Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 200 Why is there no door in the bathroom 1

Chapter 200 Why is there no door in the bathroom 1
The little devil didn't dare to say directly, what if she scared the girl away, so she had to take it easy!
"Girl, don't worry, I know a lot of good uncles in this barracks, and I'll find them for you!"

Shu Rao pampered her little head, and said softly, "Stop talking nonsense, eat quickly, it's getting cold!"

The little devil took another mouthful of rice with a spoon and stuffed it into his mouth. He ate a few more mouthfuls of vegetables and ate all the food. After eating, he put the spoon away and pushed the lunch box to the side. He looked like a cat. He slumped lazily on a chair.

Shu Rao also finished eating, picked up her used lunch box, and planned to wash it together with the little devil's.

Standing up, he took out a tissue from his bag and wiped the table, then wandered around and found dish soap on the locker in the corner, carrying the dish soap and two lunch boxes out of the office.

There is no faucet in the office, you need to take it to the sink at the end of the corridor to wash, there is a slogan on the sink... save every drop of water!

When the faucet was turned, the water was icy cold. She couldn't help sighing, this army is really hard and simple. The winter in BJ is so cold, and the soldiers have to wash and rinse with cold water. It's really not easy!

A feeling of admiration and reverence involuntarily rose in my heart.

First washed the little devil's spoon and lunch box, and put them on the edge of the sink after washing, and then washed the one on the wing of the building, but only halfway through the washing, there were footsteps behind her, and she turned her head subconsciously.

Lou Yi frowned subconsciously, and hurried forward to take the lunch box in her hand, and said, "I'll wash it, the water is very cold, don't touch it."

"No, no, I'll do it!" Shu Rao refused again and again, she was given a meal, and after she finished eating, she asked him to wash the dishes?That's too embarrassing!

Lou Yi didn't listen to her, and became domineering in a rare way, and grabbed the lunch box with his hand, which was completely beyond Shu Rao's expectation. In his impression, Lou Yi was a gentle and polite person, but he never thought that he also had such a domineering side. !
"Uh..." With his hand empty, Shu Rao was speechless in surprise.

Lou Yi also realized that she had been rude, and was a little embarrassed, but she insisted on her own opinion and explained, "Girls' hands should be well protected, don't make them rough."

Shu Rao was slightly taken aback, although she knew he had no other intentions, but such concern still made her feel warm, and she bent her eyes.

Well, domineering and gentle!

The two were talking, when suddenly footsteps came from behind, accompanied by an obviously deliberate cough, "Cough..."

Shu Rao didn't know why, but Lou Yi immediately recognized that it was Political Commissar Wang's voice, and Jun Rong blushed suddenly. Xiao Ming must have called to complain, so he had to apologize to Political Commissar Wang instead of the little devil!

"Political Commissar Wang..." He opened his mouth as soon as he turned around, but he didn't know that Political Commissar Wang didn't even look at him. He smiled and looked at Shu Rao like a flower, and asked, "What is your surname, girl?" ?”

Shu Rao was taken aback, a little flattered, since the moment she entered the barracks, she had been paid too much attention by everyone, but she was the first one to smile so brightly!But think about it, those little soldiers before were all lower in rank than Lou Yi, and it was the first time they met her, so naturally they didn't dare to be too arrogant, so they usually just had fun, but this is the political commissar?No wonder, leader!
She quickly said hello, and then replied modestly, "Miangui's surname is Shu, Shu Rao."

Commissar Wang silently read it twice in his heart, um, remember!I will announce the good news to Commander Lou in a while!

In fact, he has been secretly watching for a long time, Lou Yi is cooking for her, and she is helping him with the dishes, it seems that the two of them get along very well!This is great, the Lou family is finally going to have a happy event!
And this girl has to look good, the washing and washing movements just now are quite skillful, she looks very virtuous at first glance, no wonder Lou Yi likes it, he is delighted to see her, she is beautiful and capable, and she will definitely be in the future Good wife and mother!

Lou Yi has been single for so many years. He himself is not in a hurry, but he, the political commissar, has so many single fighters below him, but every time the art troupe comes to perform, those slick girls always take aim at him. He is alone, and the other fighters have no chance at all. How many people's happiness has been delayed by him!It's good now, Lou Yi has a partner, and those military girls have to give up, and naturally they will give others a chance!Oh, he is not so worried as the political commissar!

It is not easy for a soldier to find a wife, so Commissar Wang regards Shu Rao directly in his heart as the goddess who saves the single soldiers of their entire division, with narrowed eyes and a very happy smile, but Shu Rao is a little nervous , the smile on his face froze.

Lou Yi was also a little uncomfortable. How could Commissar Wang not know what was going on in his mind?But what a misunderstanding!

With a light cough, he said, "Commander Wang, Xinxin fought with Xiao Ming in the cram school, I'm really sorry..."

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay, fight well, fight well! Just let that kid practice his fists and kicks!"

Lou Yi smiled awkwardly, and Shu Rao couldn't help but laugh a little bit, it was a little devil who practiced boxing and kicking, Xiao Ming had no strength to fight back at all!

Political Commissar Wang looked at the two of them, and nodded in relief. Look, the young couple have a tacit understanding!

Shu Rao suddenly felt embarrassed again, why did the expression of Commissar Wang be so meaningful?But she just laughed and said nothing, and didn't ask if you are Lou Yi's girlfriend. If you say that, she can't take the initiative to say no. This is a big misunderstanding, otherwise people will think she is not asking for it , trying to hide it!

So she had no choice but to smile without saying a word, and there was always a polite smile on the corner of her mouth, which was faint, but had a particularly reserved beauty.

Lou Yi also didn't know what to say. Political Commissar Wang has always cared about the lives of the soldiers, er, including their love life, but his eyes were so concerned, and he was silent. He really couldn't explain it. Otherwise, it seems that the girls will not be able to get off the stage!

Both of them are dumb and eat coptis, and they can't tell what they are suffering, and they stand together silently. In the eyes of Political Commissar Wang, they look like a handsome man and a beautiful woman, a natural pair!

Commissar Wang just kept smiling, and after a while, he patted Lou Yi's shoulder, and said with concern in an elder's manner, "Take good care of Xiao Rao, the conditions in this army are no different than those outside, so be more considerate! "

Xiao Rao?

The corners of Shu Rao's mouth twitched. The soldiers always go straight, so don't treat her like an outsider!

Under the eager attention of Political Commissar Wang, Lou Yi and Shu Rao walked into the office silently. As soon as the door was closed, both of them heaved a sigh of relief and looked at each other, but the blush on Shu Rao's face spread again. .

Lou Yi looked at the time, half a day had passed after dinner, and after a while the soldiers would take turns taking a bath, because there was no bathroom in his office, so he usually went to the public bath, but now he had to arrange a place for her to take a bath ah!
After thinking about it, I said to Shu Rao, "I don't have a place to take a shower here, you have to go to the public bathroom, it's not open yet at this time, you go to wash first!"

Shu Rao raised her eyes faintly, her eyes were a little erratic, going to the public bathroom?

Lou Yi said again, "Let Xinxin go with you, I'll guard you outside."

Only then did Shu Rao feel relieved, a little smile appeared in his eyes, he was really thoughtful!
"Then I'll trouble you." She said gratefully, and then turned to look at the little devil, wanting to tell her to pack up and go, but it didn't matter, the little devil, who slumped on the chair after eating, fell asleep up!
(End of this chapter)

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