Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 217 Love without the purpose of marriage is hooliganism 2

Chapter 217 Love without the purpose of marriage is hooliganism 2
This... How did this become a fifty cents?
Suspicious eyes looked at Lou Yi.

Lou Yi was still very calm, because he never thought that the change in her wallet would be so broken.

He coughed lightly, pretending to be nonchalant.

Shu Rao simply took out all the money in her wallet, took a closer look, and found more things wrong. There used to be a few fifty bills in her wallet, but now all the whole bills have become one hundred bills. Yes, it was obviously changed by someone, and it must have been changed by Lou Yi. He probably didn't want her to feel sad because of losing the money, so he gave her his own money.

"Lou Yi, this money..." Shu Rao was moved in his heart, but he didn't know what to say, he would make her very embarrassed to face him!
Her cheeks were slightly red, touched, but also embarrassed.

Lou Yi knew that he couldn't hide it, Junrong was slightly embarrassed, and he didn't know how to explain it. He knew that she didn't want to owe him any more, but he didn't want to see her sad because of losing the money. He worked so hard to earn money to support his grandparents, and also had to send Shu Jing to school, so he felt sorry for her.

For the first time in his life, Lou Yi, who had never changed his face before the collapse of Mount Tai, felt the wonder of his heart beating faster.

At the crossroad ahead, there was a train station after a turn. He suddenly slowed down and parked the car beside the road.

The little devil sat up abruptly, what's the matter?
Lou Yi turned to look at the little devil, and said in a deep voice, "Xinxin, go and sit with grandpa and grandma."

Lou Xi's car can seat three people in the back seat, so it's not considered overloaded.

The little devil's eyes widened in an instant, and he said happily, "Of order, chief!"

He opened the door and got out of the car. Lou Xi's car stopped behind him, and the little devil got into the back seat.

Shu Rao sat in the car with a dazed face, slowly raised her eyes to look at Lou Yi, hesitated for half a second, and asked cautiously, "What's the matter?"

Lou Yi looked at her, his eyes fixed on her face, his eyes became dark and dark, he didn't answer immediately, but turned the steering wheel domineeringly, and headed towards another direction.

Shu Rao was startled immediately, seeing the train station getting farther and farther away from him, he couldn't help getting nervous, what did he want to do?
The car drove for a while, and when there was no room for maneuver, Lou Yi said slowly, "Shu Rao."

His voice was a little low.

Shu Rao was taken aback subconsciously, although this was not the first time he called her name, but this time she had a strange premonition, and felt blushing and heart beating inexplicably.

There were only the two of them in the carriage, and it was even quieter. She could even hear his faint breathing, and even smell the clear and pleasant smell of shaving water on his body, which made her heart palpitate for no reason.

She slowly raised her eyes to meet his handsome face, the two eyes touched, as if an electric current was flowing between each other, and her heartbeat suddenly became faster.

Lou Yi saw her embarrassed look, stared at her with black eyes for a few seconds, and said seriously, "I have something to tell you, I hope these words won't scare you."

Uh, she's a little scared now, what on earth is he trying to do?
"Well, please tell me." Shu Rao squeezed out a smile, which was slightly stiff.

Lou Yi paused for a moment, but it was only for a second. In fact, he had already figured it out the moment he stopped the car.

After setting the car to automatic driving mode, he held the steering wheel with his hands slightly tilted his head towards her, and said in a slow but firm tone, "We can go anywhere, if...you don't mind."


Shu Rao was a little confused by this word, so that she ignored the first half of the sentence.

Lou Yi is more cautious. He is a soldier and does not have much free time for himself. The women who are with him will not enjoy much care. He is also in a soldier's home. With his mother, he will The bitterness of the military wife is more real, besides loneliness, there is more, moreover, he also has a child with him.

"I am 365 days a year, and I can be at home 65 days, which is not bad." He explained in detail.

"Yeah." Shu Rao nodded in a daze.

"I also have a daughter."

"Yeah." Shu Rao nodded again, she knew, little devil!
"Will you dislike these?"

"Of course not." Shu Rao replied without thinking.Without soldiers like him, how could the people have a happy and stable life?People, this word sounds illusory, but it is not at all. Only those who have been numb by the impetuous society will not understand the meaning behind this great word.

Uh, wait, wait!
Shu Rao suddenly felt something was wrong, and pointed at herself strangely, "Me? Are you... are you asking me?"

Lou Yi laughed, and told her with certainty, "It's just you and me here."

Shu Rao suddenly opened her eyes wide, oh my god, what did he, he, he... just said?Dislike the half sentence before?


Oh my gosh, Virgo!
It was only then that Shu Rao realized what he said.

He, he, he means...

"Uh..." She heard it clearly, but still didn't quite understand.

Looking up inexplicably, Lou Yi met her gaze and said firmly, "We are all single, and you have met my family, especially Xinxin likes you very much. If we are together, my family will There will be no problem. I also know a little about your family. I have met Shu Jing. He is a good boy. As for your grandparents, although I haven’t met them yet, they have raised you and Shu Jing well. That's good, I can also know that they are all honest people, so they shouldn't object to us. And you and Xingchen are best friends, and there will definitely be no conflicts between sisters-in-law and sister-in-law in the future. To sum up, I think we All aspects are quite suitable. Of course, there is the most important point... I like you."

Yes, he liked her, although this feeling came suddenly, even a little inexplicably, even he himself didn't know when it started.

Perhaps, it was his sympathy for her when he saw her so unhappy at the wedding for the first time.

Perhaps, that time at the airport, when she mistook him for Lou Xi and scolded him, he showed a little appreciation for her willingness to stand up for her friend.

Perhaps, it was that time in the special brigade, when she rescued the little devil from the claws of the military dogs, he was deeply grateful to her, and he felt extremely guilty when she was injured.

Or, that time in the shopping mall, she got the price of the clothes wrong, and he thought she was silly and funny.

Perhaps, it was that time at her home, when he accidentally saw her when she came out of the bath, that charming throbbing.

Perhaps, it was the touch in his heart when they walked together on the street after watching a movie, and he found that she had to consider livelihood issues even when drinking a cup of milk tea.

Perhaps, it was that time at the train station, when she called the police after losing her wallet, and blurted out how much change was in the wallet, he felt sorry for her.

Perhaps, that day when Xiang Fan came to the house, he subconsciously wanted to protect her, to take her under his wings, and not want her to be looked at by other men again, such a strong possessive desire.

Perhaps, just now, seeing that the station was about to arrive, he couldn't bear her to leave like this, waved his sleeves, and only said goodbye.

Now that he has confirmed that he likes her, nothing else matters.

"As for whether you like me or not, I can give you time, and I will try my best to make you like me too. What do you think?" The deep male voice hovered again.

(End of this chapter)

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