Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 222 The Truth About the Car Accident Part 2 Revealing the Secret 3

Chapter 222 The Truth About the Car Accident Second Revealed 3
Zuo Lingfeng patted Ye Xingchen's back lightly, feeling uncomfortable, but he forcibly suppressed the soreness, took her hand, and knelt down in front of the tombstone.

He also understands all the great truths, and he also understands his sister and brother-in-law. If nothing else, just for the happiness of the stars, they will forgive everything.

When they were alive, they couldn't be by Xingchen's side every day like other parents, and after they passed away, they must be even more worried. He thought, their greatest wish is that Xingchen can marry well, so that the man Give her a lifetime of joy and happiness.As long as Xingchen is happy, they will definitely not object, and they will also give blessings, hoping that the man can give her their love together.

Kneeling on his knees, Ye Xingchen slowly raised his eyes, looking at the group photo of his parents on the tombstone, his eyes reflected the smiling faces of his parents, and suddenly felt a warmth in his heart.

"Dad, Mom..." She reached out and stroked the tombstone gently, but found her fingers were trembling.

The man and woman in the photo have warm smiles, as if they are saying to her: Xingchen, don't cry, mom and dad have seen it, our Xingchen has always been very good!
Ye Xingchen couldn't help crying again, looking at his parents in the photo, his eyes were full of sadness and deep prayer.

"Dad, Mom... Let me tell you, he is really nice. Although he always has a straight face, he always does more and better than what he says..."

"He is the kind of person you admire, he is a man of action, decisiveness, and responsibility..."

"He was very nice to me, really..."

"On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, he wanted to come to see you, but he had prepared gifts for you when uncle came together..."

"Huh? What gift? I don't know...he won't let me see..."

"He said he was willing to take it out in front of you at the cemetery..."

"However, his gift is in my bag, shall I show it to you now?"

Ye Xingchen was almost talking to himself, crying and opened the bag, and took out a small box from the bag with trembling hands, which looked like a ring.

She subconsciously touched the necklace around her neck and touched the deformed ring.

"I've told him, I only like the original one...Really, he spends money again..." She deliberately used a reproachful tone.

Gently opened the lid of the small box with her hand, but inside was not the ring she thought it was, but...a button.

Concentrating her eyes, tears fell down again. This is an ordinary button, but to her, it is the most precious!
These are her little bear's eyes!

It's exactly the same!
Where did he buy it?

Unbelievable, but my heart suddenly became very warm.

It turned out that this gift was for her, and he wanted to tell them in front of his parents that he helped her get back the little bear's eyes, and also helped her get back the love of her parents. Together with their love for her, they take good care of her.

"Lou Xi..." Ye Xingchen broke down in tears suddenly, and clutched the button tightly to his chest.

What he gave her was never sweet talk, what he gave her was not just love, he gave her a home!

Zuo Lingfeng was also deeply shocked. He also found an identical bear for Xingchen, which took him a lot of time and energy. He knew a boss who opened a toy factory in Southeast Asia, but he found it after many twists and turns. , and a single button is obviously more difficult to find. Lou Xi is in the special brigade, and his free time is very limited. Found an identical button.I have to say, he really has a heart!

His thin lips were tightly pursed, and after a long silence, he stared at the photo on the tombstone and said solemnly, "Sister, brother-in-law, don't worry, with me here, he dare not bully Xingchen, otherwise I won't let him go." !"

Ye Xingchen burst into tears again, and solemnly promised to the photo on the tombstone, "Mom and Dad, for you, I will be happy!"

In fact, the most painful thing is the period between letting go and not letting go.After I really made up my mind, I felt a sense of relief.Since then, pain and love have been deeply buried in my heart.

Leaving the cemetery, Zuo Lingfeng sent Ye Xingchen into the car, and asked in a hoarse voice, "You really don't need me to see you?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head slowly, and only hugged him vigorously, "Thank you, uncle."

Zuo Lingfeng raised his hand and brushed the broken hair by her ear, and said lovingly, "I, like my sister and brother-in-law, just want to make you happy, and because he is Lou Xi, I don't know him better than you No, so... you guys have a good time!"

Ye Xingchen nodded, feeling his eyes were sore, and he was about to cry again, but since he decided to be brave, he shouldn't cry anymore!

He bent down and got into the car, and said firmly to the driver, "Go to Beidaihe."

At the same time, Lou Xi was already stamping her feet anxiously in the hospital.

Grandpa was being rescued in the emergency room, but Xingchen's phone didn't work, what happened?
Standing in the corner of the corridor, Shu Rao hesitated to speak again and again. In fact, she guessed it a little bit, because Xing Chen once told her something about her parents' car accident. The old man who pleaded for his grandson was the grandfather.

Grandpa has no biological grandson, so the person he pleads for is either Lou Yi or Lou Xi.

Seeing Xingchen's reaction, she was [-]% sure that the perpetrator was Lou Xi.

Why is God so cruel?
She didn't catch up with Xingchen, she thought that Xingchen must be hiding somewhere and crying secretly at this moment, but she couldn't do anything, she couldn't even tell Lou Xi why Xingchen was so abnormal.

Because she doesn't know how Xingchen will handle this matter, she can't say a word to Lou Xi rashly, otherwise it will harm the two of them forever.

"Shu Rao, I beg you! Tell me, what happened to the stars?" Lou Xi even begged, he had never begged anyone in his life, but for the stars, he went all out!

But Shu Rao was still unmoved, she really couldn't speak, turned around, bit her lips tightly, and swallowed her tears.

Lou Xi thumped the wall angrily, it is already [-]:[-] in the afternoon, Xing Chen has been away for several hours, and there is no news, where did she go?
During this period of time, every minute and every second was suffering for him.

He hated himself so much, why he didn't catch her in time the moment she left, it was only a little bit short!


He clenched his fist and whispered her name.

It seems that in this way, she can be expected to come back.

Then, no matter what happened to her, he would not allow her to leave him again!Never!
The red light on the door of the emergency room suddenly went out, and the doctor came out, sweating profusely and said, "It's safe and sound!"

Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief, but Lou Xi didn't catch his breath and ran away.

There is only one thing circling in his mind at the moment...he wants to find Xingchen!No matter where she is, he will find her!
Lou Xi quickly rushed out of the corridor, even bumping Shu Rao into a stagger, and bumped into a nurse head-on. The medical tray in the nurse's hand fell to the ground, and Shu Rao dodged subconsciously, almost falling down.

"Be careful!" Lou Yi supported her in time, and Shu Rao felt a warmth enveloping him, his eyes that were out of focus, suddenly came back to his senses, finally couldn't control the tears that he had held back for a long time, and hugged him with his backhand.

(End of this chapter)

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