Chapter 362 The Youthful Gathering 2
Shi Qi still didn't take it seriously, "I'm going to the junior class soon, so why should I pay attention? When I arrive in the army, I have to live in a dormitory and sleep on a hard bed! Isn't it good to have such a luxurious atmosphere now?"

"Oh, we're just going to get together, and we can't talk about the atmosphere! Can you not go online?"

"This is a matter of principle!" Shi Qi was serious.

Tuoba Yang surrendered, and turned to adopt a gentle strategy, and said, "Don't worry about it so much, everyone agrees, the protagonist of this party is you, you can't live up to everyone's kindness, right?"

Shi Qi gritted his teeth and had no choice but to agree. Of course he knew everyone's good intentions, so he didn't want to spoil everyone's interest.

That's it for the party.

Su Yaya and Tuoba Yang summoned other people, and everyone began to prepare for the specific matters of the party, and Shi Qi was the shopkeeper, and they didn't care about it, leaving them to toss.

Su Yaya's home has a swimming pool, so she told everyone at the party to bring swimsuits, swimming caps and the like.

"Huh? You still want to swim?" Sisi was a little apprehensive.Although she has a swimsuit, she is not very good at swimming because she is not in good health, but she still needs exercise. Swimming has the benefits of enhancing heart muscle function, strengthening resistance, and strengthening lung function, so her mother also took her to the The first time I went to the swimming pool, but she was a little afraid of the water, so she had to put on a swimming ring every time.

"Don't worry, my swimming pool is very shallow, there will be no problem!" Su Yaya assured her, patting her chest.

Tuoba Yang also tried his best to express, "Don't worry Sisi, I can swim, if you are in danger, I will immediately jump down to save you!"

On the side, Shi Qi couldn't help snorting coldly, and said contemptuously to his buddy, "Just your dog-planing posture? You forgot that we were in the swimming pool last year, and you accidentally swam into the deep water area, making ghosts cry and howl in fright. I was the one to save you!"

"Hey! Lou Chengxi, are you my buddy? Don't bring me down like this!" Tuoba Yang is also considered a handsome boy, and his studies are also good. Although girls are not as good as Seventeen, there are still Many girls fall in love with him, the economical and affordable guy, but he only likes Sisi, the older sister of this buddy with a bad mouth!

Seventeen didn't care if he was annoyed or not, and continued, "I'm telling the truth! It's because we are buddies that I understand you! Your swimming style is called freestyle in name, but in fact It's a dog planer!"

"Haha..." Everyone started laughing.

Tuoba Yang's face couldn't help turning red, and he retorted, "What do you care about your swimming posture? Anyway, as long as you can swim! If Sisi is in danger, I will definitely stand up! I don't look like someone, You can only laugh at people in the pool!"

Tuoba Yang's words obviously meant something. Before Ye Xingchen and Lou Xi took Sisi and Shiqi to the swimming pool, Shiqi quickly mastered the swimming skills. Ke Sisi was timid, afraid of water, and would only die Hugging tightly to the swimming ring, he barely swam a few times, like a duckling, that clumsy posture was severely ridiculed by Shi Qi.

When Tuoba Yang mentioned this, both Sisi and Shiqi remembered it, Sisi blushed in embarrassment, Shiqi couldn't help laughing, haha, that girl has been stupid since she was a child!

However, his expression changed immediately, and he continued to yell at Tuoba Yang, "If you want to save it, I will save it, it's none of your business!

When he thought of Tuoba Yang jumping into the water to save Sisi, he felt awkward, subconsciously he didn't want the two of them to have too much contact!

The two argued endlessly, but Sisi was going crazy, why did she keep talking about her embarrassing things!
"I don't need anyone to save me! When the time comes, I'll bring a swimming ring from home, and I'll be fine!" She said blushingly.

"That's fine." Tuoba Yang hurriedly flattered him.

Shi Qi snorted coldly again, and glanced at his buddy with contempt on his face.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, let's continue to study the business!" Su Yaya quickly smoothed things over.

In a blink of an eye, it was Saturday, and the sun was shining brightly. A group of young boys and girls set off. Along the way, they were frolicking and lively.

Sisi was surprised to find that although Shi Qi didn't talk much at ordinary times, he reminded everyone to pay attention to safety from time to time on the road, and he didn't feel impatient when he gave instructions.

There are times when he is so careful!
No wonder he has such a domineering personality, but everyone is still willing to play with him!
He can go crazy while playing, but he also knows how to take care of others!
Everyone came to Su Yaya's house happily.

Two-story white villa, European style, very beautiful.

"Wow, Yaya, your house is so big and beautiful!" Several girls started screaming.

"There is also a gym and a basketball court!" The boys couldn't help but marvel.

Su Yaya smiled, and said generously, "You can play whatever you want, my parents are not at home today, and I specially left a place for us to toss around!"

"Then we're welcome!"

"Well, play whatever you want!"

The adults are not at home, the nanny is also sent away, and the villa has become a paradise for the children.

Everyone talked and laughed, first visited, and then began to have various fun.

Because the sun is relatively high, everyone didn't choose outdoor activities, and they all had activities inside the house, sitting on the carpet and playing games, playing poker and so on, and those who lost would get stickers, which was very lively.

Sisi was also surprised to find that although Shi Qi was not the oldest in the circle, everyone listened to what he said. For example, if someone lost a game and refused to post a note, but Shi Qi stared at him, and that person became obedient.

After playing happily for a while, everyone laughed so hard that their voices became hoarse. Su Yaya is the young host, so she naturally wanted to entertain, so she stood up and said, "I'll get everyone something to drink!"

"Okay, thank you!"

Sisi also got up quickly and volunteered, "Yaya, let me help you!"

"Well, come on!"

The two left the table one after another and went to the kitchen together.

There are all kinds of fruits in the refrigerator, and Su Yaya wants to squeeze them into juices for everyone to drink, but she usually doesn't do housework, and just picked up a fruit knife to peel and hurt her fingers.

" hurts..."

Sisi, who was helping at the side, immediately asked nervously, "Yaya, are you okay?"


Seeing that Su Yaya's index finger was cut and bleeding, Sisi hurriedly called for someone, "Seventeen..."

Hearing the sound, Seventeen rushed to the scene. In fact, he jumped up immediately when he heard the exclamation in the kitchen. After seeing that the injured person was not Sisi but Su Yaya, his nerves stopped. relax.

"What's going on?" His tone became calmer.

Sisi replied immediately, "Yaya's finger was cut by a fruit knife, I'll wash it for her first, you go get a Band-Aid in my bag!"

Ever since her leg was injured last time, she had put Band-Aids in her bag. Later, her leg healed, but the Band-Aids were not used up. She thought that there might be an urgent need, and a few Band-Aids would not take up space, so she kept it in it. up.

Shi Qi turned around and went back to the living room, found Sisi's bag on the sofa, was slightly startled when he took out the Band-Aid, apparently also remembered the time he hurt her.

There was a strange look in his eyes.

Sisi quickly helped Su Yaya treat the wound, but fortunately the wound was not deep or serious.

Su Yaya is not a hypocritical person, she blew on her fingers twice, and then said stubbornly, "It's nothing, just a little injury!"

Shi Qi glanced at her indifferently, and said bluntly, "Just eat the fruit directly, it doesn't need to be so troublesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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