Chapter 206 Going Home 1
Then he explained it to the doctor, and the doctor realized that it was a misunderstanding, so he hurriedly consulted Shu Rao, and concluded that he had caught a cold, but it was not serious.

Shu Rao heaved a sigh of relief, and Lou Yi's worried mood subsided a little.

The medicine was prescribed, and the drip was given. This tossing lasted for several hours, and in a blink of an eye, it was the next day, the morning of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

At six o'clock in the morning, Wang Xiaoming's mother came home from the night shift. When she arrived at the military compound, she didn't go back to her own home, but went to Lou's first.

The guard hurried in to report that at the moment Lou Yi and Lou Xi's mother, Han Fengyi, were alone at home. Her husband and two sons were both in the army. She was alone in the empty house, lonely but helpless.

When she was young, she was also a military doctor, so she knew very well the responsibilities of soldiers. The most important thing for soldiers is always the country. They must give up their little family to take care of everyone.

And a woman married to a soldier has nothing but a sister-in-law.

"Mrs. Lou, congratulations, this is a double happiness for your family!" Xiao Ming's mother laughed from ear to ear, and quickly told about the cram school and the hospital.

Han Fengyi is a person who has seen the big world, and she is a woman in the mall, but when she hears such good news, she is not calm anymore. She pretends to be calm, but the corners of her mouth can't help but rise.

She thought to herself that this must be something that God couldn't bear to see. Her excellent son has been playing alone for so many years, but finally he is going to fly together!
A smile flickered in his eyes.

After exchanging a few words with Xiao Ming's mother, he sent the guests away, and then he couldn't wait to call Lou Yicheng. The call was naturally answered by the little soldier in the communication room, "Mrs. I'm going to the airborne division to inspect, I don't know if he is free to answer the phone!"

Han Fengyi was immediately disappointed. She had been married to Lou Yicheng for 30 years and knew him too well. At this time, even if he had time, he would definitely not answer the phone. His reason was never to want to be distracted!

But not long after, Lou Yicheng answered the phone for the first time, but his tone was not very good. Before she could speak, he said directly, "You tell Lou Yi that as soon as the troops are done, get out of here immediately." Family, I want military law to deal with him!"

Han Fengyi jumped suddenly, but she was not afraid, and asked instead, "What kind of explosives did you eat?"

Lou Yicheng snorted coldly, and told about the fact that Shu Rao was once the daughter-in-law of the Xiang family, and he had inquired specifically about it. This is definitely not the same name, and many people in the military region have attended the wedding of the Xiang family. , and according to Commissar Wang's description of her appearance, it was the same person at all!

The Lou family doesn't hate the poor and love the rich, but the red family pays the most attention to family style, especially their family and the Xiang family know each other!

"I will never agree!" Lou Yicheng said firmly.

Han Fengyi curled her lips, "You have to agree if you don't agree, let me tell you, that girl is already pregnant with our grandson!"

"What?" Lou Yicheng stared immediately.

Han Fengyi was too lazy to explain to him, and said again, "And Lou Xi also called me just now, he will be home soon..."

Speaking of Lou Xi, Lou Yicheng became even more angry, and said through gritted teeth, "He can't afford to walk around! He really thinks that the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so I don't know that he obtained a marriage certificate privately? I don't have the time Take care of him! You tell him too, go home quickly, and I will deal with it together!"

"Deal with it, you know how to deal with it!" Han Fengyi said coquettishly, raised her eyebrows and asked again, "Then when will you go home? If you don't come back again, I will deal with it according to family law!"

Lou Yicheng immediately extinguished the fire, and softened his tone, "Uh...I'm going to the Airborne Division to inspect right away, and I won't be able to go back until the inspection is over."

As an army commander, he has tens of thousands of soldiers under his command. In the army, he is admired by thousands of people, but at home, his wife is the leader. This is not because he is afraid of guilt, but because facing his wife who has been married for 30 years. He can't show his heroic spirit, he only owes her deeply, he owes her as much as the medal of merit on his chest is worth.

Because of the particularity of the military profession, they spend most of their time together and apart. For 30 years, she is a young and beautiful girl, with the title of military wife, who has survived spring, summer, autumn and winter, year after year, In the blink of an eye, most of her life has passed. When she smiled, she was still so pretty, but there were wrinkles at the corners of her eyes.

Military wives, sometimes work harder than soldiers!
"Xiaoyi, don't be angry!" Lou Yicheng suddenly said emotionally.His old squad leader once said that loving his wife is a lesson that soldiers must learn!
Han Fengyi's heart was sour, but it was also warm. Of course she wouldn't be really angry, but she still said deliberately, "Lou Yicheng, today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. The last time I saw you was last year, you yourself Let's see!"

Lou Yicheng quickly stated, "I will definitely be home tonight!"

Han Fengyi bent her eyes, "Then we'll wait for you at home!"

Throughout the year, what I look forward to the most is this day, the family reunion.

"Let those two brats kneel and wait!" Lou Yicheng snorted again.

Han Fengyi pouted, ignored him, and hung up the phone.

She couldn't bear to torment her two sons, and she saw only a handful of faces throughout the year, and finally hoped to come back, so what face did she put on?
Besides, this year is very different, both sons are up to the challenge, and both brought their wives back!
After waiting for so many years, it can be regarded as waiting!

Put down the phone and quickly call the nanny at home, "Sister-in-law Lin, you are going to the market later, I will go with you! I have to order more food today, buy a live chicken, and make some soup!" Chicken soup is the most delicious, Suitable for pregnant women!

"Hey, no, I'm afraid one is not enough, let's buy two!" Those who are not pregnant should hurry up and try to get pregnant as soon as possible!

"Ma'am, it's better to buy black chicken, black chicken is the best for women!" Aunt Lin suggested happily.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you!" Han Fengyi is not good at doing housework, and she trusts Mrs. Lin a hundred times.

Turn around and call the guard again, "Xiao Jiang, go to Zhao's house and ask Granny Zhao if there are any good days recently. Let her watch for me first, and I will discuss it with her later!"

Lou Yi has to hold the wedding quickly, the girl is even pregnant with a child!

And Lou Xi is the same, it's not enough to just get a certificate, you have to make up a wedding!
Let's do it together, double happiness!
Back in the room, I took out a box from under the bed, opened it, and inside was a pair of jade bracelets.

capital Airport.

After flight delays and another three and a half hours of flying, Ye Xingchen, Lou Xi and Sisi finally arrived in BJ.

When I got off the plane, there was a gust of cold wind head-on.

BJ's winter is very cold in the early morning.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help shivering, and subconsciously pulled up his collar.

Lou Xi hugged Sisi, but still noticed her small movements, and put one hand free to hug her, as if to warm her up.

The two quickened their pace, left the airport, and quickly boarded a taxi. The car was equipped with air-conditioning, and the warmth came slowly.

Sisi was hugged by Lou Xi, the little girl was covered from head to toe, only her two black round eyes were exposed, she blinked her eyes, her soft voice was muffled in the small mask, and said, " in vain!"

(End of this chapter)

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