Chapter 229 Lou Xi Tells the Truth 1
"Doctor Ye, why are you eating so slowly? Are you feeling unwell?" the dean at the same table asked with concern.

Ye Xingchen suddenly came back to his senses, shook his head in embarrassment, and speeded up his eating.

Breakfast was finished quickly, and the snow outside had stopped, and the medical staff were ready to leave.

The next township is far away, the dean said, at least three or four hours away.

They didn't dare to delay for a moment, and set off immediately after packing up. More than a dozen people, divided into two cars, headed for the next township.

The journey was long, and in order to avoid boredom, the medical staff made their own preparations. Some read magazines, and some listened to music with headphones. Ye Xingchen took out his phone again, but there was still no signal.

She had to admit that she had already started to miss him.

The car was bumpy and bumpy. After driving for more than an hour, it took less than [-] kilometers. Because it had just snowed, the road was very difficult, and the people in the car were a little drowsy.

Ye Xingchen also slowly closed his eyes, a little tired, and sleepiness gradually struck.

But just when she was about to fall asleep, the car suddenly trembled a distance away, and then the driver braked suddenly, with a "squeak", making a sharp but strange sound as it rubbed against the snow.

"What happened?" Everyone in the car woke up.

The driver squinted his eyes and said two words in a heavy tone, "Avalanche."


Everyone's hearts suddenly rose to their throats, Ye Xingchen also looked out of the window quickly, and gasped for a moment.

The car in front of her fell into a big snow pit, and 80% of the whole body was covered by snow. On the snow mountain beside the road, the ruthless snow blocks were still falling down one after another, trying to get rid of the car underneath. The car was completely engulfed.

The car stuck in the snow pit can no longer move, and the people inside dare not move, because no one knows when the bigger snow on the mountain will be pressed down more quickly. Block engulfed.

Seeing the car in front, Ye Xingchen could imagine that the condition of the car she was in was not much better.

The driver shook his head and informed everyone, "We can only wait for rescue now."

All the people in the car were silent, watching helplessly as the car windows were covered by more and more snow, and finally it was completely white, and they could no longer see outside.

And once the windshield is crushed, all of them will die without a place to die.

The experienced driver gave a countdown. They can last up to three hours. If the rescue vehicle does not arrive within three hours, they will all be finished.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and death was approaching step by step.

Ye Xingchen subconsciously clenched the phone tightly. Although she knew there was no signal, she still edited a text message with trembling fingers and wrote down her last words.

"Lou Xi, it's a pity that we can never meet again, but I don't feel sad to be able to die here. This is the farthest and purest place in the world. This is the place where you first let your dreams fly. I will be lonely. Thousands of words are not enough to express my heart. In the end, I just want to say that I don’t regret meeting you in this life. If there is a next life, I still want to be with you.”

"Uncle, I'm sorry, I'll take a step to accompany Mom and Dad, don't be sad, live a good life, you're not too young, find me a little aunt, you must be happy!"

"Rao Rao, I'm so sorry, I can't watch you wear a wedding dress as a bride again, but I know it's different this time, Lou Yi will definitely make you happy, I wish you all the best of luck."

"Sisi, my baby, mom loves you so much, you must be good, listen to dad's words, grow up healthy and happy! Mom is leaving now, go to heaven to accompany your younger brother or sister who was not born in time, and hope that in the next life , you can all be my children again..."

In a trance, she seemed to see a pair of angel wings.

Three hours passed, and the rescue vehicle did not come. The body of the car was almost unbearable. The outside of the car was covered with ice and snow, and the inside of the car was sealed. Low, so cold, the whole body is frozen into ice, the eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and the limbs are not in control.

The phone slipped gently from his palm.

Then, she started dreaming, dreaming of many people, parents, Lou Xi, Sisi, uncle, Rao Rao... PLA, doctors, and many more...

Can't tell the truth from the truth, can't tell the truth from the fake.

In the end, I also dreamed of a pair of gray-haired husbands, fathers-in-law and old women, one is Yue Lao and the other is Meng Po.

They said that they used to be lovers, but later, one fell in love, and the other broke the world of mortals.

Whether it is robbery or fate, it is only in one thought.

"Xingchen!" Suddenly, someone called her name.

The deep male voice, like a thunderbolt, woke her up from the wandering dream in an instant. She tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't lift her heavy eyelids no matter what.

She thought she was still in a dream, but a pair of big warm hands suddenly hugged her, the familiar strength and temperature made her body tremble uncontrollably.

His teeth were shaking from the cold, he couldn't speak, he could only choke out his name in his throat, "Lou Xi..."

"Xingchen, don't be afraid, I'm coming!"

His voice was still so deep and cold, but it brought her an endless sense of security. In the chaos of consciousness, her whole heart settled down.

In this world, it seems that he is the only one who has this kind of power, which can truly and profoundly shake her whole mind.

Falling into that warm embrace, she seemed to be reborn. The warmth encouraged her, exerting the last strength of her whole body, gathering together, opening her eyes forcefully, her eyelashes trembling, and bright light pierced into her pupils little by little.

The sudden light dazzled her, but a familiar figure pressed down on her face, and that familiar handsome face was reflected in her eyes.

"It's really you..." She was so surprised that she couldn't believe it. She wanted to reach out her hand to see if it was true, but she didn't have any strength in her body, she couldn't lift her arm, and her fingertips were numb.

She could only forcefully open her eyes, blinking again and again, but he was really there, always there, tall and straight, like a mountain, gentle and graceful, like flowing water, bringing her a safe and gentle feeling.

Sanmao once said: We go step by step, go down-to-earth, and never resist the burden that life entrusts to us, only a brave man.At the moment when we suddenly look back, life will inevitably give us a fair answer and a happy mood again. At that time, the mountains and waters were restored to be mountains and waters, and life has already passed. What a beautiful autumn. .

Time is changing, life is wandering, live modestly, meekly and open-mindedly, not trapped in the past, not chaotic in the present, not afraid of the future, the meaning of life is in the present.

The rescue vehicle came and dragged the car out of the snow pit. Almost all the people in the car were frozen to death. They were all transferred to the ambulance and sent to the nearest hospital.

Ye Xingchen knew that the nearest hospital was in JZ County, hundreds of kilometers away. Perhaps, when she got to the hospital, she might be frozen into ice, but she was not afraid at all because he was there.

Being held in his arms, her head was still dizzy and she wanted to sleep, but she couldn't bear to sleep, lying on his warm chest, feeling his ups and downs of breathing, crying and laughing.

"You still dare to laugh? Ye Xingchen, when you recover, I will beat you up!" Lou Xi said angrily, but her arms hugged her tightly with pity.

(End of this chapter)

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