Chapter 239 Sniper 2
Lou Hua worked even harder, the training ground was in full swing, and she was also excited, "Kacha Kacha" taking pictures non-stop.

However, every time I took pictures, they were all pictures of soldiers running around the playground. They had to run 5 kilometers, but she couldn't keep shooting one scene!

Gently put down the camera in his hand, and frowned slightly.

What else can I shoot?

When Lou Hua was struggling, a small group of people suddenly separated out on the training ground, roughly counting, there were only six or seven people.

Lou Xi called out a name in the ranks of veterans, "Ling Shaotang, come out!"

After saying that, Zuo Lingfeng walked out of the team, stood in front of Lou Xi, stood still, raised his hand and saluted a standard military salute, "Please give instructions to the deputy captain!"

At this moment, they are not relatives, friends, or comrades-in-arms, but superiors and subordinates. They are absolute obedience in the army, and soldiers take obedience to orders as their bounden duty.

Lou Xi's eyes were also focused, without any personal emotion in it, and he ordered solemnly, "You are responsible for the training of the sniper!"


Zuo Lingfeng immediately led the seven or eight people out of the training ground and moved to the shooting range.

Lou Hua's eyes widened immediately, and he recognized Zuo Lingfeng. It turned out that he was also a member of the special brigade, and he was also a sniper!
She doesn't know much about the profession of snipers, but she has seen movies about it, and she thinks every sniper is amazing, and she thinks that snipers and photographers have the same purpose, they all see through the lens Things, although the purpose is different, the lethality is also different.

Sniper means "to wait for others to be unprepared, to attack suddenly". Snipers have become an indispensable and important role in today's special operations. They are often the decisive key factors in special operations. Even an excellent sniper The action itself may be the whole of a special operation.

The second brother asked him to be in charge of the training of the sniper, so that means he should be very good, right?
Lou Hua couldn't help being curious, and secretly followed, holding the camera, to the shooting range.

Compared with the lively training ground, the shooting range is much quieter. There are only seven or eight people in the huge field.

Zuo Lingfeng stood in the center of the field, and instead of ordering the recruits to take up their guns immediately, he motioned for everyone to sit down and form a circle.

Several recruits were puzzled.

The same goes for Lou Hua, suspiciously peeping from a distance.

Zuo Lingfeng sat on the ground, his profile was shrouded in the thin morning light, a little blurry, but so chic.

With a tall and straight body, straight shoulders, a resolute side face, and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he looks like a knight walking out of a fairy tale, which can turn all living beings upside down.

"Comrades, do you know what a sniper is?" He seemed to ask a very idiotic question.

A few recruits were stunned, and replied, "It's the one who shot from the hidden fortification!"

"Specially trained marksman with precision shooting, camouflage and reconnaissance skills!"

"The sniper in the special brigade is the patron saint of the entire action team! They are responsible for observation and fire support with the team. When the team is attacked by the enemy's long-range firepower and cannot receive assistance for a while, the sniper should immediately respond Observe enemy fire, enter a favorable shooting position, and shoot the most threatening enemies one by one!"

"The sniper should also be an escape expert who selects the retreat route. He is obliged to provide the commander of the operation team with the best retreat route and provide full coverage. When necessary, the sniper should also act as a lone hero, keeping the enemy's firepower Attract them to your side to cover the transfer of large troops!"

"Snipers can not only shoot human targets, but also the enemy's combat equipment, such as fuel tanks, water tanks, tires of vehicles, main rotors and tail rotors of helicopters, and other communication equipment. Take them out of combat!"

"There are also weak links such as ammunition depots, fuel depots, and headquarters that can also become high-value tactical targets for snipers!"

"Snipers should also have the preparation and skills for close combat and killing!"

The recruits are worthy of being the best selected from various units. They haven't been trained yet, but their positioning of snipers is already very accurate.

However, this is only on the surface.

Zuo Lingfeng nodded with a smile, his eyes became deeper.

He casually picked up a small stone on the ground, drew a rectangle, and said in a deep voice, "The position of the sniper itself can be regarded as a small position. 3 meters, about 1 meter high."

"In this small area, snipers have to lurk for a long time, and independently complete field observation and tracking, map interpretation, intelligence collection and analysis, entry and retreat route arrangements, and combat plan formulation without moving a muscle. More importantly, He has no way of knowing when the enemy situation will appear, he only knows that at a certain moment, when a sudden and fierce decisive battle breaks out, he must win a decisive victory with the swiftness of a rabbit flying like a falcon."

"Before that, every minute and every second of waiting was suffering, full of thrilling atmosphere. It was a long and short, lonely and intense contrast, which was no longer sufficient for mere physical and technical preparations. It's gone."

"Since you guys can be selected here, I think your marksmanship must be flawless. However, a strong body, steely will, and precise marksmanship are just the basic qualities of a sniper. Calmness and confidence And courage are the essential qualities of a good sniper. How to measure and correct the trajectory of guns, how to master the timing of shooting, these can be trained and accumulated. But you want to stay in the end, the most important thing is, You have to pass the psychological barrier!"

"Psychological level?" The recruits were a little confused.

"Before I came here, I have been tested, and my psychological quality is very good!"

"Me too, I answered all the questions asked by the psychiatrist, and my score is the highest in the entire company!"

Zuo Lingfeng smiled slowly, laughing at their straightforwardness and their innocence, and there was even a bit of envy in that smile.

The recruits were even more confused.

The same is true for the building paintings in the distance, with wide eyes, ears pricked up, and breathing tensed unconsciously.

Zuo Lingfeng threw away the small stone in his hand, and wiped away the traces just drawn on the ground with the palm of his hand, with a smile on his face, he said calmly, "The most accurate word to describe a sniper is... …lonely and long.”

In the sky, the brilliant morning light shone on the whole earth, but a few traces of haze suddenly appeared in the air, and the breeze hit, which was originally refreshing, but suddenly felt a little cool.

Lou Hua shuddered inexplicably, and when Zuo Lingfeng said these five words, her heartstrings suddenly tightened.

Obviously he is still the same him, with the same military uniform and the same face, but the him at this moment makes her feel that this man is so erratic, like the wind, making people unable to figure it out.

Zuo Lingfeng stood up, called the recruits to gather, and asked them to try with guns.

Among the recruits, there seemed to be two savvy ones. After a moment of silence, they asked Zuo Lingfeng, "Lieutenant Colonel Ling, was there ever a sniper named Zuo Lingfeng in this special brigade?"

Zuo Lingfeng smiled lightly, "What is he doing?"

"Because he is a legend! My idol!"

Zuo Lingfeng patted the recruit on the shoulder and said, "As long as you work hard, you will become a legend in the future!"


A group of people rushed to the gun room.

Zuo Lingfeng took the recruits out with their guns, asked everyone to stand on the target line, and each of them tried to shoot a shot.

(End of this chapter)

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