Chapter 357 Tiramisu Take Me Away 2
"I don't eat what he gave me!" She still has a lot of backbone, hum!
The girls were sorry, but Wang Chaoyang explained unhurriedly, "Aunt Shu Rao asked me to bring this to you. She was worried about your hard military training, so she specially made a cake for you."

The little devil was dumbfounded and embarrassed.

Damn it, you're acting affectionate!

"You didn't say it earlier!" She snatched the cake and used rude movements to hide her guilt.

Wang Chaoyang turned around with a smile, and he knew that she would accept it only if he said so!

Smelly girl, she liked to fight against him since she was a child!

The three roommates all looked at the little devil with mean smiles.

The little devil coughed twice to hide her guilt, but a group of bad friends refused to let her go. Roommate No. [-] smoothed her upturned hair and joked like petting a puppy, "Lou Xinxin, You have today too!"

"What!" The little devil refused to admit it.

"Oh, are you shy?" Roommate No. [-] seemed to have discovered a big secret.

"My face is blushing!" Roommate No. [-] presented evidence.

"I'm hot!" the little devil said stiffly.

Roommate No. 38 touched her forehead and said with a smile, "I heard that love is a high fever. The stupid ones get married, and the ones who subside get divorced. Those who are obsessed with obsessions are burning. Our hearts are running hot. [-] degrees five!"

"Haha..." Everyone laughed.

The little devil 囧囧 has a spirit, she has always been articulate, but she can't find anything to refute, so she can only eat the cake with her head down, her little face is almost buried in the box!
Well, delicious!

As expected, Niu'er misses her the most!

However, someone disturbed her heart.

"Xinxin, Instructor Wang is really nice, so don't be too reserved, just accept it!" Roommate No. [-] continued to encourage.

"That's right! There's nowhere to find such a man with a lantern! Why don't you hurry up and grab it and keep it for yourself?" Roommate No. [-] emphasized the last four words with a rippling smile.

The little devil pouted, "I grew up with him, why didn't I find out what's good about him?"

Roommate No. [-] counted on his fingers, "First, you two are childhood sweethearts, and you know everything! Second, he is a soldier, so his character must be guaranteed! Third, he is mature, stable, and humorous! Fourth, he is handsome and handsome." Describe! Fifth..."

"Stop, stop!" the little devil asked back, "Since he is so good, he is a potential stock no matter how you look at it. Up to now, he is still just one, and he has never talked to half of his girlfriends, so don't you guys?" Do you suspect that he has any fatal flaws? How dare you push me into the fire pit?"

"Uh..." As expected, the three of them stopped talking, and said in a tangled manner, "Yeah, such an excellent man, who doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't gamble, doesn't play hard, is filial to his parents, self-motivated, mature, stable, and generous." He is also handsome, more than 1.8 meters tall! He is also modest, humorous and caring, why doesn’t he have a girlfriend? What’s the reason?”

The girls were in a tangle.

The little devil finally breathed a sigh of relief. After successfully changing the subject, he continued to eat the cake.

"No money!" After discussion, all the girls agreed unanimously.

The corner of the little devil's mouth twitched, and he remained silent.

His family is incredibly rich!

But she didn't intend to clarify for him, and she shamelessly said, "Maybe it's because of his physical problems, no!"

Not far away, Wang Chaoyangjun's face darkened, and he gritted his teeth secretly: Lou Xinxin, sooner or later, I will let you see and see if I can do it!
"Ah Choo..." The little devil sneezed hard.

"Assemble! Ten laps, run... let's go!" a certain man's angry voice.

Everyone was crying and howling.

Women are really gossip animals, they are obviously tired like dogs, but those bad friends of the little devil still don't forget to gossip, they exercise physically and mentally at the same time, and then continue the previous topic, retorting, "That's not right Ah Xinxin, instructor Wang is now a major with two bars and one star, and the future is boundless! How can he have no money? Besides, the car I saw him driving is a famous brand, an international famous brand!"

"So, he must have some secrets that no one knows!" The little devil was firm and unwavering.

"You are a dead duck with a hard mouth!"

The little devil was annoyed, and retorted, "Even if he is rich, so what? I'm not a gold digger! Girl, depending on your family, you may become a princess, depending on a man, you may become a princess, but relying on yourself , to be the queen! I have to work hard on my own."

All the girls lined up with black lines, and laughed and cursed, "You bastard!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" The little devil grinned.

After the "cake door" incident, the little devil was even more uneasy. It was awkward to face Wang Chaoyang during military training!
Thinking of how embarrassing she was in front of everyone before, she secretly hated her, so she kept doing one thing and ignoring it!
Even if she was standing at attention in a military posture and looking ahead, her little eyes would not even glance at him, and no matter at other times, she would act as if she hadn't seen him. , That's called a coldness!
But apart from that indifference, her little eyes were always smoldering, as if someone owed her 500 million yuan!
Of course Wang Chaoyang noticed it, and he was secretly happy, this crazy girl can be regarded as showing a bit of a shy girlish mentality!

So he continued to implement the strategy of "boiling frogs in warm water" and simmered slowly over low heat, but every time he looked at her tender eyes, he couldn't hide them even if he wanted to, and everyone could see it clearly!
So it didn't take long for rumors to spread all over the campus, and the rumors about the two were in full swing. There were gossips, blessings, envy, jealousy, and everything else.

Originally, it is normal for young men and women to fall in love or something. Both of them are adults and have the freedom to communicate, even if they get married, there is no problem!But during this military training, one is an instructor and the other is a student, so the impact is not so good!
And there are rumors that the two have already lived together outside the school!

Many people also said that they witnessed the two leaving the campus together after the military training, and came back together the next morning!
Hearing it, the class teacher of the little devil is having a headache, the effect is not good!Although it is said that she was young and knows the truth of youth like fire, can't she keep a low profile?The relationship between instructors and students is considered a teacher-student relationship!
So, when the limelight was in full swing, the head teacher talked to the little devil.

"Cough... Lou Xinxin, call your parents to come to school tomorrow."

Little Devil Thriller, no?Are you still in college and still looking for parents?

"Um... Teacher, my father is very busy recently. I'm afraid I don't have time for military exercises..." It was clearly written on her file, so there is no need to hide what my father is doing from the class teacher.

"Then it's okay to ask your mother to come over." The class guide chose the next best thing.In fact, she thinks it's better to tell her father about this matter. Dad, he will definitely not show good looks to a man who wants to chase his daughter!And her father is a general, so he must be "ruthless"!

The little devil is still struggling. Although Niu'er doesn't need military exercises and can come anytime, but she is so old and her parents are being asked. It's too embarrassing. Is there any reason?

"Teacher, tell me if you have anything to do, I'm her younger brother!" Xiao Qi suddenly appeared.

The little devil was stunned, "Xiao Qi, why are you here?"

Xiaoqi hesitated for a moment, pulled her aside and whispered, "I'm here to inform you, just now my mother went to your place to clean up for you, do you have men's things in there? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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