Chapter 241 Couple Suite 2
"Sun Xiaomei, 92..."

"Yang Hao, 85..."

"Wei Hailan, 73..."

"Zhang Peng, 62..."

Obviously, the students whose scores were read from high to low, those who received the test papers were relieved, but those who had not yet received the test papers were worried. As the scores got lower and lower, the distance from the passing line of 60 points was getting closer and closer. close.

The little devil and Wang Xiaoming in the front seat both put their hearts into their throats. The two of them have always been the bottom one and the bottom two in the class, evenly matched, so the outcome is unpredictable.

"Lou Xinxin, 60..."

The little devil immediately jumped up from the chair, and happily went forward to get the test paper, Oye, you passed!
"Wang Xiaoming, 59..."

Wang Xiaoming showed a miserable expression.

After class, Wang Xiaoming immediately turned back to look at the little devil's test paper, and asked suspiciously, "Did you copy your deskmate?"

The little devil rolled his eyes, curled his lips and said, "My deskmate doesn't have as many points as me!"

The same table was also shot while lying down. If he hadn't had a bad stomach that day and went to the toilet several times in the middle, how could he be the last one?The throne has always belonged to Wang Xiaoming and Lou Xinxin!

Wang Xiaoming was still not convinced, and asked the little devil suspiciously, "Didn't you score [-] or [-] points before? How did you improve so fast? You must have cheated!"

"Cut! I've improved, can't I?" The little devil raised his chin and said, that's a pride, it's the first time in his life that he passed the exam!

Wang Xiaoming gritted his teeth jealously.

The little devil also widened his eyes, and at the same time clenched his fists, meaning that if you talk nonsense again, I won't be polite!

Wang Xiaoming swallowed, turned his head uselessly, he couldn't beat her!
"Hmph!" The little devil breathed out through his nostrils.

Holding my own test paper, I felt beautiful in my heart, passed, third from the bottom, an unprecedented good result!

The class bell rang soon, and the head teacher stepped onto the podium and announced, "Students, there will be a parent-teacher meeting this Saturday afternoon. When you get back, please inform your parents so that they can prepare in advance."

The smile on the little devil's face immediately collapsed, it's over, her dad is busy recently, he must have no time!

Generally speaking, the parents' meeting is a disaster day for the children, and it is the same for the little devil, and it is even worse, because others are worried because of poor grades, but she is because the parents don't have time to attend!

"Lou Xinxin, your parents didn't come a few times before, so you must come this time!" The head teacher reminded.

"Oh..." The little devil drew a long tail, very reluctantly.

Wang Xiaoming turned his head again with malicious intentions, and said in a low voice, "I'll make you pissed off! Extreme joy begets sorrow!"

The little devil clenched his fist angrily, Wang Xiaoming, I am at odds with you!
But what's the use of being in conflict? It won't do if you beat him up. Her father must not be free, and her grandpa is even less free. Grandma went abroad yesterday, and she doesn't know if she can come back on the weekend. Or come the guards?Then the children will say that she is playing big names!As the descendants of soldiers, you can't engage in classism!Class contradictions are irreconcilable!
"Stupid?" Wang Xiaoming continued to be angry with her, and deliberately said, "Hey, my mother will come anyway!"


The little devil had an idea and thought of someone, can she let Niuer come?
Although Niu'er and her father are not married yet, she thinks it will be a matter of time, so she asks Niu'er to hold a parent-teacher meeting, and introduce her to the teachers and classmates by the way!

But... Niu'er is going to open a shop, and the parents' meeting is on Saturday again, so the business is better than usual. If she comes to the school, wouldn't she earn a lot less money?

She knew that Niu'er would definitely not refuse if she asked, but she shouldn't be so ignorant!
Hey, what can I do?
The little devil was in a dilemma.

Wang Xiaoming saw her depressed appearance, felt relieved immediately, and said badly, "Birth mother and stepmother are just different!"

"Wang Xiaoming!" The little devil suddenly became angry and swung his fist.

"Ah..." Wang Xiaoming wailed, and complained while covering one of his panda eyes, "Teacher, she hit me..."

"You deserve a beating!" The little devil groaned and punched him again, and the panda eyes became a pair.

The teacher suddenly changed his face, and there was a fight in this class. He really didn't take the teacher seriously!
"Wang Xiaoming, Lou Xinxin, you two come out with me!"

Wang Xiaoming walked out of the classroom dazedly with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

The little devil, on the other hand, pursed his lips tightly, with a righteous face, and followed out under the eyes of the whole class.

At the same time, Shu Rao was busy in the cake shop.

The cake shop will be officially opened soon, so there are many things to do.

The business during the trial opening period was good, and many customers placed orders in advance. When they picked up the goods after the official opening, she sorted out the orders and arranged them in chronological order, planning to make cakes one by one according to the serial number.

It would be impossible for her to be the only one in the shop, so she put up an advertisement and hired a little girl as an assistant. The little girl stayed.

In fact, she was not very satisfied with the little girl's craftsmanship, but in the little girl, she saw the shadow of herself back then. It was all for making a living, and it was not easy. Her sympathy and compassion made her unable to bear to not use the little girl. Just like the boss she met back then couldn't bear to not use her.

There are many sufferings in this world, but as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will be more beautiful.

And everyone who faces difficulties, as long as he is strong and brave, as long as he believes that tomorrow will be better, then there will be a sunny day after all.

bell bell bell...

The phone rings.

Shu Rao quickly put down what she was doing, wiped her hands, then reached for the cell phone in the pocket of her apron, picked it up, and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, and the location showed it belonged to BJ.

She couldn't help being suspicious, all the landline numbers she left for customers were the store's landline numbers, who was it?
"Hi, hello." He picked it up politely.

"Hello, are you Lou Xinxin's parent? I'm her class teacher..."

Shu Rao's expression changed upon hearing this, "What happened to Xinxin?"

"She's fine, but..." The head teacher briefly described the fight, and then said, "Can I invite you to come to the school?"

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away!" Shu Rao agreed without hesitation. After hanging up the phone, she took off her apron and left, "Xiaofang, I'm going out for a while. Look at the store!"

Before Xiaofang, who was busy in the back kitchen, could respond, Shu Rao had disappeared.

After taking a taxi to the school, seeing that the little devil and Wang Xiaoming were fine, Shu Rao was slightly relieved, but Wang Xiaoming's dark circles under his eyes were a bit exaggerated, and the corners of her mouth twitched faintly, why was she beaten so badly again?

The little devil squished his mouth, tugged on Shu Rao's sleeve, and softly argued, "I didn't use the military boxing this time..."

The corners of Shu Rao's mouth twitched even more. He wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

Forcibly holding back that smile, she slowly raised her eyes and looked at the teacher, "Mr. Liu, I'm really sorry for causing you trouble."

Teacher Liu sighed, "Actually, Xinxin's performance has been very good during this time, and her grades have risen rapidly. It's her temper..."

"Teacher, don't worry, I will educate her well when I go back!" Shu Rao said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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