Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 277 The Little Beauty Saves the Little Hero

Chapter 277 The Little Beauty Saves the Little Hero

"Hey? Seventeen, where are you going?" Sisi immediately got up and asked nervously.

This is not the courtyard of the community. You can't run around casually. What if you get lost?

"Don't worry about it!" Seventeen didn't turn back.

Sisi stomped her feet anxiously, as an older sister, how could she ignore her younger brother?
"Seventeen, come back quickly, don't run away!"

After Shi Qi heard her shout, he ran even faster.

Sisi had no choice but to run after him. Although she is not suitable for running now, she can't ignore him!

"Seventeen, don't run away..."

Shi Qi didn't listen to her, as if he was stepping on a hot wheel, his speed was so fast, he ran away in the blink of an eye.

Sisi was exhausted and out of breath in the back, the little girl was already weak and sick, she couldn't keep up with Shi Qi's body, so she was sweating profusely after a while, but she still gritted her teeth and continued to chase.

The backyard of the military compound had a large area and a forest of trees. Shi Qi quickly got into the grove.

And Sisi followed after her.

After Xiaoqi asked the little devil to borrow a book, she went back under the big tree, only to find that Sisi and Shiqi had disappeared, and she couldn't help being suspicious, "Where's the person?"

He looked around, it was quiet and there was no one there.

But when he came just now, he didn't meet them on the road!

"Sister Sisi, Shiqi, where are you?" He yelled loudly.

no respond.

"Sister Sisi, Seventeen..."

Still no response.

Xiao Qi couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and ran a few steps quickly, and then he saw some messy footprints on the ground, and Barbie's hairpins were all dropped on the ground.

Following the traces on the ground, he looked forward and froze for a moment.

God, they went to the woods!

"Sister Sisi, Seventeen, come out quickly, it's dangerous there!"

Xiao Qi also rushed towards the direction of the grove, but suddenly an adult's voice came from behind, "Xiao Qi..."

Ye Xingchen and Shu Rao were drinking afternoon tea with Han Fengyi, but felt that they hadn't heard the laughter of the children for a long time, so they hurriedly came out to look for it. It didn't matter, but found that the little guys were gone. Only then did the little devil know that several children had come to the backyard.

"Xiaoqi, where are Sisi and Shiqi?" Ye Xingchen asked eagerly.

Xiao Qi quickly pointed in the direction of the small woods, "It should be over there!"

"Wow... woo..."

Suddenly, the cry of a child came from the grove.

Ye Xingchen and Shu Rao looked at each other, and then ran over at the same time!

Xiao Qi also followed behind him.

In the small woods, not too far away, Sisi fell to the ground with a frightened face, while Shi Qi stood not far away from her.

"Sisi, what's the matter?" Ye Xingchen hurried forward and helped Sisi up. The little girl's body was covered with mud and dirty, her fair little hands were also torn, and her pink and tender face was also scratched. It was stained with some mud and looked disheartened.

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

"Seventeen, are you bullying my sister again?" Ye Xingchen turned her head to look at Seventeen, her brows slightly frowned, she knew her son very well, even though he is not a small person, he is quite capable of bullying!However, although the little guy usually always bullies Sisi, but usually he only verbalizes his power and prestige, and basically doesn't know how to do it, why did he do it like this today?

Shi Qi stood there in a daze, not speaking.

Ye Xingchen saw that the little guy's face was also a little frightened, and couldn't help worrying, "Seventeen, what's going on?"

Shi Qihei's bright eyes blinked, and suddenly his face wrinkled, and he cried loudly with a "wow".


Big tears, like pearls with broken strings, rolled down one by one, and a handsome little face was distorted and flushed.

"Seventeen, what's the matter?" Ye Xingchen was very worried, and quickly hugged the little guy into his arms, stroking his back with one hand.

"Mom..." The little guy buried his head in his mother's shoulder socket.

"What's the matter, Seventeen?" Ye Xingchen gently stroked the little guy's head.


"Mom, there are snakes!" Sisi slowly regained her sanity and cried.

"What?" Ye Xingchen was taken aback.

After all, Sisi was a little older, so she wiped away her tears and said in a low voice, "Just now there was a snake that jumped towards Shiqi, it was so scary... woo woo..."

Ye Xingchen's face turned pale, "Seventeen, are you okay? Did you get bitten?"

Shi Qi's tears fell down cracklingly, and he was completely speechless, which showed that the little guy was terrified.

Ye Xingchen became even more anxious, and hurriedly wanted to check the little guy's body, but just as he was about to move his hands, Shi Qi suddenly raised his head, his eyes turned red.

His eyelashes were wet with tears. Although the little guy was mischievous and often fell to his head, he had never cried so sadly, and his voice was choked with deep sobs, "I'm fine, sister Sisi saved me. I... woo... she... was bitten by a snake..."

Ye Xingchen was startled again, and quickly looked at Sisi, "Sisi, where are you hurt, mom, take a look!"

The little girl was full of tears, pointing tremblingly at her calf, "It hurts..."

Ye Xingchen quickly lifted the corner of her skirt, and saw two small bloody cuts on a fair calf.

"My God!" It was a snake bite!
"Sisi!" Shu Rao also exclaimed.

Ye Xingchen quickly let go of Shiqi, then hugged Sisi horizontally, "Mom will take you to the hospital!"

Seventeen was so disfigured from crying, he didn't dare to make trouble anymore, let Shu Rao lead him, and together with Xiao Qi, they walked out of the grove.

A group of people hurried to the hospital.

Fortunately, the snake was not poisonous.

"Don't worry, there's nothing serious!" The doctor checked Sisi and gave everyone a reassurance, but because the little girl has delicate skin and tender flesh, and the wound is deep, there may be scars left on her calf.

Ye Xingchen was heartbroken, but he was lucky not to encounter a poisonous snake.

The nurse helped Sisi treat the wound. The little girl's calf was wrapped with thick gauze, her hands were also covered with broken skin, and her forehead was also a little bruised. In addition, the mumps had not healed quickly. Down to the feet, it can be said that there are many scars, and the wrapping is very tight, and the whole person looks very funny and clumsy.

Shi Qi didn't have the heart to make fun of her anymore, from the beginning to the end, snot and tears flowed together.

Ye Xingchen was worried about Sisi's situation, so he stayed in the hospital for observation for one night, Shi Qi insisted on staying, no matter what Ye Xingchen and Shu Rao tried to persuade, the little guy refused to go back.

Sisi was injured and frightened again, and soon fell asleep, her small body lying on the hospital bed, her face pale and very weak.

Shi Qi didn't dare to approach her, but stood beside Ye Xingchen tremblingly, looking up at her with his small face, and asked in a childish voice, "Mom, is sister really okay?"

Ye Xingchen reached out and touched his son's small face, and said comfortingly, "It's okay, sister will get better soon."

Seventeen nodded, but didn't make a sound, apparently still very worried.

After a moment of silence, he pulled Ye Xingchen's fingers again and said, "When the snake rushed towards me, my sister pulled me away, so brave!"

The corners of Ye Xingchen's eyes were sore, Sisi had always been obedient, such a well-behaved and gentle little girl had such a brave side!
(End of this chapter)

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