Chapter 356 Tiramisu Take Me Away 1
Seeing her tangled little expression, Wang Chaoyang was very comforted in his heart. The girl finally reacted a bit. Although her slightly blue eyes made him feel a little distressed, but if she slept soundly like a pig last night, then It is estimated that now he is not only distressed, but heartbroken!
"Morning." He greeted with a smile.

The little devil is angry, as tall as you are!

"Angry?" He took a slight step forward, and raised his hand to smooth her upturned hair with the utmost love.

"Go away!" The little devil didn't give face, she was a healthy baby since she was a child, which is good, but he kept her awake all night!Now that she is exhausted, she wonders if she will pass out during the military training today!
Wang Chaoyang laughed again, the crazy girl has lost her temper, does this mean that her heart has already started to itch?
Hehe, he knew she would be anxious. She has been a hot girl since she was a child, how could she resist his slow way?

However, the more anxious she is, the more he wants to hang on, the more she hangs on to her, the more she will notice him, and he will sneak into her heart unconsciously!


The little devil squinted at his dreamy expression, couldn't help but roll his eyes, with a disgusted expression on his face, "It's a convulsion early in the morning!"

Wang Chaoyang continued to laugh, with a happy expression on his face, just like the expression of a man in love.

A man who was already handsome, his military uniform set off his toughness and fortitude, coupled with a gentle smile, he seemed to be a combination of hardness and softness, so charming!

The little devil reluctantly admitted that she had been caught for a moment, and then quickly backed away, but for some reason, her left and right feet stumbled, causing her to fall backwards.

"Be careful..." Wang Chaoyang has quick eyes and quick hands, and the hero saves the beauty.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the two embraced tightly at a 45° angle in an idol drama!
The sound of air-conditioning all around came and went, and the little devil's silver teeth were about to be crushed.

"Still letting go?" She glared at him angrily.

Wang Chaoyang misses the feeling of holding her in his arms very much, but today's level is almost the same, if it happens again, he probably will die!

For the sake of long-term welfare in the future, he let her go cooperatively, and by the way cared, "You didn't get hurt?"

The little devil was so angry that his heart was trembling, "Don't worry about it!"

Shout out!
But that little face was completely red.

The news that Lou Xinxin has a close relationship with Instructor Wang is obvious to all. Everyone discussed and whispered, and some even took pictures with their mobile phones to save evidence!

The little devil wants to kill someone directly, dammit, gossip!Destroy her reputation!
Wang Chaoyang didn't dare to offend the cat with its hairy hair anymore, so he quickly retreated, but when he turned around, the smile on the corner of his mouth was even more cunning.

The little devil gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

The always eccentric little devil finally encountered a problem, mainly because she was really inexperienced in this relationship, and Wang Chaoyang had a deep "grievance" with her. She couldn't figure out whether he was real or fake, so she felt I was teased by him like a kitten, feeling very irritable.

If she could, she would really like to beat him up!But now he can't beat him, scolding is neither painful nor itchy, wasting saliva in vain, hateful!

"Xinxin, Instructor Wang is so handsome!" Roommate No. [-] floated over.

"He was so agile just now!" Roommate No. [-] also admired him very much.

"Xinxin, there are not many good men these days, let's go decisively!" Roommate No. [-] was the most reserved.

When the little devil collapses, he is not afraid of enemies like wolves, but comrades like pigs!

They were going to sell her just for the few credits in military training?

"I don't like his type!" the little devil said angrily.

"Then what do you like?"

The little devil glanced at someone who had gone away and suddenly stopped, as if he wanted to eavesdrop, the corner of his mouth curved evilly, and he said happily, "I have found the man who loves me the most in the world! He treats me so well La! He likes that I have no makeup and no makeup, and that I have long hair in a ponytail. He cares if I have breakfast, what I had for lunch, and what do I want for dinner? He will frown and say that he bought clothes again, and then praise how beautiful he is. Don’t let me spend money recklessly, and then handed over my bank card. He was reluctant to move out and said to me: Stop studying, go home, I will support you!”

The little devil was frothing, but the more everyone listened, the more something went wrong, "Who is that man?"

"Of course it's my father! It's a pity he's already married to my mother!" The little devil deliberately wept, but she meant to tell someone to listen to her words.

Sure enough, the corner of Wang Chaoyang's mouth twitched. He understood what she meant. It meant that if you dare to bully me again, I will go home and sue, and let my dad punish you to death!
Indeed, from ancient times to the present, the more the mother-in-law looks at the son-in-law, the more pleasing it is to the eyes, but the more the father-in-law looks at the son-in-law, the more annoying it is!

And that's his chief!
However, he has already done this!
Wang Chaoyang turned around, walked back again, put his hands in his trouser pockets, very leisurely, as if casually asked the little devil, "That man you mentioned can tolerate all your shortcomings?"

"Of course!" The little devil looked pompous, and did not forget to warn, "That's why I look down on ordinary people!"

It means that it doesn't matter whether you are true or false, the false is the best, if you are real, let's get out of trouble quickly!Don't let the old lady worry!

Wang Chaoyang nodded and paused, "It's good to have shortcomings, and it's true to have shortcomings! I know an elder who watched me grow up. He is also a soldier. He is excellent in all aspects, and his family and career are very successful. I Ask him why he and his wife can’t see each other every day, but they have been as loving as ever for more than ten years. He told me: No one is perfect, and sometimes he thinks his wife loves his daughter too much, but He never criticizes her, because it is precisely because she has shortcomings and is too soft-hearted, that's why she did something emotional beyond rationality, and chose to become a hardworking military wife, so she didn't find a more perfect husband."

"Woo..." All the girls were moved to tears.

But the little devil thinks that these words are so familiar?

"All are here, assemble!" Wang Chaoyang interrupted the little devil's thoughts with an order.

Next, another day of brutal military training.

The little devil was already in low spirits due to the relationship with his aunt, and with the insomnia last night, he was even more listless. He wanted to ask for leave several times, but he didn't want to fall behind, especially because he didn't want to be looked down upon by Wang Chaoyang. He gritted his teeth and persisted.

Wang Chaoyang naturally paid attention to her situation, so he always ordered to rest at the right time. Although the meaning of selfishness is quite obvious, the students are quite in favor of it. Naturally, this kind of good thing should be supported, because they can also rest by the way ah!

Especially the three roommates of the little devil worshiped Wang Chaoyang like an idol, and they were very flattering.

The students sat on the ground, some drank water, some wiped their sweat, and the little devil babbled, suddenly wanting to eat.

And at this moment, a small cake box was handed over, and when she looked up, she saw Wang Chaoyang's backlit face with a faint smile on his expression.

Of course the little devil wouldn't pick it up, but there were dog legs around him. One of the roommates quickly took the small paper box containing the cake, opened the box, and immediately exclaimed, "Tiramisu!"

Tiramisu, take me away!

"Wow..." The girls turned cute again.

"Xinxin, eat quickly!"

The little devil is struggling and doesn't want to eat it, but tiramisu is her favorite cake!
(End of this chapter)

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