Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 226 The Truth About the Car Accident Part 3 Revealing the Secret 2

Chapter 226 The Truth About the Car Accident, The Third Secret Revealed 2
"Xingchen..." He opened his mouth with difficulty, his breath was very weak, but he insisted, "You take my coat here..."

Ye Xingchen looked in the direction of the old man's gaze, and saw his straight tunic suit.

Picking it up gently, it was easy to find that the pocket was bulging, as if it was full of things.

"Take it out..." the old man said expectantly again.

Ye Xingchen did as he did, and took out two envelopes from the pockets on both sides of his clothes. The envelopes were thick and white with a special meaning.

The old man motioned for her to open the envelope again.

After opening, the envelope contained photos one by one, and the people in the photos, without exception, were all Lou Xi.

When he was just born, there was still a hospital nameplate on his feet with his name on it.

When he was 1 year old, he was sitting next to the gate of the family courtyard, his immature face reflected against the red door panel, and he held a toy pistol in his hand.

When he was 5 years old, he stood outside the wall of the barracks, stood on tiptoe, and looked at the solemn and sacred area inside.

When he was 10, he participated in a field summer camp and wore an unconventional camouflage pattern, but his face was so satisfied.

When he was 18 years old, he stepped into the barracks as a soldier for the first time. Behind his olive green body was a white snow-covered plateau.

When he was 20 years old, at the gate of West Point Military Academy, he was full of heroism, holding the five-star red flag representing the country in his hand.

Then, there are his photos in recent years. Compared with the previous ones, the number is less, but each one is full of weight.

There was pride in his eyes when he put on the Falcon armband for the first time after joining the Special Forces.

When he had two bars and one star, his eyes became more determined, and he understood the importance of responsibility.

When he has two bars and two stars, his eyes are deeper, because he is more mature and knows how to be restrained.

There was a sad look on his face when he was promoted to colonel, and she was there that day, and he was feeling sorry for the child they had lost.

There are a lot of photos of him, photos of his life, photos of military uniforms, everything from various stages.

These are all traces of his growth, but they were packed in a white envelope. She suddenly understood the old man's intentions.

"These..." the old man panted, and he still had some difficulty breathing, but he said firmly, "I collected them specially, and I put them in my pocket every day and carry them with me... I am getting old, and I don't know when I will I will die, I put these photos on my body, I hope that when I die, they can be cremated with me, so that I can take them to meet your parents... At that time, I will tell them that this person is the The grandson who begged for mercy, the car accident happened because he made an unforgivable mistake, but...he has been a good boy since he was a child, and when he grows up, he is a person who is useful to the country and the people... I hope they can forgive he……"

Ye Xingchen nodded vigorously, tears also fell down, and he had mixed feelings in his heart, the poor old man was so well-intentioned.

"Grandpa..." She wanted to say something to comfort the old man, but she choked up and couldn't utter a word, tears wet each photo.

"Xingchen, Grandpa is sorry for you, and I dare not ask you to forgive me...I never even thought that I would see you again in my lifetime...I am a person who has walked from the battlefield with live ammunition. I never believe in fate, but I see When you and Lou Xi are together, I feel that there is such a thing as fate... I gave these photos to you... Now, you are more qualified than anyone else to handle them..."

Ye Xingchen was already sobbing, and tightly held the photo in her arms. Lou Xi's entire life was in her hands, his past, his present, and his future.

Her heart was tightly twisted into a ball, almost unable to breathe, but she still said firmly, "Grandpa, don't worry, I know what to do."

She will keep these photos and keep them well.

Every year after that, she would take a happy group photo with him, and then keep it.

When they are old and dead, they take all the photos together to see their parents and ask them to forgive, if they get forgiveness, they want to be together in the next life.

"Thank you..." the old man said gratefully. After talking a lot, he was a little weak from exhaustion. He slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Ye Xingchen tucked the corner of the blanket for him, and a strong light burst out from his tear-wet eyes.

After exiting the ward, she politely declined everyone's caring greetings, and only said to Shu Rao, "Can you find an old colleague from the airline company and book a ticket for me?"

Shu Rao nodded, knowing that there are a lot of tourists during the Spring Festival, and there would be no place to book a flight ticket at the last minute, so she could only ask her former colleagues for help.


"Xingchen, where are you going? I'll go with you!"

Ye Xingchen shook his head, "I'll go back to Yunchuan first, don't worry, I just need a little time to digest this matter, I'll be fine."

Shu Rao didn't know what else to say, she knew that Xingchen really needed to be alone.

At the same time, Lou Xi drove the car and galloped on the road, but he didn't know where he was going.

I've looked for the train station, the bus station, the subway station, the bus station, all of them, but I just can't find her.

The phone still doesn't work.

Feeling flustered like never before, the car moved forward, and the scenery on both sides of the road passed by one by one. He continued to accelerate, and then accelerated, rushing to the last possible place.

Xingchen is not a willful person, perhaps, she has already returned to her grandfather's house?

He was sweating anxiously, with the car window half-opened, letting the cold wind blow him, so that he could remain clear and rational.

He swore that no matter what happened, he would never let her leave him again!
With a "squeak", the car stopped at the entrance of the villa, and he quickly got out of the car and went straight to the house.

"Uncle!" In the living room, only the little devil was there.

"Xinxin, has your little aunt ever come back?"

The little devil nodded, "I just came back, but left again."

Lou Xi clenched his fist secretly, he came back late!

However, since she came back, he can rest assured that she should have gone to the hospital.

"Where's Sisi?"

"Sleeping. She seemed to be frightened when grandpa got sick. After everyone went to the hospital, she was teary all the time. My aunt just came back and put her to sleep. Now the nanny is watching."

Lou Xi felt more at ease, and Xing Chen still coaxed Sisi to sleep, which means she should be fine, right?
Trying to comfort himself, he lightly pulled the little devil's shoulder, and said, "Xinxin, be good and take care of your sister, you know?"

"I know!" The little devil nodded vigorously, although she didn't know what happened, but her grandfather was ill, she couldn't make any more trouble, her father asked her to stay at home, and she didn't even go to the hospital.

Seeing her cute and sensible appearance, Lou Xi suddenly had mixed feelings in his heart. Over the years, the little devil is always noisy, and everyone is used to it, so is he, and he told himself that there is nothing wrong with such a heart, otherwise everyone Will miss Ruirui even more.

For Ruirui's death, he couldn't absolve himself of the blame, so that he didn't dare to face Xinxin. Although he wanted to pamper her like Lou Yi and love her, every time he saw her, he would unconsciously Thinking of Ruirui when she was a child, she didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Without time to say more, Lou Xi quickly suppressed the heavy emotions in his heart, let go of the little devil, turned around and ran out the door again.

(End of this chapter)

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