Chapter 232 Have a Baby 2
Although Ye Xingchen wasn't seriously injured, he had some altitude sickness in the first place. Coupled with Xue Beng's torment, his body was naturally weak. The doctor suggested staying in the hospital for a few more days to recuperate.

But where can she live, she can't wait to be discharged from the hospital and go home.

Lou Xi's handsome face was heavy, "Why, do you want to go back now? Didn't you always go forward before?"

Ye Xingchen was stunned for a moment, very annoyed.

Under Lou Xi's strong "oppression", she had no choice but to be hospitalized obediently, but the small hospitals in JZ County have limited conditions. Although she lived in a single ward, the environment was not very good. There was no bed for the escort, so Lou Xi had to squeeze in with her at night, but most of the bed was given to her, and he almost slept on his side. Of course, he couldn't sleep well in that position. After two nights, his eyes were full. There is already a clear black and blue below.

Ye Xingchen was very distressed by this, so on the third day, while he was out to fetch hot water, she secretly told the doctor that she was going to be discharged from the hospital.

Because the hospital's wards were very limited, the doctor saw that she was almost better, so he agreed to leave the hospital the next morning.

That night, Ye Xingchen was inevitably a little excited, and couldn't sleep no matter what, he moved his body again and adjusted a new posture.

Lou Xi also did not fall asleep, but was a little excited, but it was not the spirit that excited, but the body.

"Can't sleep?" He asked hoarsely, his arms around her waist tightened slightly.

Ye Xingchen was startled by his sudden question, "Are you still asleep?"

Lou Xi felt melancholy in her heart, the bed is so small, she moves around, it's strange that he can sleep, he's not Liu Xiahui!

The big hand slowly climbed into her clothes, a bit malicious.

Ye Xingchen's face turned red, turning into the color of a tomato. He felt flustered, and quickly stretched out one hand to hold down his troublesome big hand, and grabbed the quilt tightly with the other hand.

Lou Xi curled her lips, feeling a little unhappy, she couldn't touch it!
Ye Xingchen frowned angrily, this is a hospital, of course not!
"I'm so hungry..." His tone was a bit childish.

Ye Xingchen's ears were red now, and he quickly turned his back to him.

But he came up again and bit her ear, making her itchy and ashamed.

The familiar smell surrounded her, making her heart tremble, and she parted her lips hesitantly, "That..."

"Huh?" Lou Xi raised her eyebrows, teasingly.

Ye Xingchen blushed, and was so ashamed that he didn't know how to speak.

Lou Xi hugged her intimately from behind, pressed her lips against her skin, deliberately teased her, and said, "If you don't tell me, I can continue!"

Ye Xingchen opened his eyes wide, and quickly said, "Don't, don't, wait until we go back..."

"What?" He deliberately teased her.

"Again..." She really didn't know what to say next, her face flushed red.

"Hehe..." Lou Xi chuckled unkindly, and slightly let go of her arms.Although he really wanted to, it was obvious that the time and place were wrong, and she didn't know if her current body could bear him.

It was only then that Ye Xingchen realized that he was teasing her on purpose, and bit his lip angrily. She thought he was real!
After a moment of silence, she turned over again, her face was red, she didn't dare to look at him, she buried her head in his chest, and said falteringly, "Lou Xi, let's have a baby after we go back..."

After the avalanche, when she was writing her last words, at the moment she passed out, she seemed to see a pair of angel wings. She thought, maybe it was the child they had lost calling her, and the baby was saying, Mom, give me another chance to be born.

Lou Xi picked up her face and kissed her face forcefully, said with a smirk, "Don't worry, my wife, I will work hard!"

Ye Xingchen was so ashamed that he wanted to hit him, but the fist that fell was light.

Her head rested on his chest, and he closed his eyes too.

The two hugged each other intimately, and fell asleep quietly, as if their heartbeats had merged into one.


Elder He Minghui's health is fine, and he can be discharged from the hospital after a few more days of recuperation. Everyone's vacation is basically over, and they are going back to BJ.

After Shu Rao received a call from Ye Xingchen from XZ, she was startled at first, but then she learned that Lou Xi was there, and that the two of them had reconciled as before, and finally let go of her worries.

And she was also preparing to return to Yunchuan.

The little devil was very unhappy about this.

"Girl, don't go, I will miss you!"

Shu Rao touched the little devil's furry head, and sighed helplessly, feeling a little complicated in his heart.

When she came to BJ, she just came to send Shu Jing off, but she didn't expect to become someone's girlfriend when she went back. Although it felt warm and sweet, life was real. After all, she and Lou Yi were not in the same city. Of course the army cannot leave BJ, and although her job is free, but her grandparents are in her hometown, she cannot be too far away from Yunchuan.

Therefore, long-distance love is doomed.

Regarding this, she was actually still a little uneasy. Although she knew that Lou Yi was serious about this relationship, her past experience made her feel uneasy. At that time, they couldn't see each other a few times a year, and Lou Yi was a soldier, so he was not free, and he didn't know when and where they would meet next time.

Just as he was thinking, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

The special ringtone made her startled immediately. It was the landline number of her hometown. Grandparents were diligent and thrifty, and they were reluctant to call her on weekdays. If there was nothing wrong, they would not call her easily.

Eyelids twitched, and I suddenly had a bad premonition in my heart.

After quickly picking it up, it was Grandpa's voice, very anxious, and on the other end of the phone, she heard grandma crying, "Rao Rao, are you free to come back? Today the village chief came to the house and said it was our The part of the house is going to be demolished, and the developer will not move back, but only give a little compensation, what should we do, where will we live in the future?"

"Grandpa, don't worry, I'll go back right away!" Shu Rao said comfortingly, but she also had mixed feelings in her heart. In recent years, many places near her hometown have been demolished. The appraised price of the old house is compensated, and if the residents want to move back, they have to buy it at the market price, which requires a lot of money. Obviously, grandparents can't afford it, and her savings are also very limited. It is estimated that even a down payment is not enough.

Before the phone was hung up, sweat was already dripping from her forehead.

Maybe, she can lend a loan to her grandparents to buy a small square?
But she doesn't even have a job now, how could the bank give her a loan?
Moreover, the houses built by developers are generally large in size, and there are very few small square ones, which she simply cannot afford.

"Grandpa, don't be in a hurry, don't sign anything for anyone, I'll talk about everything when I get back!" As he said that, he started to walk out.

But suddenly a big hand grabbed her.

Shu Rao raised her eyes slowly, only then did she realize the existence of Lou Yi, she was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I have something at home, I..."

"I'll go back with you!" Lou Yi heard the reason from the phone.

Shu Rao was slightly taken aback, actually a little surprised.

Lou Yi sighed softly, obviously she hadn't gotten used to their relationship yet, and he could almost imagine how she lived alone these years, she was used to doing everything by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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