Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 223 The Past Between Lou Xi, Lou Wing and Lou Rui 1

Chapter 223 The Past Between Lou Xi, Lou Wing and Lou Rui 1
"Rao Rao, can you tell me what happened?" Lou Yi asked pitifully.

Shu Rao felt so suffocated in her heart that she couldn't help but want to say something, but she was afraid that he would tell Lou Xi, so she opened her lips, but still hesitated to speak.

Lou Yi felt distressed when she saw it, and gently patted her on the back with one hand, and said softly, "I promise, I won't tell him."

Shu Rao's tears became more and more violent, "You swear?"

"I swear!" Their relationship is different now, he doesn't want her to carry everything alone, he wants to share some for her.

Shu Rao couldn't refuse such tenderness and care, but her voice trembled, "The car accident..."

She told him everything she knew.

However, Lou Yi's face became paler the more he heard it, and in the end he even froze completely. It turned out that Ruirui was not the only one who died in the car accident 7 years ago.

"Lou Yi, what's wrong with you?" Shu Rao asked in surprise.

Lou Yi didn't respond for a long time, as if he had sunk into a deep haze, unable to extricate himself for a long time.

"Floor Wing..."

After a long while, he finally came back to his senses, his eyes were deep, and he said quietly, "Rao Rao, let me tell you a story..."

"Story?" Shu Rao murmured and repeated, chewing on the two simple words on the tip of her tongue. Before he said it, she seemed to have felt the sadness, even a little sentimental.

Lou Yi nodded slightly. He had a lot to say, but he didn't know where to start. He turned his head and looked at the emergency room. Grandpa was out of danger. The medical staff were about to push him to the ward. Grandpa hadn't woken up yet. , The folds between the brows are so deep.

Looking at that old and melancholy face, his heart was once again filled with guilt, and he took a deep breath, barely suppressing the emotion in his heart, and took Shu Rao's hand to the end of the corridor.

Sitting down, he reached out and took out his wallet. There was a photo in the interlayer. It was a family portrait of a happy family of five.

Lou Yicheng and Han Fengyi were sitting upright, behind them stood him and Lou Xi, and between the two brothers stood a girl in a white dress.

The girl was about the same age as them, in the prime of life, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with long hair draped softly over her shoulders, reflecting her delicate and flawless facial features, and her black eyes shone with light, comparable to The most beautiful jewel in the world, her pink lips are slightly pursed, but the corners of her mouth are slightly raised, and her smile is so beautiful.

Lou Rui?

Shu Rao guessed the girl's identity without much thought.

Looking at the photo, Lou Yi suddenly felt like the sea has changed. Perhaps, everything should start from this photo.

"This was taken by Lou Xi and I that year. The girl in the photo is called Lou Rui. She is half a year younger than Lou Xi and me. Her mother and my mother are good friends. She died of dystocia when she gave birth to Rui Rui. Rui Rui Ruirui's father was in the same army as my father, and unfortunately died later, Ruirui became an orphan and was adopted by Lou's family, she is Lou Xi's and I's younger sister."

"Although we are not biological brothers and sisters, the three of us grew up together and have always had a good relationship. Ruirui is the princess in the compound. Everyone likes her. She is beautiful, has good grades, can draw, play the piano, and Ballet dancing, wherever she goes, boys will chase her, and Lou Xi and I are her guardian angels."

"That year, Lou Xi and I were going to join the army. Once we were soldiers and entered the barracks, we were no longer boys, but men, so my parents wanted to settle one thing before we joined the army, that is, let Ruirui and I are engaged."

"When my mother was pregnant, Ruirui's mother was also pregnant, so the two made an agreement to have children and in-laws. At that time, my mother didn't know that she was pregnant with twins. Ruirui and I were married with our fingertips. .”

"From my younger sister to my fiancée suddenly, I think it is very sudden, but it is not unacceptable. Anyway, our relationship has been very good since we were young. Ruirui also thinks it is sudden, but she thinks the same as me, so we are very happy. Soon to be engaged, before enlisting in the army, the name is settled."

"Three days after the engagement ceremony, Lou Xi and I joined the army. We are recruits, and both grandpa and dad want us to exercise well, so we didn't use any relationship. It was all based on the random assignment of the army. I was assigned to the J military region. And Lou Xi was assigned to the L military region, and the recruit company was in XZ."

"Obviously, Lou Xi's luck was relatively bad. After the results came out, the whole family was stunned, including Lou Xi himself, but the military order was like a mountain, and he couldn't back down, so he resolutely went to XZ. The recruits I was assigned Even, it's in the outer suburbs of BJ."

"Lou Xi and I went to the army separately. There is no holiday for recruits, but because I am relatively close to home, my mother and Ruirui can often go to the army to see me. During the holidays, what delicious food is there at home? They will all be sent to me, sometimes my mother is busy with work and has no time, so Ruirui goes alone."

"And Lou Xiyuan was in XZ. At that time, the traffic was not as developed as it is now, and it was a plateau several thousand meters above sea level. It was not easy to go there. Even the parcels mailed to the past took a long time to reach the company. The people over there The weather is bad and it is not convenient to make a phone call, so he has very little contact with his family."

"Those days lasted for two years. During those two years, Ruirui often went to the army to see me, but from once a month at the beginning, it gradually became once every two months, and then once every three months, half a year. Once, she visited me less and less often, stayed shorter and shorter, and talked less and less, and every time she was in a trance and absent-minded. I didn't know what was wrong with her at first, but Then one day, she suddenly told me that she was going to XZ to see Lou Xi."

"I realized later that during those two years, the person Ruirui missed was Lou Xi. In that age when communication was not well developed, Ruirui tried every means to contact and write letters to Lou Xi. Sending emails, chatting on QQ... When she was busy with those things, she only had Lou Xi in her heart and completely forgot about my existence."

"Maybe it's because Lou Xi walked far away, and the sense of distance gave her an illusion. Maybe it's because the person she likes has always been Lou Xi. It's just because the three of us used to be together all day long and couldn't tell them apart, but suddenly time and space They are all pulled apart, and in her heart, whoever is more important will be reflected."

"Of course I don't agree with her going to XZ, one is because she has never traveled far alone, and the other is that we have been engaged for two years, and I don't think of her as just my sister anymore, so I can't let her go I'm looking for Lou Xi, but I'm in the army, so I can't stand her. On the second day of her winter vacation, my mother called me and said that Ruirui went on a trip with her classmates, but I knew that she I went to XZ to see Lou Xi."

"I don't know if I should be angry or sad. Ruirui has been very good since she was a child, but she actually cheated her parents in order to go to XZ to see Lou Xi. That was the first time she lied, and the first time she traveled alone. , her feelings for Lou Xi are irresistible."

"I didn't tell my family about Ruirui's going to XZ. I don't know what my parents will do when they find out. Reaction."

"I'm very worried. If the two of them are in love, what will the engagement be like? When Ruirui and I got engaged, the ceremony was simple, but we notified all the relatives and people in the compound They all participated, how could the Lou family allow the repentance of the marriage to happen? And brothers involved?"

"In the day-by-day torment, I finally got the news of Ruirui's return, and Lou Xi came back with him. I feel that all my worries will come true. I don't know the relationship between the three of us. How should we face each other, but contrary to my expectations, Ruirui was unhappy when she came back."

(End of this chapter)

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