotless. A smiling face appeared in the mirror, with only a slight oozing from his forehead. Thin sweat, slightly spoiled the beauty.

Although it was still early in the morning, Yunchuan, a southern city, had already kicked off the scorching heat. The climate here was completely different from BJ's. After seven years, she still couldn't get used to it, but she didn't regret coming here.

Shortly after her parents' funeral seven years ago, she was facing the most important college entrance examination in her life. When she filled out her volunteer application, she chose the Military Medical University without hesitation, determined to become a soldier.

In a blink of an eye, seven years have passed, and the undergraduate and master's studies have reached the last semester. From today, she is a member of the military hospital. Although she is only an intern, she is still very happy, and finally waited for this day up.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Ye Xingchen reported to the military hospital on time. She was assigned to the cardiothoracic surgery department. This department is not as busy as the general surgery department, but most of the patients who come here are seriously ill.

Around two in the afternoon, there was an emergency.

"Xingchen, hurry to the operating room, there is a patient who needs your surgery!" Deputy Director Li hurriedly pushed the door and entered with an extremely solemn expression.

Ye Xingchen was surprised, she was just a new intern, how could she be the chief surgeon?
"Deputy Director Li, I..." She quickly explained, but as soon as she opened her mouth, a group of soldiers in camouflage uniforms poured out at the door of the office.

"Doctor! Where is the doctor?"

"Doctor, help! Help our squad leader!"

"Doctor, please..."

The soldiers were all covered in heavy ink and color, and there was something flowing on those resolute faces, and it was hard to tell whether it was sweat or tears.

Ye Xingchen was surrounded by them, she saw a group of predators, looking at her fallen comrades, all of them had red eyes, she wanted to tell them to calm down first, but her soft voice quickly drowned out the soldiers in their noisy voices.

"Everyone back down!" Suddenly, a stern male voice broke in.

The soldiers backed away immediately after receiving the order, stood at attention, and saluted in unison, "Battalion Commander!"

Ye Xingchen turned her head to look at the door. Because of the backlight, she couldn't see the man's face clearly at once. She only saw him in a solemn and straight military uniform, with two bars and two stars on his shoulders, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, stepping on the marble floor step by step with his military boots on. There was a sound of knocking up and down, and the steps were steady and powerful, making people's breathing tense unconsciously.

As the footsteps got closer, the man's clear face gradually came into her eyes.

His figure is tall and straight, his facial features are profound, and his face has rigid lines like asceticism. He is the type that makes a woman reluctant to leave her sight after just one glance. Her heart is inevitably shocked, but it is not a heartbeat. It was as if his chest was tightly grasped by something, and he couldn't breathe.

How is he?

(End of this chapter)

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