Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 216 Love without the purpose of marriage is hooliganism 1

Chapter 216 Love without the purpose of marriage is hooliganism 1
Lou Yi was slightly taken aback, wondering whether to be relieved or what to do, the little devil didn't remember Lou Rui at all, and knew that she died in a car accident, so she never complained, and even missed her. It seems a little unfilial to say this, but her optimism is a good thing, it's better than crying every day.

He pondered for a moment, touched the little devil's face, and asked softly, "Why do you like her so much?"

The little devil frowned, feeling a little troubled, this question is really hard to answer!After thinking about it, a pair of bright eyes narrowed, and he said, "Feel it!"


Lou Yi frowned subconsciously, could it be... his behavior tonight was also because of feelings?

In the middle of the night, the little devil fell asleep, but Lou Yi still couldn't sleep for a long time, but when he thought of the so-called feeling, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

Lou's morning starts with the sound of the loud bugle. This is the rule set by Lou Yicheng. From the old to the young, no matter who is in the family, he must get up when he hears the bugle. If there is no change, it will be encouraged.

People in the Lou family have already gotten used to it, but for Ye Xingchen who just entered the house, it is a little uncomfortable. Although she always gets up with the sound of bugles every time she goes to the army, but those times limited.

And Shu Rao couldn't get used to it even more. He didn't sleep well all night, but he was startled again in the morning, and his whole body suddenly became wilted. After another illness, his face became more and more haggard.

When he went downstairs, he met Lou Yi, and he couldn't help asking worriedly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Shu Rao shook her head repeatedly, without raising her eyes, she hurriedly bypassed him and went downstairs.

Lou Yi was slightly taken aback, the disappointment in his eyes flashed past.

On the fifth day of the fifth day of the lunar new year, Shu Rao avoided Lou Yi all the time. Although the two of them were in the same house, it was impossible to avoid seeing each other, but every time they met, she felt uncomfortable, and Lou Yi also felt uncomfortable. The atmosphere among people is very strange.

In the evening, Lou Yi received another call from a police friend, who said that Shu Rao had found her wallet and ID card, because it was Chinese New Year, and going to the police station was a bit unlucky, and the other party was friends with Lou Yi, so Simply send it to the military compound.

Lou Yi took the phone and went out to meet him.

"Lou Yi, here are the wallet and ID card, but the cash in it is gone. The thief took the money and threw it away. This is what the cleaning staff found in the trash can."

Knowing that it was not easy to find the wallet and ID card back, Lou Yi took the wallet with one hand, patted his friend on the shoulder with the other and said, "Thank you!"

"We buddies still talk about this?" The police friend smiled and shook his head.

Lou Yi lowered his head to look at Shu Rao's wallet. It was not new at first, but after such a toss, it became even more old, with some dirt on his face. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket, wiped it carefully, and then He took out his wallet again and thought about it. He remembered that she said that the total was two thousand eight hundred and seventy two yuan and fifty cents!
He took out two thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars from his wallet, but he was out of change, and he was short of two dollars and a half.

"Have you two dollars and a half?" he asked the policeman friend.

The other party was startled for a moment, but then he came to his senses and hurriedly took out his pocket. He just bought a pack of cigarettes and happened to have some change. He took out two one-yuan coins and a fifty-cent coin.

Lou Yi took the change and put it in his wallet together with his own.

The police friend asked suspiciously, "Why did you start to know how to be sympathetic?"

Lou Yi smiled slightly, but didn't answer, just said, "I'll treat you to dinner next time!"

Turning around and going back to the house, he heard the little devil pestering Shu Rao to ask her to translate "Harry Potter". Chinese, she speaks English very standard, he can't help but feel admiration, he also knows that her education is not high, so she can speak English so well, it must be due to her hard work.I really don't know how much she has suffered.

"Hey, Dad..." The little devil spotted him with sharp eyes.

Shu Rao was slightly startled, and subconsciously tightened her hands holding the book, feeling inexplicably anxious.

Lou Yi walked over and handed the wallet to her. Shu Rao immediately opened her eyes wide, the joy was beyond words, and she shouted happily, "Found it?"

"Yeah." Lou Yi nodded, but said nothing with a smile.

Shu Rao was very happy, but never thought that the money was not hers at all.

On the morning of the sixth day, both Shu Rao and Ye Xingchen got up early and went to the kitchen to make cakes. Because they had done it once before, they had a good grasp of the ingredients and heat, and it didn't take long to make it. The bugle sounded By then, the cake was completely done.

Not long after, the others got up and washed up, the car was ready, and the group was ready to set off for Beidaihe.

Because there are too many people, there is obviously no room for one car. Lou Xi drives a car, Ye Xingchen sits in the passenger seat with Sisi in his arms, while Lou Yicheng and Han Fengyi sit in the back seat, and the cake is placed carefully. in the middle.

Lou Yi drives another car, carrying the little devil.

Shu Rao also got into the car, looked at the driver's seat, lowered her eyes and said, "Just let me get off at the train station."

"Ah? Niu'er, you want to go?" The little devil shouted immediately.

Lou Yi's eyes also fluctuated, and his hand holding the steering wheel tightened slightly.

The car started and moved forward slowly. The rising sun shone through the glass window on Shu Rao's beautiful side face.

The atmosphere in the carriage was a bit weird, very quiet, even the little devil was too depressed to speak, lying on the back seat sullenly, clutching his fingers.

Shu Rao was wearing a seat belt and sitting in the passenger seat. From the corner of her eye, she secretly glanced at Lou Yi who was driving, and vaguely felt the resolute aura emanating from his body mixed with the faint smell of shampoo on her body. It became an intimate atmosphere.

The stereo in the car was turned on at will, and beautiful English songs flowed out slowly. The cadenced tunes were like the undercurrent of emotions dormant in the hearts of the two. There was a surging desire to come out, but there was a little hesitation with fear.

Because the departure time is relatively early, there is no traffic jam on the road, and we will arrive at the train station soon.

Shu Rao opened the bag on her lap, reached in, and opened the wallet with a rustle, wanting to take some money out to give to the little devil as a new year's money. Although the little devil may not be willing to take it, but she is an elder, she wants it no matter what. She said yes, and she was bothering Lou's house for several days.

She didn't want Lou Yi and the little devil to find out first, so she just secretly moved the money in the wallet with her fingers, and put the 100 yuan on the outside. She counted ten hundred yuan bills, 1000 yuan, no more, no less, Should be quite appropriate, right?

After thinking about it, he pulled out the 1000 yuan, but with a slight movement, the change inside also fell out. With a sound of "boom", a coin fell out and rolled to his feet.

"I'm sorry..." Embarrassed, she quickly bent down to pick it up, but suddenly froze.

A fifty cents?
She remembered that the change in her wallet was five dimes!
It was when she was buying a lunch box on the train. The salesperson found it for her. The man in the opposite seat also bought a box lunch. The salesperson originally wanted to give him the five coins, but he didn’t want to ask for the coins one by one, so The clerk changed him a note and gave her five change coins.

(End of this chapter)

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