Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 225 The Truth About the Car Accident Part 3 Revealing the Secret 1

Chapter 225 The Truth About the Car Accident, The Third Secret Revealed 1
"After Lou Xi woke up, he asked me how Ruirui was. I could only shake my head. He was very depressed all of a sudden, and he didn't speak much for half a year."

"I don't know how to face him. I think I broke him and Ruirui. If it wasn't for me, nothing would have happened. Ruirui wouldn't die, and Lou Xi wouldn't lose the opportunity to continue her studies at West Point Military Academy." Chance, I felt very painful and depressed, so I left BJ for a while and went to Yunchuan. In Military Medical University, I met Xingchen once, and it was because of the time I scolded Xingchen that I cried I suddenly realized that escaping is not the solution to the problem at all, I can’t calm down, it will only affect more innocent people, so I immediately packed my luggage and returned to BJ.”

"Later, Lou Xi could be discharged from the hospital. My father wanted him to stay in the BJJ military region, but he went to Yunchuan without hesitation. Our two brothers ran away from home one after another, which completely angered my father. Physical condition, although all the indicators have met the standards, but he is risking his life to enter the special forces, but he insists on going his own way, and no one can stop him. In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed."

Lou Yi's memory ends, and he returns to reality. Shu Rao's eyes are moist, filled with everyone's sadness.

Lou Yi looked at her, his eyes were still a little erratic, "Back then, facing Xinxin who was crying for food, and Lou Xi who never looked back, no one had the heart to say a word about the car accident. If it weren't for Grandpa and Xingchen today We met, if you hadn't told me that Xingchen's parents also died in a car accident, I'm afraid I would never know the truth."

After a pause, he continued mockingly, "I'm such a sinner, now I add another one, if it weren't for me, nothing would have happened, no car accident, Ruirui wouldn't have died, Lou Xi wouldn't have gone to the cloud Chuan, he won't know Xingchen, and he won't become what he is now."

"No! It's not like that!" Shu Rao couldn't help but shook his head, denying his self-pity. This incident was a tragedy from the beginning to the end. No one thought about it. He didn't have to feel guilty and torture himself like this.

After the car accident, he regained his strength, made progress in the army, and took care of Xinxin at home. He seemed very strong, but she knew that behind this man's strength, there was too much sadness and pain.

But his heartache and pain can't be expressed, he can only hide all the grief in his heart, even his parents don't know, the emotional entanglement between him and Lou Rui and Lou Xi, everything he has endured , no one knows.

"Lou Yi, it's not your fault, it's really not your fault!" Shu Rao firmly held his hand, raised her eyes, and suddenly found a familiar figure at the corner of the corridor.

Shu Rao was stunned for a moment, Lou Yi followed her gaze, and was also stunned suddenly.

The air seemed to freeze instantly.

The corner of Ye Xingchen's mouth twitched, and he tried to pull out a weak smile. It turned out that this was really the case, and Lou Xi didn't know it from the beginning to the end.

God is cruel and arranged for him to be the perpetrator of the car accident, but she also thanked God for his mercy. He still doesn't know the truth. In this way, she can pretend that nothing happened and continue to live with him.

Although she is very sad, she is alone in the pain now, and what happened in the past has already happened, and there is nothing she can do to recover from it. Telling him will not help, and her parents will not be able to survive, and speaking out will only make him blame himself, Guilt made him suffer along with her, even more painful than her.

Her home was gone seven years ago, and seven years later, she didn't want to lose the home he gave her.

In the small family composed of him, Sisi, and her, Sisi is the softest part of his heart, and he will never let go of it for the rest of his life. She doesn't want him to feel indebted to her again. His bones are firm, but he is also a body of flesh and blood, and he can't bear more guilt and pain.

So, let it be like this, just pretend that nothing happened, just pretend that she never knew that the perpetrator was him, and she continued to pretend that the perpetrator was just a stranger who had never met, and he wanted to join hands with her for the rest of her life man.

Taking a deep breath, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and when she raised her eyes, her eyes were full of determination.

Shu Rao approached cautiously, and hugged her distressedly, "Xingchen..."

Ye Xingchen hugged Shu Rao back vigorously, feeling very relieved in her heart, thankful for having a friend who understands her in her life, she doesn't need to say too much, but everything is kept silent, such a tacit understanding makes her feel warm.

So, no matter how much haze there is in life, there is always sunshine, and tomorrow will be even better.

Lou Yi stood aside, too sad to speak.Lou Xi is so lucky to be loved by a girl like Xing Chen, such love and tolerance made him want to cry.

In the ward, old man He Minghui woke up, and everyone surrounded him.

"Xing... Chen..." The old man called her name weakly, wanting to talk to her alone.

Everyone retreated silently.

Ye Xingchen wiped away his tears, took a few steps closer, and arrived at the hospital bed.

Staring at the gray-haired old man on the hospital bed, her heart tightened again, and her eyes became moist again involuntarily.

The old man concealed all the truth back then, but he was not domineering and relying on his power to overwhelm others. He was kneeling in front of her parents and begging her. She had no way to blame her with such sincerity.

The old man even made a request to take care of her life in the future. Although she refused, she knew that the old man was sincere. When she left BJ, she rented out the house. What she worried about most was the tombstone of her parents. , but every year when she goes to worship, the tombstone is clean, and on the day of their death, someone always presents them with a bouquet of daisies earlier than her.She knew that those were done by the old man, and he never appeared in front of her as he promised back then, but he was silently repenting and making up for it.

She knew that this was a kind-hearted old man, he was just loving, but not only selfishly trying to excuse his grandson, he was also saving a talent for the army.She never knew that Lou Xi went to West Point Military Academy to study, but he never said that maybe in the eyes of others, completing the first period of training and assessment is already a great and honorable thing, but to him, that But it is a pity, because he could have continued his studies, and he could have been higher and stronger.

The old man promised her that he would not disappoint her tolerance. He did it, and Lou Xi did it too. He became a member of the special forces. He saved the lives of many people, the parents of many children, and the parents of many parents. Boy, he is a hero of the people.

He is still young, and there is still a long way to go, and she wants to walk with him on the next road, so that they will all be braver, and only hope that after a hundred years, they can go to ask their parents for forgiveness together.

Therefore, grandpa doesn't have to blame himself anymore, she never blamed him.

There wasn't before, and there won't be now.

Especially when she arrived at the Lou family and heard about his relationship with the Lou family, she only felt admiration for the old man in her heart.

Without him, perhaps there would be no Commander Lou today, let alone Lou Xi. It was he who educated Lou Xi so well, so excellent, so useful, so that she liked it, and made her proud of it.

"Grandpa..." She gently held the old man's hand and tried to smile.

He Minghui's vision blurred in an instant. He felt admiration for such a kind and caring girl, but also felt distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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