Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 355 The Man Who Loves Me the Most in the World

Chapter 355 The Man Who Loves Me the Most in the World


The little devil encountered such a powerful logic in his life and collapsed several times.

Just when he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to refute, the rumored actor came back.

The little devil couldn't help but gouged him, stood up and wanted to return the chocolate, although she really wanted to eat it.

"Instructor Wang, I have a question to ask you!" Qiao Didi suddenly ran over, apparently wanting to express himself again.

The little devil stopped in his footsteps, and watched with his arms around his shoulders.

Wang Chaoyang also stopped, looking at Qiao Didi in front of him, with a polite but alienated smile, "What's the matter?"

"Instructor Wang, what do you think the best love is like?"

As soon as the question came out, the audience was excited, as if they had been beaten to death.

Even the little devil couldn't help raising his eyebrows, what does this girl mean?This is military training, it's not an emotional show!Sour!

Wang Chaoyang was calm, and replied without thinking, "The time is quiet and good, and I talk to you; the years are flowing, and I am with you; the prosperity is gone, and I am old with you."

"Wow..." There was a gasp from below.

"Xinxin, Instructor Wang is talking about you!" Roommate No. [-] envied.

"My childhood sweetheart!" Roommate No. [-] teased.

"Confession in public!" Roommate No. [-] worshiped.

"He thinks he is Ma Jingtao, so Qiongyao!" The little devil rubbed the goose bumps on his arms, but his little heart was beating non-stop.

Qiao Didi was full of grievances, but still did not give up, and asked again, "Then Instructor Wang, what do you think happiness is?"

Wang Chaoyang didn't answer immediately this time, but thought for a while, "This question is very profound, why don't we discuss it together? I'll ask other students first for reference!"

Then he pointed, and the little devil was named again.

Damn, have something to do with me?

The little devil couldn't help cursing in his heart, but Wang Chaoyang just laughed, obviously throwing the question to her on purpose.

The little devil thought about it reluctantly, and then replied boldly, "Happiness is when cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and Ultraman fights little monsters!"

Everyone's collective black line, it's not literary!

There are too many differences in the answers of the two!

Wang Chaoyang still smiled, and his expression was actually very satisfied.

Qiao Didi gave the little devil a contemptuous look, then turned his head proudly and asked Wang Chaoyang again, "Instructor Wang, what do you think?"

"Happiness is..." Wang Chaoyang spoke slowly on purpose, and glanced at the little devil, "The fish was eaten by my favorite cat, the meat was eaten by my favorite dog, and the little monster found an Ultraman who was willing to beat it. "

"Ah..." There was a gasping voice, and the hearts of the girls almost melted.

"Don't Instructor Wang think girls like that are too rude?" Qiao Didi objected.


The little devil couldn't help frowning, and asked the three roommates, "Am I being rude?"

"Hey, hey, don't tell yourself!" The roommates smirked.

The little devil's face turned red, and he made a slip of the tongue, a serious slip of the tongue!
The arc of Wang Chaoyang's mouth continued to deepen, and he said tolerantly, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, rough and cute."

"Xinxin! Get married, get married!" the roommates urged.

The little devil's face was so red that it was about to explode, he gave Wang Chaoyang a hard look, and he clenched his fist and whispered, "If you dare to talk nonsense, I'll send you to Thailand!"

Wang Chaoyang quickly took a step back, not because he was afraid, but because he was not in a hurry.

After waiting for so many years, why rush?
I have already expressed a lot of things today, so I will stop here.

If it's too aggressive, his little Qingmei won't be able to stand it, he knows better than anyone else what that girl looks like when she goes crazy, and the consequences will be disastrous.

She is too impatient, if he confesses his love right now, there is only one end for him, that is, he will be ruthlessly rejected, and maybe he will be dragged into her blacklist for refusing to communicate.

And the two of them are already too familiar, so familiar that when they fought each other when they were young, they could clearly see how many snots flowed from each other, so he didn't want to chase too closely, he wanted to chase slowly, and in this slow process, let her feel him Treat her differently from before, and let her taste the taste of love slowly.

So, take your time!
Wang Chaoyang took a step back, his eyes swept across the crowd, and finally his eyes stayed on the little devil for a moment. The little devil straightened his shoulders without showing any weakness, but his little heart was beating thumpingly.

Wang Chaoyang felt that it was almost done, and then restrained his personal emotions, and said seriously, "Everyone has it, gather!"

A day of military training was over soon, and the students were so exhausted that they walked towards the dormitory building with sore waists and backs.

The little devil didn't have to go back to the dormitory because she moved out, but the housekeeping inspection was very strict during the military training. She thought that she was a member of the dormitory after all, so she couldn't be lazy, so she followed back very responsibly, and wanted to go back after cleaning up. I lived in my own small nest, but I didn't expect that the cleaning would be terrible, and the sink had to be wiped so that there were no drops of water!Absolutely perverted!
This busy work came at night, and she dragged her tired body, not wanting to move, so she simply decided not to go back, just stay in the dormitory for one night!

In the dead of night, the other three were sleeping like pigs, but she had insomnia!

It's obvious that I've been tired all day, so I should fall asleep right away. Could it be that everything goes against its limits?Or... because of what Wang Xiaoming said today?

What does he mean?
To tease her?But what's the use of teasing this?

Really want to chase her?Cut, how is it possible!Is there such a thing as chasing girls?Anyway, the two of them are also co-tenants now. If she doesn't go back at night, he doesn't even have a phone call!
Wang Chaoyang's strategy of boiling the frog in warm water really made the little devil tangled up.

The more I struggled, the more I couldn't sleep, the more I couldn't sleep, the more I struggled, and then my stomach became hungry.

Gulu Gulu... my stomach growled again.

She was originally a night owl, and she usually eats while reading in her den, but there is not even instant noodles in this dormitory!
He turned over and adjusted his posture, hugging the pillow to sleep, but when he poked his hand, he suddenly touched the chocolate under the pillow.

The little devil is very contradictory, to eat, or not to eat?

Hands are short, but mouths are soft!Eating his chocolate, wouldn't that be the same as accepting him?

But he didn't confess directly!
Ah, I'm so bored!

In this way, Wang Chaoyang was not in a hurry, the little devil was in a hurry first.

After tossing and turning all night, the little devil was so entangled that he naturally hung a pair of panda eyes the next morning.

Wang Xiaoming, you are looking for death!
Facing the mirror, the little devil gritted his teeth, wishing he could cut someone into eight pieces.

"Xinxin, did you suffer from insomnia last night? Who are you missing?" The three roommates laughed maliciously.

"How can there be!" The little devil denied it flatly, but his face was red and white, and then he gritted his teeth secretly, "Cut, what's the big deal?"Isn't it just a piece of chocolate?It's not like she hasn't eaten chocolate before!snort!

Taking out the chocolate, she unwrapped it and started to eat it.

Chocolate is really a healing thing. After eating it, the little devil felt much better, so she felt calm.

But half an hour later, when she came to the playground to gather again, she was still a little uncomfortable, her small eyes looking at someone were cold and full of hatred, as if you were the main culprit for my insomnia.

(End of this chapter)

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