228 Departure 2
Heart Lake fluctuated even more violently.

"Want to go?" Across the desk, Jing Sa's inquiry suddenly sounded.

Ye Xingchen subconsciously clenched the cup in his hand, and slowly raised his eyes to meet Shang Jingsa's gaze.

He nodded slightly, but firmly.

Jing Sa raised her eyebrows slightly, as if surprised, but also as if she understood. Her beauty remained unchanged, and she lowered her head to sort out the case again, "Take a form and fill it out, and give it to me tomorrow morning."

Ye Xingchen didn't hesitate, put down his teacup, drew a form, and left.

Jing Sa ignored it, and worked all night until dawn, until the next morning, Ye Xingchen showed up in the office again with the completed form and luggage.

Looking at the form she submitted, an expression of astonishment appeared on Jing Sa's beautiful face, as if she couldn't believe it, "You... are going to XZ?"

It has been several days since the notice was issued, and no one in the hospital has signed up. Who wants to go to such a far place for Chinese New Year, and the conditions are so bad.

On the contrary, everyone is rushing to go to the United States.

why she...

Ye Xingchen smiled faintly, very calmly, "I can leave anytime."

Jing Sa didn't speak for a long time, Ye Xingchen simply picked up the seal on the desk and stamped it.

The door closed, but Jing Sa still couldn't regain his senses for a long time, only feeling mixed feelings in his heart.

Although she didn't know what happened, she had to admit that this woman impressed her.

After a long time, I finally came back to my senses, quickly picked up the phone, and dialed a familiar number, "Lou Xi..."

After Ye Xingchen left the hospital, he went straight to the airport and flew to XZ.

For a moment, she really wanted to go to the United States, but she couldn't. It would take three years to go to the United States, and she couldn't leave for that long, otherwise she would be too irresponsible to Lou Xi and Sisi.

She went back to Yunchuan alone, just wanting to be quiet, she can't leave casually, let alone go abroad casually.

Moreover, when she went to the United States, she could only feel his regrets at West Point Military Academy, but when she went to XZ, she could think about their future.

Back then Lou Rui went to XZ for him, so now, she can too.

She doesn't have to compare with anyone, she can't erase his past, but she hopes that she can add new memories to him, that the snow-covered plateau can purify the haze in her heart, so that she can be quiet, Be quiet again, until when she comes back, she can truly feel relieved.

The plane took off, and a quiet and moving face was reflected on the small window.

RKZ, the second largest city in XZ, is located in the southwest of XZ. It means "manor with fertile soil and water" in Tibetan. It is an ancient city with a history of more than 600 years.

Ye Xingchen stepped on the thick snow and ice, and couldn't believe that he was already on a plateau at an altitude of more than 3800 meters.

The weather is beautiful, the weather is clear, and looking far away, there is a magnificent beauty.

The ice-capped snow-capped mountains headed by Mount Everest, the beautiful primeval forest belt, the sacred mountains, holy lakes, and grasslands that complement each other, the famous temples and temples full of mystery and legend, and the unique cultural customs of post-Tibetan...all brought her a deep feeling. Deep shock.

Living in such a pure snow-covered plateau, it seems that all the troubles in the world will be forgotten. The sky is so high, the mountains are so majestic, and human beings seem so small here.

Very pretty!

However, like most people who came here, she had obvious altitude sickness, dizziness, and general fatigue.

Sitting on a local minibus, I wandered to a certain hospital in Tibet. The scale was small and there were not many medical staff. The dean was Han and received her personally.

The first batch of medical teams set off before the Spring Festival. She is the second batch. More than a dozen medical staff will go to several townships under JZ County to conduct caring inspections, provide free medical examinations for villagers, and distribute commonly used medicines .

The dean also specially prepared items such as rice noodles and sugar, and wanted to send them to the poor households in the village, so as to pass on the deep friendship of the people's soldiers to the hearts of the residents.

Ye Xingchen suddenly thought of Dorje's mother, and her heart was full of sourness, but at the same time full of strength. This trip, she didn't come in vain!
Human potential seems to be immeasurable, and I don't know if it is a psychological effect. Her heart suddenly became stronger, and she was full of fighting spirit, and the altitude sickness suddenly became less strong. car.

Wherever the inspection team went, they were warmly welcomed by the masses.

An old man took Ye Xingchen's hand and said affectionately, "Although I only have one child, you soldiers and soldiers are really lucky to care about my health."

He raised his thumb and said, "Gudu, PLA, Gudu, Jinzhu Mami."

Ye Xingchen couldn't understand Tibetan, but seeing the old man's sincere smile filled his heart with warmth.

But when he raised his head, the weather suddenly turned cloudy, and the dean said based on experience, "It's going to snow!"

The complex and diverse topography of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has formed a unique plateau climate. Local people say that there are "different skies for ten miles" and "four seasons in a day."

This night, Ye Xingchen and the accompanying medical staff had to stay in the local area and wait for the snow before leaving, because it was still far away from the next town, and it would be very dangerous for them to go forward in the snow.

It was very cold at night, she didn't take off her clothes, she just hit her whole body, shivering and lay down under the blanket, very tired, coupled with the discomfort of altitude sickness, but she couldn't fall asleep anyway.

After tossing and turning, I was still worried, took out my phone, and edited a text message: I'm fine, don't read.

The recipient is Lou Xi.

I tapped the send button lightly, but the text message failed to be sent.

She took a closer look, only to find that the phone had no signal at all.

My heart became more anxious.

She knew he must be worried, and she was worried because of his worry.

At the same time, Lou Xi was on the train to XZ.

When he received Jing Sa's call, he was rushing from BJ to Yunchuan, because there was no flight from BJ to Yunchuan that day, and he couldn't wait for a second, so he just took the train back.

Seeing that there were still a few stops before arriving at Yunchuan, he suddenly received a call from Jing Sa, who told him that Xingchen had gone to XZ.

He understood the torment in Xing Chen's heart almost at that moment, his heart seemed to be tightly grasped by something, and twisted into a ball, the feeling of extreme pain rose from the soles of his feet and spread to his whole body.

But he didn't dare to delay for a moment, and quickly got off the train at an unfamiliar small station, rushed to the ticket window like crazy, bought a ticket for another train, and headed for XZ.

During the Spring Festival travel season, it was very difficult to buy any train tickets. He only bought one with his military ID card. Although it was a standing ticket, he was content. As long as he could go to XZ immediately, to meet the stars, and to tell her the ultimate truth about the car accident , even if he climbs, he will climb!
The railway to Tibet has been much better than in previous years, but he still feels slow, wishing he could grow a pair of wings immediately and fly to the plateau at an altitude of 4000 meters.

There were many people in the carriage and it was very crowded. He couldn't help thinking, where is Xingchen now? Is she lonely by herself?


The fool who made him feel bad!
After a sleepless night, Ye Xingchen woke up early after dawn.

She and several colleagues lived in the villager's home. The industrious owner got up early in the morning and made tsampa out of barley.

Ye Xingchen held a piece of tsampa in his hand and ate it slowly, thinking that he should have eaten it back then.

(End of this chapter)

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