Chapter 207 Going Home 2
She was talking about the white snowflakes outside.

Ye Xingchen smiled, reached out to help the little girl take off the small mask, and said softly, "That's snow, snowflakes!"

Sisi nodded obediently, the ball on the little hat was dangling, very cute.

The car drove slowly, it took some time to get from the airport to the city, the sky was still not clear, and the scenery along the way was a bit hazy, but Ye Xingchen couldn't bear the excitement, and looked out the window frequently.

It's been a long time since I went back to BJ, I really miss it.

Lou Xi stretched out his hand gently, hugged her into his arms, and the happy family of three drove to the city.

At a certain section of the road, Ye Xingchen suddenly remembered an important thing, she couldn't go to see her in-laws empty-handed!
On the day they set off from Yunchuan, they went to see Granny Zhuoma and the families of the other three martyrs. They bought a lot of things and time was tight, so they didn't choose gifts for his parents in Yunchuan. It's okay to buy it again after visiting BJ, but she didn't expect that the flight was delayed, and she was going to his house soon, and she was still empty-handed!

"Lou Xi, what should we do, the mall is not open yet at this time!" Ye Xingchen said anxiously.

Lou Xi, however, looked calm and unhurried, and said calmly, "It's okay not to buy it, as long as you arrive."

"That can't be done, it's too rude!" Ye Xingchen was very flustered.

Lou Xi saw her nervous look, couldn't help laughing, even couldn't help teasing her, lowered his head to her ear, pressed his lips against her skin, and said nastyly, "I took Sisi back for the Chinese New Year. , My parents say that Sisi is their best gift, this year they have you, you say... what is the gift they want most?"

As he spoke, his big hands wrapped around her waist, and his warm palms covered her lower abdomen, with obvious hints.

Ye Xingchen's face turned red. Counting the days, it has been several months since her last miscarriage. After half a year, they will be able to have another child, but... this is not the time to talk about such things ah!

"Heh..." Lou Xi laughed softly, thinking that they would have another child soon, he couldn't help being excited, Xingchen had better give him another daughter, so that Sisi had a little sister, and the two I'm sure I can play together, and the little girl blush when teased, how cute!

His laughter made her heart tremble.

"Are you still laughing? Everyone is in a hurry! Find a way!" Ye Xingchen glared at him softly and said annoyedly.

Lou Xi saw that she was shy and anxious, sweating even on her forehead, and didn't dare to tease her anymore, turned her head and looked out of the car window, there was a commercial building not far away, it seemed to be open 24 hours, she hurriedly called The driver turned around, "Please stop ahead."

The driver obeyed and turned at the intersection.

The car stopped, paid the fare, and Ye Xingchen helped Sisi put on the small mask again, as well as the hat and scarf, before Lou Xi got out of the car with the little girl in her arms.

He hugged the little girl tightly in his arms, for fear that she would freeze a little bit.

Sisi, however, was restless, with a pair of dark eyes looking around, thinking that the white snow was so beautiful!
Ye Xingchen also got out of the car immediately, Lou Xi took her hand, and the three of them walked towards the commercial building together.

Because it was still very early, there were not many people in the mall, and they became a beautiful scenery in everyone's eyes.

The man is tall and handsome, the woman is petite and beautiful, and the baby is cute and cute, making everyone envious.

They walked around a lot, and finally decided to buy two woolen scarves, which were the warmest and most practical things.

After buying the presents, Ye Xingchen finally breathed a sigh of relief, but the heat on her face didn't decrease. The heating in the mall was very good. She was wearing a thick coat, and she was impatient, sweating profusely.

The same is true for Sisi, although she has been hugged by Lou Xi and did not walk by herself, but she is wearing layers of thick clothes, her little face is flushed in a short while, and her forehead is also a little sweaty.

"Lou Xi, let's sit down and cool off for a while, Sisi will catch a cold if we go out like this!"

Lou Xi nodded, looked around, and saw that there was a place selling water next to the elevator, and there were seats beside it.

The three walked over and wanted to buy a bottle of water, but Sisi saw the ice cream in the freezer and immediately swallowed, feeling very greedy.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing when he saw the little girl's eager eyes, so he bought one.

Of course, it is impossible for her to finish eating all of it, just lick a few mouthfuls to make her feel better, for fear that she will catch a cold.

Sisi ate a few times happily, and when she was satisfied, Ye Xingchen took the ice cream back and lowered her head to eat by herself.

But she only took a few bites before Lou Xi snatched the ice cream away, and he took three or five bites and took most of it.

"Sisi is afraid of catching a cold, so you have to be careful." After speaking, he took two more bites, ate up the whole ice cream, and threw the packaging bag into the trash can.

Ye Xingchen was stunned, surprised and moved. Although this man was domineering and tough most of the time, and never said sweet words, he always cared for her in very small places. She took out a tissue and wiped it for him. Wipe your hands.

It was these hands that gave her a sense of security.

Biting her lip slightly, she felt a little embarrassed, and asked softly, "Lou Xi, can I ask you a question?"

"Hmm." He nodded.

"Since when did you like me?"

Lou Xi raised her eyebrows, and instead of answering, asked, "What about you?"

Ye Xingchen was a little shy, but she still thought about it carefully. She felt that it was from that time, when she encountered a medical dispute in the hospital, he helped her out, but it was not when he carried her out of the hospital that night, but the next day. , when she was suspended, he appeared in front of her with an invitation.

She knew that he did that only because he believed in her.

Such belief moved her.

At that time, she only thought that she was moved, but now that she thinks about it, she was actually moved unconsciously.

"It was when the medical dispute happened..." she said while recalling.

Lou Xi also thought about it, but the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. It was because they had known each other for a long time, okay?He liked her so much earlier than she liked him!
"Ye Xingchen, you're done!" He gritted his teeth and said.

The established facts cannot be changed, but he decided to ask her to make up for it!

At 07:30, Han Fengyi was still wandering around the market with Mrs. Lin. The place selling black-bone chicken was overcrowded. Now that the living conditions are better, people pay more attention to nutrition, and during the Chinese New Year, the supply of black-bone chicken is naturally in short supply. Because of I often come to the market and get to know the stall owner, so I got a number in the queue and managed to get one.

After I bought it, I waited for the stall owner to kill it for free, deal with hair and so on.

Han Fengyi was depressed while waiting, look at this black-bone chicken is not big, one is not enough, she has two wives!Although only one is pregnant now, she can't favor one over another!And if you are not pregnant, you should eat it more, so that you can have a good life if you make up your body!

"Sister-in-law Lin, where else is there a black-bone chicken?" Han Fengyi is not familiar with this kind of thing.

Aunt Lin thought about it, and said another place, "There is also a small market next to Dongdajie, let me go there and have a look!"

Han Fengyi nodded, "Okay, then you go over there, I'll wait here to kill the chicken, let's split up!"

"Okay." Aunt Lin hurriedly went to another market.

Han Fengyi continued to line up. While waiting, she took out her mobile phone to check the time. It was almost eight o'clock. Why didn't everyone hear from them?
She was worried, so she quickly dialed Lou Yi's number, and immediately said in a crackling voice, "Lou Yi, where are you, hurry up and bring the girl home! The whole compound knows about it, I The mother-in-law hasn't seen her daughter-in-law yet, so where can I go? I'll be home in a while, hurry up! But don't worry too much, be careful on the road! You have to support her when you walk, do you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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