Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 201 Why is there no door in the bathroom 2

Chapter 201 Why is there no door in the bathroom 2
Lou Yi couldn't help but frowned, and called softly, "Xinxin..."

The little devil didn't respond and slept like a little pig.

Lou Yi sighed softly, bent down and picked up the little devil from the chair, put her on the bed, took off her shoes, helped her adjust her posture, and then gently covered her with the quilt. The little devil grunted and rolled over to sleep more Fragrant.

Shu Rao was a little powerless at once, without the little devil accompanying her, the atmosphere would be weird!

Think about it, she is taking a bath inside, and he is guarding outside... How embarrassing it is!

Or...she won't wash?

But she hasn't taken a shower since she got on the train. It's dusty, and she's going to sleep here tonight. She doesn't even take a shower. Does it make him think she's too sloppy?And she would be embarrassed if he dirty his pillow or quilt!
This... this is really a dilemma!
Lou Yi helped the little devil tuck up the quilt again, raised his eyes slowly, and said softly, "Go and prepare something, I'll take you there."

Shu Rao pursed her lips. What he said was so natural. If she hesitated again, it seemed a bit too hypocritical. Well, just go and wash. Anyway, once the door is closed, nothing can be seen. He just Take a look at the door, don't let other unsuspecting fighters break in.

After some self-comfort, Shu Rao relaxed, picked up her bag, packed the toiletries, and went out with Lou Yi.

As soon as the door was closed, the little devil on the bed opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes were shining brightly, and the corners of his mouth curled up, smiling like a little fox!

This is always the case in TV dramas, taking a bath is the easiest way to enhance the relationship!
But as for why, she didn't quite understand, but as the saying goes, if you don't have knowledge, you need common sense, and if you don't have common sense, you need to watch more TV. You can't go wrong!

The public bathhouse turned left at the office building. After walking for a while, Shu Rao saw an independent two-story building with a very large area. Lou Yi told her that all soldiers in the army had to wash there.

At this moment, the bathhouse was not yet open, Lou Yi explained the situation to the administrator, and the administrator agreed to let them in. Lou Yi deliberately took Shu Rao to the quieter second floor. Shu Rao had no worries at all. But the more she wandered, the more flustered she became. Why is this bathhouse different from what she imagined?It's very different!

The huge space is divided into small rooms, each of which can accommodate about [-] people. The nozzles are fixed on the wall, and each one is as big as a plate. Just thinking about it, you can know that the water splash will be very big. It should be quick to take a shower, but...why there is no door in each room?Where is the door?
Shu Rao was worried, and followed Lou Yi all the time, still holding on to the last glimmer of hope in her heart, thinking that there must be a place with a door, but when she walked all the way to the end, the door she was expecting did not appear.

Lou Yi stopped slowly and saw that the person walking beside her had fallen several meters away, so she naturally knew that she was embarrassed. In fact, he was also a little bit, and this was the first time he had experienced such a thing in his life!

After a pause, he pointed to the bathroom in the corner, and said apologetically, "Just make do with it, this is already the most hidden place, and there is a curtain on the door, just put it down."

He walked to the door of the small room and put down the originally rolled up door curtain. The army green cloth curtain was clean, with only eight ones embroidered on it.

Shu Rao swallowed, this is really simple enough!
She had the urge to go back, but everyone was here, and it seemed like too much trouble to go back. He even told the administrator specifically that she couldn't go back on what she said, or it would be too hypocritical!
Taking a deep breath, she told herself not to think too much, but to be calm!This is a barracks, what a solemn and solemn place, and besides, she believed that Lou Yi would not peek at it, he was so upright!

"Okay, okay!" She said courageously, then carefully opened the curtain and walked in.

When she got inside, she chose a nozzle position in the corner, put her things away, and then tried the water temperature. After adjusting it, she began to take off her clothes, but she still hesitated.

Although she came in, the weirdness in her heart was still unavoidable. When she thought of a man standing there across the curtain, her face couldn't help being hot again, and her eyes couldn't help looking at the door again. , the curtain was only halfway up, and she could still see his feet, but from the direction of his feet, he had already turned his back.

The corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, and a feeling of being cared for inexplicably hit his heart.

Uh, what are you thinking?

She shook her head quickly, shaking off the weird reveries in her mind.

Withdrawing his gaze, he immediately began to rustle and take off his clothes, then turned on the nozzle, and the rushing water poured down, quickly washing his hair and taking a bath.

A curtain away, Lou Yi also heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the sound of splashing water, but he felt strangely depressed again. Did this woman trust him too easily?No matter what he is, he is still a man!And he had once bumped into her with only a bath towel around her!

Uh, what are you thinking?

Hastily withdrew his reverie, without squinting.

Ten minutes later, Shu Rao took a shower, wiped her wet hair, put on her clothes one by one, packed her toiletries, and walked out of the small bathroom shyly.

Lou Yi heard footsteps, but didn't turn her head immediately, for fear of being abrupt again, she just asked, "Did you wash it?"

"Yeah." Shu Rao responded softly, two touches of pink involuntarily flew on her face, she couldn't even say thank you, couldn't say thank you for helping me guard the door while I was taking a shower, right?That's so embarrassing!
Lou Yi turned around slowly after hearing her finish, but she didn't want Shu Rao to come forward at this time, so the two bumped into each other by coincidence.

The air surrounding the two suddenly became a little more ambiguous.

They were very close, so close that they were almost close to each other, Shu Rao's breath tightened, and he felt his masculine aura surrounding him domineeringly, and his brain was suddenly blank, and he was a little dizzy.

Lou Yi, on the other hand, felt a faint fragrance burst into his nostrils instantly. The faint scent of shampoo and shower gel on her body was overflowing with fragrance, disturbing his breathing slightly, and his mind was also a little uneasy, so he quickly took a step back , but when she raised her eyes, she saw her lotus-like face again. The water droplets fell on the tip of her hair, smudged into a light crystal, and the pink lips were slightly parted, as if they were looking at him. Make a sweet call.

At the same time, Political Commissar Wang went to the liaison room and dialed Lou Yicheng's phone number. Although they are now in a superior-subordinate relationship, they have fought side by side and are old comrades-in-arms. , and today he wants to announce his congratulations, "Old Lou, congratulations, Lou Yi brought his girlfriend to the division! Hehe, a pretty nice girl named Shu Rao, beautiful and virtuous! And our family Xiao Ming said that Ms. Shu has been to her cram school, and she didn't deny it in public! Xinxin also likes her very much!"

On the other end of the phone, Lou Yicheng raised his eyebrows. He knew that Political Commissar Wang would never joke about such a thing, so it must be true!

He was calm on the surface, but in his heart he was overjoyed that Lou Yi had finally made a plan for himself!
But what's the girl's name?Shu Rao?Why is it so familiar?

Opening the drawer, he found a bright red invitation card under a pile of documents. It was the same one that Xiang Jia sent back then, and the bride's name was Shu Rao.

His brows twitched suddenly.


Ye Xingchen was already on vacation the day Shu Rao boarded the train. The military hospital was on rotation, and they were not allowed to take holidays on New Year's Eve. But for a newcomer like her, there was still some care. Her vacation started on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. just started.

(End of this chapter)

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