Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 279 You have to be responsible to me 2

Chapter 279 You have to be responsible to me 2
Sisi was hospitalized for observation for two days, and she was fine, and her mumps almost recovered, and she was discharged from the hospital soon.

The story of the little girl's heroic rescue has already spread in the compound, so after returning to the compound, the children all came to condolences.

"Lou Sisi, you are so brave!"

"Yeah, yeah, she's a heroine!"

"I adore you so much!"

"Tell us about the process. It must be thrilling and exciting, right?"

The children chirped and asked, like a little reporter interviewing.

Sisi was a little embarrassed by what was said, and shook her head repeatedly, "It's nothing! I was also terrified at the time, and I don't remember the details, but it was really scary! So, let's not talk about it, okay?"

"Tell me! A little bit is fine!"

"But I forgot..."

"Then... shall we go play together?"


Because Sisi had mumps before, the children in the compound avoided her a little bit, but now that the little girl's face is healed, she has become a heroine in everyone's mind again, and everyone became warm again .

Sisi's popularity was already very good, and the children adored her a little more now, so everyone soon became friends again.

And some boys who originally regarded Shi Qi as the boss also looked at Si Si with admiration.

In the past, Shiqi had said Sisi in front of the children more than once, saying that she was weak, useless, delicate, sympathetic and so on. The boys who looked forward to Shiqi naturally believed him, so they didn't like Sisi. Too cold, and I sympathize with him for having a sister who is more favored than her in every way, but now the situation is completely different. Everyone thinks that the little girl is so brave, which is completely different from what Shi Qi said!
The child's xinxing is turning very fast, like grass on the wall. At this moment, with a huff, they all fall towards Sisi.

Sisi was surrounded by a group of children, all the stars were holding the moon, and she had a great time playing.

There are also a few little boys who usually have a good relationship with Shi Qi, but instead of being with Shi Qi, they have become Sisi's fans.

This made Shi Qi angry, that stinking girl, unexpectedly bought so many people's hearts again!

Sisi was playing with a few little girls with Barbie dolls, and a few boys came over. When the girls said that the hairpin of the Barbie doll was broken, the boys volunteered and said, "It's okay, we will help Sisi do it. one!"

The boys are usually good at dismantling toys, and they have strong hands-on ability. They found a thin iron wire and bent it into an arc. Then Xiao Qi used the ribbon he found in Shu Rao's cake shop to wrap the Wrap it with wire, and stick a layer of transparent tape on the outside, and a beautiful hairpin will be ready soon.

"It's so beautiful! Thank you!" Sisi said happily.

"You're welcome, ha ha!" Several little boys smiled shyly.

Not far away, Shi Qi was itching with hatred, is this a blessing in disguise for the stinky girl?Not only did he compete with her for the favor of his parents, but now he even snatched away his little friends!
The handsome little face was full of anger, he snorted coldly, turned his head and ran back into the house.

Lou Sisi, just wait and see, sooner or later I want you to look good!
Lou Yicheng's birthday is coming soon, and Lou's house is even more lively.

According to previous years, Lou Yicheng would not celebrate his birthday, but this year, due to his health, he happened to have time to recuperate at home, and the children were there, so Han Fengyi proposed to hold a birthday party for everyone to have fun together.

Adhering to the principle of simplicity and pragmatism, he didn't invite too many people to the birthday party, and he didn't even tell his old comrades in the army. He only invited some relatives and neighbors in the compound.

After counting the number of people, it was not too many, so Han Fengyi discussed with Mrs. Lin, and went to the restaurant to order some dishes that were not easy to cook, and then cooked some home-cooked dishes at home, and set a table in the courtyard.

In this way, there is no need to bother the elderly and children to go to the restaurant, and because it is summer, it is also a very enjoyable thing for everyone to sit in the yard to eat and drink.

Of course, Ye Xingchen and Shu Rao couldn't do without their help. They planned to make desserts and milk tea for everyone after the meal. Everyone praised Han Fengyi for being lucky to have two such virtuous daughters-in-law!
Relatives of the Lou family also came if they had time, including Lou Hua and Zuo Lingfeng.

More than three years have passed, and the relationship between the two has become extraordinary. It has been three years since Lou Hua hugged the two, and the two babies were born at one time, twins!
The story of Lou Hua and Zuo Lingfeng is not counted except for the previous ones. The real beginning starts from the wedding day of Ye Xingchen and Lou Xi.

On that day, Lou Hua was lucky enough to receive the bridal bouquet, and everyone teased that she would be the next one to get married.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, Lou Hua's old classmate, the photographer who took the wedding photos for Ye Xingchen and Lou Xi, took the opportunity to confess his love.

The atmosphere on the wedding day was very happy, everyone thought he was joking, but only Zuo Lingfeng thought otherwise.

When taking wedding photos, he saw the two chatting passionately, and the photographer even invited her to be a model!

Although it was considered a devotion to art, he just felt that it was wrong. The photographer obviously had bad intentions for her!
With a sore heart, Zuo Lingfeng suddenly felt that something had to change.

Although it seems impulsive, it is not. Who told him to be a sniper? A sniper's ability to recognize and identify targets is higher than ordinary people!

And seeing that Xing Chen was married, he also felt that it was time for him to think about major life events.

Over the years, he has experienced so much that it can be said that his heart is still like water. Therefore, it is a miracle that someone who can make him feel a little bit turbulent. It is his luck that he can still meet such a person.

But for Lou Hua, it may be unfortunate.

Because of his instinct as a sniper, once he finds the target, he must take it down quickly and accurately!

So, he strikes immediately!And she won't be given any chance to refuse!
On the night of the wedding, Lou Hua got a little drunk because she blocked all the wine for Ye Xingchen, and because she received the bridal bouquet, she was made fun of by everyone, and then she was poured alcohol one after another, so getting drunk is a matter of course.

After Lou Hua drank too much, she walked like a catwalk, but her photographer classmate, from an artistic point of view, said that her intoxicated appearance was very suitable for taking pictures, so he wanted to take her back to the studio.

Zuo Lingfeng smiled immediately, a charming but dangerous smile.

He was pretty good at seeing people. Although the photographer wasn't obscene, at least he had plans for her, so he stopped the photographer and asked him, "How many people have you photographed?"

The photographer thought for a while and replied, "More than 100, I used to take pictures of scenery."

Zuo Lingfeng nodded, and said calmly, "I have sniped 280 people."

The photographer's legs went limp on the spot.

Zuo Lingfeng took the drunken Lou Hua from his arms.

On the day of the wedding, the Lou's family booked all the rooms in the guest house in the military region to provide convenience for the guests to rest. He helped her into one of them.

The next morning, it was like this...

Zuo Lingfeng moved from the sofa to the bed 5 minutes before Lou Hua woke up, took off his clothes, closed his eyes as if nothing had happened, and slept beside her.

A few minutes later, Lou Hua moved, and she fell into a drowsy sleep. She vaguely felt that the bed suddenly became crowded, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

(End of this chapter)

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