Chapter 242 Couple Suite 3
Teacher Liu nodded, and didn't pursue too much about the little devil beating people, because she also knew that Wang Xiaoming was always capable of causing trouble, but after all, Xinxin beat him into panda eyes. It's not easy to explain!

Shu Rao also understood the teacher's embarrassment, and looked at Wang Xiaoming's injuries, either very serious or green, which looked a little scary.

She knelt down, stroked Wang Xiaoming's head, and said softly, "Xiao Ming, school will be over soon, how about you and Xinxin go to my cake shop with Auntie, Auntie treats you to a cake!"

Wang Xiaoming was very happy when he heard that, Lou Xinxin always brings delicious cakes to school to show off, he wants to try it too!

"Okay, Auntie!"

The little devil was not happy, and flew over with a knife eye.

Wang Xiaoming immediately took two steps back, and quickly changed his words, "No, no need, Auntie, I'm not going!"

Shu Rao took a deep look at the little devil, and then said to Wang Xiaoming, "How about this, Auntie asked Xinxin to bring the cake to school for you tomorrow, how about it?"

Wang Xiaoming swallowed hard and said yes in a muffled voice.

The little devil pouted, it's cheap for you!
Shu Rao rubbed the little devil's head, soothing him gently.

The little devil had no choice but to be obedient.

Just like that, Shu Rao led the little devil out of the school, and before leaving, he made a special promise to the teacher, "Mr. Liu, don't worry, I will definitely be there for the parents' meeting on Saturday."

When the little devil heard this, his whole face lit up. He hugged Shu Rao's waist and said emotionally, "Mom, you are so kind!"

Shu Rao was slightly taken aback, blinking his eyes, a little wet.

Lou Yi only found out about the fight between the little devil and Wang Xiaoming at school several days after the parent meeting.

But he didn't know about it after listening to Wang Xiaoming's complaint, but the little devil confessed on his own initiative.

Of course, the little devil and Shu Rao went to the parent-teacher meeting and reported it together.

After hearing this, Lou Yi immediately felt a warm feeling in his heart, but he also felt deeply sorry.

Since Rao Rao came to BJ, he didn't take care of her much except helping her find a store at the beginning. Although he was also in BJ, because the army was very busy recently, he couldn't even leave on weekends.

Although he is not the same as Lou Xi, he is not a special soldier, but as the chief of staff of the mechanized infantry division, he has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

The chief of staff is the head of the military command departments of the troops at all levels, and assists the military commander of the unit in commanding. As the chief of staff of the division, he must be responsible for sorting out combat information, providing information for the division commander and making certain suggestions. Assign specific combat tasks to the units below.

There are many types of training and military exercises in the army now, but "confrontational" training and exercises are basically not conducted, and now "testing" and "research" training and exercises are often used.And these two are "playing for real", both are live ammunition, real explosions, and real soldiers.Therefore, he did not dare to be sloppy in every training plan and task.Because of a slight negligence, that is irreversible consequences.

After struggling for many days, he finally got a weekend to rest. After leaving the barracks, he went straight to the cake shop.

At six o'clock in the morning, Shu Rao got up early. Although the cake shop normally didn't open until nine o'clock, today she was going to go to WF.

Xiaofang said that she had stayed in WF for a while, there was a wholesale market there, and the price of flour and other raw materials was lower than many places, so she wanted to go and have a look, if it was really good quality and cheap, then she could go there in the future Purchase raw materials, which can save costs and increase profits.

In order to open this store, she has invested all her savings and borrowed money from Xingchen, so she must work hard to get back the money as soon as possible, and the grandparents in the country have signed the demolition agreement and will move soon. Another big fee is required.

Although there is compensation for demolition, she doesn't want to touch that money. Grandparents are getting older every day. Although they are in good health now, the old man's health is uncertain. There will be many places to use the money in the future. She must Plan ahead.

Although Lou Yi told her that she doesn't need to worry about money, but she doesn't want to be attached to him. They have only been together for a short time. People said she was with him for money.

Rolling up the galvanized rolling shutter door and opening the store door, you are greeted by the cool breath of the morning. When you look up, you can see a slender figure leaning there under a street lamp on the sidewalk.

Floor wing?

Shu Rao thought he was dazzled, but he suddenly turned his head and walked towards her.

"Why are you here at this time?" She asked in surprise.

The tip of Lou Yi's nose was slightly red, which was obviously from the cold. He cleared his throat before he spoke, "I'm resting today, so I came here, but when I arrived, I realized that you haven't opened the door yet. I think it's still early. Afraid of disturbing your sleep, I will wait here."

When Shu Rao heard it, his heart immediately felt distressed. How long has he been waiting?It won't matter if she sleeps less!
She couldn't help drooping her pink neck, and whispered, "You..."

Biting his lip, he didn't know what to say.

Lou Yi didn't care, and smiled lightly, the clear masculine breath caught in the morning wind.

"By the way, why are you so early?" He looked at his watch, it was only 6 o'clock.

Shu Rao immediately said that she was going to WF, Lou Yi nodded, then took the bag in her hand naturally, and said, "I'll go with you."

Shu Rao bent her eyes, nodded and said yes, and at the same time, there was a sweet taste in her heart.

Originally, she planned to take the train, but Lou Yi drove, so they drove there instead.

Along the way, the scenery was good, and both of them felt comfortable for this rare opportunity to "travel".

After driving for about three hours, they arrived at their destination. After some inquiries, they found the wholesale market, and it was as good as Xiaofang said, with high quality and low price.

The scale of this wholesale market is very large, and many people from other places will come here to buy goods, so the merchants rely on small profits to sell more, and the prices of various raw materials are very reasonable.

Shu Rao was very happy in her heart, and decided to go around here more, and make a decision first when she encountered suitable materials. Next month, the store will deliver the goods directly to her, so she doesn't have to travel all the way here.

This busy work lasted only one day, but she only went half way through the wholesale market.

"Let's find a place to stay first, and go shopping tomorrow." Lou Yi suggested, he still has a day off tomorrow, so he can just accompany her.

"Okay." Shu Rao was immersed in joy, without thinking about it at all.

But when she arrived at the hotel, she belatedly realized that there was a problem. How many rooms did the boyfriend and girlfriend want to open when they came to the hotel?
Let's live in one room, I feel very embarrassed, they haven't reached that level yet.

It feels weird to live in two rooms, the lady at the front desk may think they are sick!

Lou Yi also suddenly felt that this matter was difficult to handle. They adopted the principle of proximity, and they found a hotel near the wholesale market. The scale was not very large, and it was economical. He worried about her sleeping alone, but if she shared a room with him, wouldn't she feel that would be less safe?

Both of them were struggling, but the front desk lady said, "There is only one suite for couples, do you want it?"

No choice!
"Uh..." Lou Yi hesitated, and handed over the choice to Shu Rao, "Rao Rao, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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