Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 221 The Truth About the Car Accident Part 2 Revealing the Secret 2

Chapter 221 The Truth About the Car Accident Second Revealed 2
If Sisi was her own, maybe she would take her away, but she didn't. She knew better than anyone what Sisi meant to Lou Xi, and she didn't have the right to take Sisi away from him.

But how should they go on?Impossible to act as if nothing had happened!
"Uncle, tell me, what should I do?" She asked sadly.

Zuo Lingfeng stepped forward and hugged her distressedly.

He had known about this for a long time, and wanted to talk about it, but by the time he could talk about it, it was already too late, Xing Chen and Lou Xi were already together.

Perhaps, after they returned from their mission in Colombia as planned, he still had the opportunity to talk about it, because at that time, Xingchen and Lou Xi hadn't loved so deeply.

But before departure, there was an earthquake in E City, Lou Xi rushed to the disaster area, and Xing Chen also rushed to the rescue. In the disaster area, they experienced life and death together, and their relationship grew deeper and remained unswerving until death.

When he fought side by side with Lou Xi to deal with the drug cartel, and when he saw that the ring that Xingchen gave Lou Xi just saved his life, he sighed deeply that some things were destined.

So after he came back, after struggling several times, he still chose to remain silent, because he knew what happiness is to Xing Chen, as long as she is happy, nothing else is important.

And he also believes in Lou Xi, he knows that he can give Xingchen all the happiness she wants.

However, paper cannot contain fire after all.

When all the truth was revealed, he didn't know how Xingchen should face this cruel fact.

"Xingchen, have you talked to Lou Xi?"

Ye Xingchen shook her head, she didn't even dare to look at him, so how could she talk about it?
She didn't know how to speak, and asked him why you killed my parents?

She didn't dare to ask, do you know that I am the daughter of a car accident victim?

She didn't even dare to think, what was the reason behind him being with her?Do you want to make it up to her?Does he really love her?
She couldn't tell the difference between love and hatred, her mind was so messed up, she just wanted to find a quiet place to hide.

Zuo Lingfeng fell silent, he had the same question in his heart, what was Lou Xi thinking, did he not know about Xing Chen's identity from the beginning, or did he not know until now?

"The stars..."

Ye Xingchen's breathing tightened suddenly, and he felt that he had something to say.

She didn't know what she was expecting, she was completely out of ideas, her uncle was her only relative in this world, his opinion was very important to her, would he persuade her to break up with Lou Xi?
Zuo Lingfeng sighed softly, what a silly girl!

Her thoughts are all written on her face. She has fallen deeply in love with Lou Xi, Sisi, and their home. No matter how contradictory, struggling, and painful she is, she is simply He couldn't let Lou Xi go, and he couldn't leave their home at all.

If she left them, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

"Xingchen..." Zuo Lingfeng put his arms around her trembling shoulders, suffering in his heart, but he had to keep calm and said, "I found out about this three years ago. I kept it personally, and the file bag was sealed. Obviously, the car accident was deliberately suppressed. This is not surprising. The background of the Lou family is there, and the special brigade was short of manpower at that time. In order to take care of the overall situation, they It makes sense for you to give up the prosecution, but there is one thing that I still don't understand. Why did Lou Xi not react at all when such a big thing happened? Knowing him better, Lou Xi is not an irresponsible person. He took such good care of the family members of the dead comrades, how could he be indifferent to the car accident? So... I guess, he didn't even know that he was killed in the car accident people."

Ye Xingchen was surprised, and couldn't imagine what kind of logic this was.

The perpetrator didn't know he had killed someone?

Zuo Lingfeng was not sure, but he was very clear about one thing, "After entering the special brigade, Lou Xi and I lived in the same dormitory. We even took a shower together. When he first joined the team, he had many scars on his body. It’s not surprising that a man has a few scars on his body, especially a soldier, so I only thought that it was left by him in the previous army, but now that I think about it, maybe it’s not what I thought, his scars at that time may be It was left by the car accident, and he should have been seriously injured at the time, so it's possible that he didn't know what kind of consequences the car accident had caused."

Ye Xingchen subconsciously held her breath, and fell into memories again. When the car accident happened, she was studying at school at night. Suddenly, she received a call from the hospital. After hearing the bad news, she hurried to the hospital. After crossing the viaduct, there were explosions one after another. The bodies of parents were beyond recognition, and the old man said that his grandson was also rescued in the emergency room. After the funeral, the old man always came forward, and she didn't even meet the rest of the Lou family.Perhaps, in order to suppress this matter, the old man concealed it from everyone, even Lou Xi himself did not know the truth?

If he really doesn't know, then what should she do?Is she going to have a showdown with him?Or continue to hide it, as if nothing happened?
She couldn't accept that there was no doubt that he was the perpetrator, but what would happen to him if he didn't know it himself and she was the one to expose it?If he is such a loving and righteous person, if he knows that he has made such an irreparable mistake, will he collapse?Especially, the person who died was her parents, how should he face her then?He will definitely blame himself to death!

Compared to blaming him, resenting him, or hating him, she loves him more!She didn't want to see him feel guilty, because she had seen too much guilt and sadness in him when facing Granny Zhuoma and Sisi, she couldn't imagine that if he faced her again What will it be like whenCan his strong shoulders bear more?Will he break down?
Perhaps, this is an important reason why the old man concealed the truth back then, because he didn't want to see his high-spirited grandson never recover from a setback.

And now, she didn't dare to imagine Lou Xi's decadent appearance. He is so proud and responsible. If he knew that he was the murderer, the murderer who killed her parents, he would be overwhelmed with pain.

She could blame him, resent him, hate him, or even leave him, but...she couldn't destroy him.

"Uncle..." Ye Xingchen spoke with difficulty, tears glistening in his eyes.

Seeing her struggling expression, Zuo Lingfeng already knew it in his heart, and his heart ached, he tightened his arms and hugged her tightly.

Ye Xingchen immediately buried his face in his chest, his throat seemed more like a fishbone stuck, and asked choked up, "Uncle, if I pretend nothing happened, will you blame me?"

The trembling voice made Zuo Lingfeng's eyes warm, thinking why the heavens were so cruel to the kind-hearted her.

"No." He suppressed his tears and said in a deep voice, "I will support you in whatever you do."

Ye Xingchen's tears became more and more violent, my uncle wouldn't blame her, but what about mom and dad?
She didn't know, really didn't know, and she didn't even have the courage to take a look at their tombstones.

When she gave up the prosecution 7 years ago, she knew that her parents would support her decision, because they were people who considered the overall situation, and they would think that a young promising officer would be more valuable than two dead people, Because he can make more contributions to the country, she understands these reasons, but the situation is different now, she dare not face her parents anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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