Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 278 You have to be responsible to me 1

Chapter 278 You have to be responsible to me 1
"Seventeen, my sister loves you very much, you can't bully her anymore, do you know that?" Ye Xingchen touched Shiqi's little head and said lovingly.

"Understood!" Shi Qi nodded vigorously, never being so obedient.

Ye Xingchen held his son in his arms. The little guy's eyes were a little red, as was his nose. It was hard to express how moved he was.

Shi Qi stayed in Ye Xingchen's arms for a while, then twisted his body down, walked lightly to the side of the hospital bed, carefully held Sisi's little hand, and said seriously, " Sister Sisi, get well soon, I will never bully you again, really!"

The little girl on the bed still had her eyes closed and did not respond.

Shi Qi was very frustrated and wiped away her tears.

Looking at the pair of well-behaved children, Ye Xingchen couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness in his heart.

Once Sisi fell asleep, she slept until dark.

The phone rang suddenly, and Ye Xingchen went to the corridor to answer the phone, but at this time, the little girl suddenly woke up.

There were only seventeen people beside the hospital bed.

"Sister!" The little guy's eyes lit up and he shouted in surprise.

Sisi blinked her eyes, thinking she was dreaming, when was he so obedient, and called her sister?Aren't you usually a stinky girl or something?At most, she will be called Sister Sisi in front of her parents!

"Sister, are you hungry? Here is the meal, do you want to eat it?" Shi Qi graciously picked up the lunch box on the bedside table.

Sisi frowned subconsciously, why is he so strange?
"Where's mother?" The little girl instinctively looked around, feeling a little timid.

Shi Qi pointed to the corridor, "Call."

Sisi nodded clearly, but did not speak.

Seeing that her face was still a little pale, Shi Qi felt very guilty, so she flattered and said, "Sister, are you hungry? Eat something quickly! This is what grandma just sent, and it is your favorite dish." !"

Sisi was a little flattered, hesitated, and didn't answer.

Seventeen's little face sank, what kind of eyes did she have, as if he would put pepper in her dish to harm her!
Damn girl, really...

Uh... Well, well, seeing that she saved him, he should stop haggling with her.

The little eyes rolled around, squeezed out a smile, and said again, "Sister, hurry up and eat, huh?"

The little guy even helped her open the lunch box and handed her a spoon.

Sisi smelled the aroma of the food and couldn't help swallowing.

Shi Qi tried hard to please again and said, "How about I feed you?"

When he was sick, his mother used to feed him like this!So he thought, it should be better to treat patients!

Sisi shook her head again and again, "No need!"

She is an older sister, how can she let her younger brother feed her?
The little girl took the lunch box and the spoon, took a bite, and was about to eat when she heard Shi Qi's stomach gurgling and stopped suddenly.

"Are you hungry too?"

Shi Qi wanted to shake his head, but his stomach made a "grunt" sound again, so he had to admit embarrassedly, "Yeah."

After finishing speaking, he swallowed hard, obviously attracted by the delicious food.

Sisi looked at him, couldn't help laughing, and handed over the spoon lovingly, "Eat first!"

If it were normal, Seventeen would have snatched it up and devoured it long ago, but at this moment he held back, shook his head and said, "You should eat first!"

Sisi thought about it seriously for a while, and then she showed a cute smile again, and said, "Let's guess the game, rock-paper-scissors?"


"Scissors, paper, rock……"

Sisi bent her eyes, "You win, you eat first!"

Shi Qi stared, "Who stipulates that the winner eats first? The winner has the final say, you eat first!"

There were three black lines on Sisi's forehead, she thought he had become better, but his domineering personality hadn't changed at all!
"Eat it quickly! Take it easy!" Shi Qi urged impatiently, if she didn't eat, he couldn't help it!
At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open from the outside, the little devil poked his head in through the crack of the door, and saw that the person inside was awake, then led Xiao Qi and walked in gently, "Sisi, Seventeen! "

"Sister Xinxin, Xiaoqi? Why are you here?" Sisi turned her head and asked.

"We came with my mother, she specially made a cake for you to eat." The little devil hastily handed over the small snack box in his hand.

Sisi looked at it and was very happy.

Just right, she eats cake, Shi Qi eats!

The little girl quickly took it, "Thank you, sister Xinxin!"

The little devil waved his hand, "I'm just helping to carry it, you're welcome!"

Sisi smiled, opened the snack box, and looked down, the shape of the cake inside was a bit strange and ugly.

He couldn't help asking suspiciously, "This is..."

The little devil laughed, and Xiaoqi was a little embarrassed, so the little devil spoke for him, "Xiaoqi told the whole story, and then he thought it was his fault, if he didn't take you and Shiqi to the backyard Play, you won't be bitten by a snake! Mom also said that Xiao Qi was responsible, so he made a cake with his mother as an apology!"

After hearing this, Sisi was slightly taken aback, in fact, this has nothing to do with Xiaoqi!It's seventeen...

The little girl's eyes unconsciously aimed at Shi Qi.

Shi Qi's little face suddenly turned dark again, yes yes yes, it's all his fault!

But he didn't do it on purpose, who knew that a snake would suddenly jump out of that grove!

And if she hadn't treated him differently from Xiaoqi, he wouldn't have gone berserk in anger!
He is her real brother, isn't he?Why is she treating Xiaoqi better than him?
"Okay, okay, you two, hurry up and eat!" The little devil insisted.

"Well, good." Sisi picked up the cake and ate it.

Shi Qi was sulking with his lunch box in his hand and lost his appetite.

Damn girl, just now he flattered her so much that she refused to eat it, but now when she sees his cake, she immediately starts to eat it!It's like never eating cake!

Damn it!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, he's really mad at him!

Just like that, Shi Qi restrained his temper a little, and reappeared.

And he doubted again, maybe he was picked up by his parents from outside, otherwise why the relationship between their siblings is so bad?
Shi Qi felt very aggrieved, but because Sisi saved him, he was also very touched, so he still tried his best to restrain his temper, but his domineering nature was hard to change, and he would still find faults from time to time, making Sisi very angry. No, but the little girl is kind-hearted by nature, and her teachers and parents have always taught her to respect the old and love the young, so she let her younger brother and generally did not meet him.

However, she saved him, and he didn't even say thank you, which made her regret saving him a bit, but as a sister, it was only natural for her to stand up when her brother was in danger. If she did it all over again, she would definitely save people.

It's just that when she was chasing Shi Qi, her Barbie doll fell off. Although Xiao Qi picked it up for her later, the hairpin of the Barbie doll broke, which made her feel very distressed.

Seeing Sisi holding the Barbie doll and looking unhappy, Shi Qi felt a little depressed. He could understand this feeling, just like his toy gun was broken, and he would be so sad that he didn't want to eat all day.

(End of this chapter)

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