Chapter 231 Have a Baby 1
"I didn't even see how the two cars collided, and subconsciously called for the brakes, but I suddenly realized that the brakes were broken. I quickly reached out to control the steering wheel, but it was too late, and the car rushed down from the viaduct."

"After the fall, I dragged Ruirui out of the car with the little remaining consciousness and physical strength. A few seconds later, the car exploded, and I didn't know anything after following."

"After waking up, more than ten hours later, I was lying in the hospital, wrapped up like a mummy. I asked Lou Yirui how he was, but he didn't speak, but just shook his head."

"I'm very sad and blame myself. I think everything is my fault. If it wasn't for me, Ruirui wouldn't have doubts about her feelings, wouldn't drink to relieve her sorrow, wouldn't admit to the wrong person, and wouldn't have had a baby. Xin Xinhou suffers from postpartum depression and will not die."

"I saw Xinxin who was only a hundred days old, and I felt so sad that I wanted to die. I saw Lou Yi hugging her with mixed feelings. I felt like a sinner."

"During the six months of recuperating in the hospital, I hardly talked to anyone, especially my family, Lou Yi, and Xinxin. After I recovered from my injury, I decided to leave BJ because I really I don’t know how to stay in that house.”

"At that time, I had just recovered from a serious injury, and I insisted on going to Yunchuan, which aroused strong opposition from my family. My father even wanted to cut off the father-son relationship with me, because he knew that with my physical condition at the time, joining the special forces was almost risking my life, but I didn't care. Not so much, I feel that if I continue to stay at home and stay in BJ, my life will be worse than death, so I resolutely left."

"When I left BJ, Jing Sa walked with me, but she didn't know why I left. The morning when I left home, before dawn, I even heard There was Xinxin crying, it was the first time I cried since the car accident, and I left home with wet eyes."

"At that time, I was actually very fragile, so when Jing Sa followed me, I didn't refuse, but as soon as the train left, I regretted letting her go with me, because I knew I was using her to give myself Increase your courage, but I know better that she is someone who will not change her mind easily, so let her go, and I know that Jing Sa is also a persistent person, unless she figured it out herself, no one would say anything."

"Since then, no one has the heart to mention the car accident, so that everyone thought I was the one who drove that night, and I never thought that there were other victims in the car accident... let alone that they were your parents... ..."

Speaking of this, Lou Xi's words came to an abrupt end, he couldn't continue, he didn't know this fact, should he be sad, or should he be thankful that he wasn't the one who drove that night, but it was two lives after all, it was her last Loving parents.

Ye Xingchen finally couldn't restrain himself from weeping bitterly. She had experienced pain and struggle, experienced life and death, and then learned the truth from him. All the emotions rushed into her heart, making her unable to say a word Come out, can only vent with tears.

But there was a bright light shining in those tears, and she felt for the first time that it turns out that crying can also make people feel happy.

Ye Xingchen was crying in a mess, and couldn't hold back his tears, and there was even a tendency to intensify, but Lou Xi couldn't stand it anymore.

Although he knew that her tears were mostly joy, he still couldn't figure it out. If he really killed her parents with a car, would she, a fool, really plan to keep her secret from him for the rest of her life? ?

If that's the case, then he is the one who should cry!
Fortunately, God was not so cruel, did not make him the real perpetrator, and did not make him unable to hold his head up in front of her forever.

However, he was really scared to death by her!
Because she didn't want him to bear the burden of guilt, she actually chose to endure all the pain alone. This kind of her made him feel very distressed, but also very angry. She even ran to XZ, and encountered an avalanche, and almost left him forever , and wrote the last words!

Damn, what does he want her last words for?What he wants is her, a good her, a woman who can spend the rest of his life with him!

Pulling the towel from the bedside, rubbed her face slightly and rudely, and shouted in a deep voice, "Don't cry!"

Ye Xingchen froze for a moment, was startled, his shoulders trembled slightly, and through his tearful eyes, he saw his resolute side face, which was tense, and she knew that he was angry.

Because she let herself be wronged, because she didn't know how to protect herself, so he was angry.

But because of love, she didn't feel wronged.

Because of love, she is willing to suffer both joy and pain.

And she just wanted to come here for a while, she didn't expect to encounter an avalanche, if it could be predicted, of course she wouldn't come, because she still didn't want to die, and she still wanted to live with him and continue to be Sisi's mother.

After the avalanche, when death approached step by step, she was really scared, but now, she is still alive, it feels so good to be alive!
Tears of joy and tears poured out uncontrollably.

Seeing that she was still crying, Lou Xi's handsome face sank even more, but he had nothing to do except to wipe her tears.

"Okay, don't cry." He sighed with pity.

Ye Xingchen's tears continued to flow, until she discovered something.

"What's wrong with your face?" She noticed that there were a few bloodstains on the half of his cheek that had been avoiding her sight.

Lou Xi backed away slightly, not wanting to be questioned by her, but Ye Xingchen was in a hurry, sat up and pressed his shoulder to check, and asked eagerly, "What's going on?"

"No..." Lou Xi subconsciously shook her head, not wanting to make her worry, but in the next second she put on airs on purpose, snorted coldly, and said, "It's not to save you!"

Let's see if you dare to risk yourself again!
Ye Xingchen really fell for the trick, feeling so guilty that he said quickly, "Get up and deal with the wound!"

Lou Xi didn't take it seriously. In fact, this small injury is really not worth mentioning. However, it's good to make her nervous, so that she will know how to protect herself in the future and won't make him worry anymore.

"What are you going to do? It will definitely leave scars anyway!" He deliberately frightened her.

Ye Xingchen gasped, leaving a scar?
Although it's okay to have scars on a man's body, especially in soldiers, it's not good to have scars on his face, especially his face is so perfect.

"It's okay, it's a big deal and I won't look in the mirror in the future." Lou Xi pretended to be indifferent, but then sighed softly, and said with some embarrassment, "I don't know if Sisi will be scared when I go home, will she be scared?" Don't you know me?"

Ye Xingchen's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he could foresee the panic in the little girl's eyes, and he felt uncomfortable all of a sudden, it was all her fault!

Subconsciously bit her lower lip, not knowing what to say.

When Lou Xi saw her guilty expression, she couldn't help but want to laugh, but her face was still very serious, just to let her have a long memory, to see if she would dare to take on everything by herself in the future, and take risks alone!
"Okay, I'm fine, you go to sleep!" He ordered domineeringly.

Ye Xingchen nodded obediently, and slowly closed his eyes, but just after he closed them, he opened them again as if worried, and repeated several times until he stretched out his long arms and hugged her tightly. In his arms, she leaned against his chest and fell asleep slowly.

Really sleepy, I haven't slept well for several days, and now I can finally sleep peacefully, in his arms, so warm.

(End of this chapter)

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