Chapter 218 Who is the perpetrator 1
how about it?
Shu Rao was completely dumbfounded, this wasn't the first time she was confessed by someone, but it was the first time she was confessed so directly and comprehensively!
Besides, didn't he just talk about Virgo?Why did he analyze the ones as if they were going to get married soon?
Lou Yi said again unhurriedly, "Damn once said that any love not for the purpose of marriage is a hooligan!"

Shu Rao choked hard, this... This makes sense!

It took a lot of effort to calm myself down, but my heart was still extremely nervous, and I looked at Lou Yi nervously, "Uh...can I ask, why do you like me? You should know that I and... ..."

"You should also know that I have a heart, and I also have a past." Lou Yi interrupted her, and said calmly, "It doesn't matter what happened in the past, anyway, it's already in the past, we should look at the future, this truth even the heart understands, She wants to have a mother, but she only looks at her photos on the day of Ruirui's death every year. She lives happily at other times. We should understand that people can't always indulge in the past and grasp the present And looking to the future is more important."

Shu Rao was silent for a while, and in his sharp and modest eyes, he saw an unquestionable frankness and firmness, such seriousness and sincerity that no one could refuse.

Although it was a bit sudden, but... she actually wanted to agree.

Is she crazy?

But she is 26 years old, and she will be old if she is not crazy.

Moreover, she felt that this man was worthy of her madness once.

Because the feeling he gave her was so dreamy, so unattainable, yet so real and peaceful.

Life is like an hourglass that keeps turning upside down. There are always doubts, fears and struggles in happiness.

"Okay." Crazy is crazy!
Hearing her answer, the corner of Lou Yi's mouth slowly curled up into a smile. He switched the car back to manual mode, stepped on the accelerator, and accelerated the forward speed. He took the Beijing-Shenyang Expressway from the East Fourth Ring Road and went straight to Beidaihe.

Shu Rao realized belatedly that he had already turned around before he spoke, and he had no intention of letting her go to the train station at all!
This man looks gentle, but he is actually very domineering!
In the car behind, everyone had a smile on their face, but it was either deep or shallow.

Lou Xi's handsome appearance remains the same, but there is a faint smile on the corners of his eyes and brows. Ruirui has been away for so many years, and Lou Yi finally found his happiness.

Ye Xingchen smiled undisguisedly, but the smile was mixed with tension, and the eye sockets turned red involuntarily. Rao Rao finally met someone who was more suitable for her than Xiang Fan. She believed that Lou Yi could Give Rao Rao all the happiness she wants.

Sisi doesn't know much about the world, but she seems very happy to see her father, Ma Ma, with a naive smile on her pink and tender face.

In the back seat, Han Fengyi's brows were soft and she smiled gratifiedly. Lou Yi worried her more than Lou Xi about emotional matters. Now she can finally rest assured that Rao Rao is a good girl. She will definitely make Lou Yi and Xinxin happy .

Lou Yicheng's expression is a bit tangled, there are so many girls in the world, why does Lou Yi have to fall in love with Shu Rao?However, this Shu Rao is really good. I won't say much about being kind and virtuous, and her vision is also improved!Well, that's pretty much it!
The little devil was so happy that she couldn't describe it, her mouth almost went to the back of her head, her dream finally came true!She has a mother!And I have to get Dad and Niuer married quickly, and give her a younger brother, so that the family won't just stare at her!Even if she gets into some trouble again, Niu'er will cover her!And there will be delicious cakes to eat every day!Oh, she was so happy that she wanted to scream!

After nearly three hours of driving, the group finally arrived at the beautiful Beidaihe.

The hustle and bustle of the city is abandoned here, and there are only refreshing air, blue sea, and soft sunshine, which are refreshing.

As soon as the car stopped, the little devil jumped out of the car, ran towards Shu Rao, and shouted, "Mom!"

Shu Rao's face turned red immediately, and she was too embarrassed to speak.

Lou Yi also laughed, reached out and rubbed the little devil's head, then took her little hand with one hand and Shu Rao with the other.

Shu Rao was slightly taken aback, as if she wasn't used to it, but the winter sun brought warmth, even the air had a sweet smell, and her mood was inexplicably good.

Lou Yicheng and Han Fengyi also got out of the car immediately.

Ye Xingchen was a little slower, first helping Sisi tidy up her little hat, when suddenly, the phone in her bag rang.

She quickly hugged Sisi to Lou Xi, picked up her bag, and took out her phone.

"Hey, uncle..."

The call was from Zuo Lingfeng. He has already returned to his country. He is in Yunchuan now, and he can go to BJ in the afternoon. They have already made an appointment. When he arrives, they will go to visit the grave together.

Lou Xi couldn't help but frowned, it was so weird that he wanted to call Zuo Lingfeng uncle!

Seeing Lou Xi's tangled expression, Ye Xingchen couldn't help laughing, but said deliberately, "Okay, uncle, when you get to BJ, Lou Xi and I will pick you up."

The corner of Lou Xi's mouth twitched, his seniority was obviously lower!
"Okay, that's it, we'll talk about it when you come!" The boss snatched the phone angrily, and hung up after speaking.

"Huh?" Ye Xingchen snorted coquettishly, but he hasn't finished yet!
Lou Xi didn't take it seriously, "He can't lose him, let's go see grandpa first!"

Ye Xingchen looked sideways out of the window. The others had already got out of the car, and they quickly opened the door to get out of the car.

It's a small detached villa with a beautiful environment, and there are two big characters written on the lintel... He Zhai.

Ye Xingchen paused subconsciously.

He house?

Lou Xi's grandfather's surname is He?
Although the surname "He" is not very special, for example, when she was in the Military Medical University, Professor He Lin, her mentor, was also named He, but looking at the whole BJ, and even the whole country, there is an old Red Army veteran named He who has made outstanding achievements. Chief, how many more?

She couldn't help but think of the old man who appeared at her parents' funeral seven years ago.

No, no, no such a coincidence, no!

She shook her head subconsciously, but her face was uncontrollably pale.

"Xingchen, what's wrong with you?" Lou Xi sensed something was wrong with her and asked with concern.

Ye Xingchen suddenly came back to his senses, forcibly calmed down, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said in a trembling voice, "It's nothing."

Lou Xi thought she was nervous because she wanted to see her elders, so she took her little hand with her big hand and said comfortingly, "Don't be nervous, grandpa is very kind."

His voice was extremely deep, which made Ye Xingchen feel at ease.

"Well, I see." She nodded vigorously, telling herself not to think about it, it's just a surname, maybe it's just a coincidence.

Even... even if it is really the old man, it doesn't necessarily mean anything. The old man has no blood relationship with the Lou family. He may have other grandchildren. The perpetrators may not be Lou Yi or Lou Xi.

No, definitely not!

Ye Xingchen tried to comfort himself, but the palms of his hands were damp and sweated profusely.

"Let's go, let's go in!" Han Fengyi Zhang landed and said, holding the cake in one hand and pressing the doorbell with the other.

Soon someone came out of the room, a purple figure, very familiar.

Ye Xingchen looked intently, Hongyu?

(End of this chapter)

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