Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 252 The Most Spectacular Marriage Proposal in History 1

Chapter 252 The Most Spectacular Marriage Proposal in History 1
right?to what?
Lou Xi was still at a loss.

"Ah... Lou Xi, pinch me quickly to see if I'm dreaming!" Ye Xingchen took his hand and squeezed his face.

"Xingchen, are you alright?" Lou Xi looked at the abnormal her with worried expression.

"Lou Xi, I'm pregnant! We have a baby!" Ye Xingchen grabbed his hand excitedly, she knew she should laugh at this moment, but she really couldn't control the tears of joy, it's so good, they Have a baby!
Lou Xi was stunned, he never expected such a result.

"Is this... true?" He just found it incredible, didn't it mean that the chance of natural conception is only 1%?They didn't work hard for so long before, why did they have it in more than a month?

"The test sheets are here, you can read them yourself." The doctor smiled and handed him a dozen sheets. In fact, she also found it incredible. 1% beat 99%, which is already amazing, and in such a situation Being pregnant within a short period of time can be called a miracle, and such a miracle does not need to investigate how it happened. Perhaps it is because of their predestined relationship with this child, or perhaps it is God's mercy for them.

Lou Xi was surprised, followed by surprise, but followed by worry. Of course he was happy that they had a child, and he was even more happy that Xingchen would no longer have to suffer the pain of being a test-tube baby, but he was worried about the child's health. Because in his condition, the possibility of fetal deformation is much higher than normal people, but he will not express this worry, because he knows how difficult it is for this little life. After all, one day will pass. Since God has given them the opportunity to be parents, they will definitely give them a healthy baby.

His hand gently caressed her lower abdomen, and there was already a little life conceived inside.

This surprise is a gift from God to them. No matter what, they should be grateful and cherish it.

Ye Xingchen, on the other hand, was so happy that he forgot everything else, and only felt that such a surprise was due to four words... Sincerity leads to success.

Based on the principle of prudence, Lou Xi did not inform anyone about Ye Xingchen's pregnancy. Ye Xingchen also recovered his rationality as a doctor after the initial moment of surprise, and both of them took good care of their little one carefully. Baby, one week, two weeks, one month, two months... Finally, after the most unstable first three months, they breathed a long sigh of relief, and the baby's development was normal.

Three months pregnant, Ye Xingchen's belly started to protrude, Lou Xi began to think about another matter, he still owes Xingchen a wedding!

It was supposed to be held in BJ during the Chinese New Year last year, but at that time, it accidentally brought up the past about the car accident, so it was delayed, but now it can't be delayed anymore, otherwise her belly will get bigger and bigger, and she won't even be able to wear the wedding dress.

Moreover, he spends most of his time in the army. Xingchen is at home alone with a full stomach and takes care of Sisi. Take a good rest, the daily horn sounds in the barracks will probably disturb her.

So after much deliberation, he had to call BJ back to ask his mother for help.

On the other end of the phone, when Han Fengyi heard that Xingchen was pregnant, she was so happy that she could not close her mouth from ear to ear, and immediately said, "I'll go to Yunchuan right away!"

"Mom, that's not necessary. You should prepare for the wedding in BJ first. I will take Xingchen back in a few days."

"Okay, okay, then I'll find someone to check the date first! Then I will book restaurants, send out invitations and so on... Oh, there are so many things to do!" Han Fengyi got a headache when she thought about it, but she loved it.

After Lou Xi talked to his mother, he called his father. At the moment, Lou Yicheng was very busy in the military area. After hearing the call transferred by the guard, he was very upset and asked in a very angry tone, "What's the matter?" ?”

Lou Xi was very calm, and said in an announcing tone, "Dad, spare some time, Xingchen and I are going back to hold a wedding soon."

While looking at the military map, Lou Yicheng said absently, "If you don't do it sooner or later, what's the rush now?"

Lou Xi replied unhurriedly, "I'm not in a hurry, I'm afraid your grandson is in a hurry."


Lou Yicheng was dumbfounded, "Hey, Lou Xi, please explain clearly, hello... hello... hello?"


The phone was disconnected.

At the same time, Shu Rao naturally got the good news, holding the phone and said happily, "Oh, that's great, I'm going to be a godmother again!"

On the side, the little devil rolled his eyes. Of course she is happy that my aunt is pregnant, but girl, can you have some big ambitions? Are you satisfied just being a godmother?When will you give birth to a younger brother for me?

After the preparations for the wedding were completed, Lou Xi began to think about the proposal. Although it was an afterthought, he had to do it.

Others fall in love first, then propose, then get married and have children, but their order is messy, but he thinks he must propose and must make up for Xingchen.

But he is not a romantic person, how to propose is obviously a difficult problem, and now that Xing Chen is pregnant, he can't do anything too exciting, if it scares her, it will not be worth the candle.

Want a candlelight dinner?No, it's too simple!

Go to her unit to hang a banner?No, it's too ostentatious, breaking discipline!

Take her to the playground and win a bear?No, there are already several cubs in the house, if there is another one, he will have nowhere to sleep!
Lou Xi racked his brains to think of many strategies, but he couldn't come up with any good ideas.

Moreover, he had no one to consult, Lou Yi was not married and had no experience, so in the end he could only turn to those married comrades in the special brigade for help.

As the saying goes, three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, but this statement needs to be reconsidered in the special brigade, and each of them came up with a bad idea!
"Battalion Commander, take your sister-in-law to XZ. Didn't you join the army in XZ? My sister-in-law is your first love. Going there is so memorable! You swear to your sister-in-law that you love her as much as you love the motherland and the people." Same! Loyal to the utmost, unswerving until death!"

Lou Xi frowned when she heard that, Xingchen was pregnant, how could she go to the plateau thousands of meters above sea level?
"Then why don't our whole team engage in a kidnapping of the bride? Let's kidnap my sister-in-law first, and then you, the battalion commander, go to the hero to save the beauty alone. Then the sister-in-law will definitely be moved to tears, and she will marry immediately!"

Lou Xi gritted her teeth, could it be so damaged?
"Battalion Commander, don't be angry, aren't we innovating? Think about it, those who send roses in TV and movies are so vulgar! We are soldiers, so we need to have some military demeanor!"

"That can't be kidnapped?"

"No tie, no tie."

"Think again!"

"Uh, why don't you hold a military exercise? It's a full range of sea, land and air! Discuss with the captain and borrow the helicopter for use. Battalion commander, you parachute down, and then follow the example on TV, with one hand on your hip and the other pointing." Four weeks said: The women in this ten-mile radius belong to Lao Tzu!"

"Oh, this is good, it's a domineering leak!"

Bully your heads!
Lou Xi couldn't help but want to curse, isn't this looking for smoke, which woman would marry after hearing such words?
"Battalion Commander, don't leave, let's continue to discuss and discuss..."

(End of this chapter)

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