Chapter 240 Couple Suite 1
The recruits were gearing up one by one, and when they were ready, they raised their guns together, "Bang bang bang..." a few times, and they all hit the target.

Lou Hua had already adjusted the camera and took several consecutive snapshots.

Not long after, the recruits couldn't believe it after the reporter on the target side raised the flag.

"No way? I turned out to be a ring 9?"

"Impossible! I've always been a ring 10!"

"The score reporter must have read it wrong!"

The recruits shook their heads and sighed in disbelief.

Zuo Lingfeng waited for them to finish complaining, and then he opened his mouth and said, "The target line of the Special Forces is farther from the target than that of other troops, and your grades have dropped compared to usual, which is normal. The first shot can hit this level, which is not bad. However, we must continue to work hard!"

"Yes!" The recruits said in unison, full of confidence.

Zuo Lingfeng turned around and stood on the target line, demonstrating to them.

"Bang..." He just fired a shot, but he didn't let go of his hand. After a while, the scorer on the opposite side waved the flag, full of 10 rings!
Zuo Lingfeng's expression remained unchanged, the hand holding the gun continued to maintain its posture, and then "bang bang bang..." several times, this time, it was nine shots in a row!
The recruits were a little stunned. Shooting continuously like this, the recoil force of the bullets ejected from the gun is very large, and it takes people with excellent skills to do it.

What surprised them even more was that Zuo Lingfeng used his left hand!

But he is obviously not left-handed!
In other words, his relatively weak left hand is also so strong!

Lou Hua was also frightened. Although she had only met Zuo Lingfeng once or twice, she also knew that he was not left-handed, because she was a journalist and liked to write novels, so she usually liked to observe the details. She remembered When he was in the coffee shop that day, his cup was on the right hand side.

God, the left hand is also so powerful!

She swallowed hard, and the camera in her hand trembled slightly.

In the following time, Zuo Lingfeng led the recruits to conduct a two-hour shooting training. He did many demonstrations among them, and he still used his left hand without exception, because his right hand could not hold a gun yet, but he fired with his left hand. It doesn't affect his accuracy at all.

Lou Hua raised the camera, and at some point, the lens began to take aim at him, shooting non-stop.

Because there was a rule in the army that reporters were not allowed to use flashlights, so she had no scruples and snapped.

Through the lens, she saw Zuo Lingfeng's heroic appearance, her heartbeat accelerated unconsciously, and then the shutter of the camera was pressed faster, wishing to capture his every move.

His charm seems to penetrate the lens, he is handsome and handsome, and his posture is compelling.

Two hours later, when the shooting training was over, Lou Hua quickly retreated, trying to leave the shooting range without anyone noticing, but she didn't know that her sneaky shooting had already been discovered.

Zuo Lingfeng turned his head, glanced lightly, and narrowed his black eyes slightly.

At noon, Lou Hua reported the work situation to the editor-in-chief.

"Editor Yu, I have captured a treasure!" She handed over the camera excitedly.

Editor-in-Chief Yu flipped through the photos. At the beginning, the protagonists of the photos were all recruits, some running, some shooting... Although the ability to capture photos is not very good, it can basically capture the demeanor of the soldiers.

But the photos in the back, the more you look at it, the more strange it becomes. Where there are any recruits, they all become a single photo of a person, even a close-up!
"Huahua...we are here to interview recruits for training!" Editor-in-Chief Yu said angrily.

Lou Hua was dumbfounded, she, she, she... didn't do it on purpose!She was originally shooting recruits, when did she change her target?
It's over, the army only has one morning to interview them, and there is no chance to make up shots, what should I do?
The headlines on the front page have all been reserved, what will she use to fill them in?

Editor-in-Chief Yu is indeed an experienced person. He looked at Zuo Lingfeng's photos and said appreciatively, "These are well photographed, and we can make a special feature!"


Lou Hua was dumbfounded again.If she made another topic for him, would he think that she was extremely infatuated with him?

Lou Hua was very entangled in her heart, is she really unlucky this year?Or is she and Ling Shaotang particularly at odds?She has always been smart, why is she doing embarrassing things in front of him?

"Okay, that's it. You are in charge of this topic." Editor-in-Chief Yu made a final decision.

Lou Hua's eyes widened, obviously flattered, she's just a rookie intern reporter, how can she take the lead?
Editor-in-chief Yu smiled kindly, and said in a very familiar tone, "I'll give you a chance to express my heart!"

Table, express your mind?
Lou Hua choked suddenly, even the editor-in-chief misunderstood!
But she looked at the one hundred and eighty pictures of someone alone, she wanted to say that I really didn't mean to take pictures of him, who would believe it?She doesn't believe it herself!

Was she a nympho?Or is your brain trapped by the door?

Editor-in-Chief Yu saw Lou Hua drooping her head and thought she was shy, so he encouraged her, "Don't be shy, Hua Hua, you have a good eye! You are much better than those newcomers before!"


Editor-in-Chief Yu explained calmly, "Every time I bring a newcomer to the army for an interview, something like this always happens. In today's society, men's blood is getting weaker and weaker, and women instinctively worship heroes more."

"Yeah!" Lou Hua nodded like a chick pecking at rice, which means that the editor-in-chief is right, I didn't think about anything when I took the photo, at most I admired him, don't get me wrong, I'm so bored with him!
Editor-in-Chief Yu smiled slightly, but his eyes were somewhat meaningful.

Lou Hua suddenly suffered internal injuries, explaining is tantamount to covering up!
She wondered if she had been on the Internet for too long. Why is it so difficult to communicate with people in reality?

The barracks were open to reporters for a limited time, and Lou Hua followed the editor-in-chief and left the special brigade with the aggrieved mentality that he could not get rid of by jumping into the Yellow River.

After returning to the newspaper, I immediately started writing the manuscript.

Of course, she is a newcomer, and she is only in charge of the first draft, with the help of an old editor. After several revisions, the final draft is finalized.

As for the photos she took back, she was naturally responsible for screening, importing the photos into the computer, and zooming in for viewing. I have to admit that this Ling Shaotang is really handsome. Different angles and different movements all reveal his uniqueness. Charm.

Lou Hua subconsciously became nympho, and compared Ling Shaotang with his two cousins. The eldest brother is handsome and restrained, the second brother is fierce and serious, and Ling Shaotang is elegant!

A few days later, a new issue of "Military Daily" was released, causing a whirlwind of Ling's family among the troops.

Zuo Lingfeng got up early in the morning, opened the door after he finished dressing, and was about to go downstairs, when he suddenly found a newspaper pinned to his doorknob, picked it up and looked, his black eyes were condensed, and his eyes were fixed on the small words in the lower right corner of the article... ...Photograph: Lou Hua.

With a "creak", the door of the room next door opened, and Lou Xi stepped out neatly in military uniform, glanced at Zuo Lingfeng, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and greeted with some malicious intent, "Morning!"

The corner of Zuo Lingfeng's mouth twitched suddenly.


Red Flag Elementary School.Classes every two years.

The English teacher is distributing the test papers of last week's test. Every time a name is pronounced, the students go to the front to collect the test papers.

(End of this chapter)

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