Just because I loved you so much at the time - published

Chapter 363 Changing clothes is embarrassing 1

Chapter 363 Changing clothes is embarrassing 1
Su Yaya pouted, "I wanted to get it because I heard Sisi said you like to drink fruit juice."

Seventeen rolled his eyes, "Do you want to break off all your fingers?"

Su Yaya frowned, it didn't sound like she cared!

Sisi couldn't bear it anymore, and spoke for her good friend, "Seventeen, why are you doing this, Yaya wants to treat us well!"

Shi Qi didn't want to say more, took an apple directly from the plate, put it to his mouth and gnawed, "I can just eat like this!"

Su Yaya chirped again, "That hasn't been washed yet!"

"It's okay, you won't get sick if you don't do anything clean!" Shi Qi replied rudely, gnawing on an apple and leaving the kitchen.

Su Yaya finally collapsed.

Sisi glanced at her friend sympathetically, and asked cautiously, "Yaya, you can trust me this time, he is really terrible..."

"But it's such a MAN!" Su Yaya continued to be obsessed with obsession.

This time it was Sisi's turn to collapse.

After a day of fun, it was time for dinner, and since there were no adults at home, and the nanny wasn't around, the kids decided to do it themselves.

At noon, everyone ate some snacks and fruits casually. Although they filled their stomachs, it was not a meal after all, so they planned to have a hearty dinner.

The rice is ready-made, and the vegetables are also ready-made, and together with the cooked food that everyone brought when they came, if you piece them together, you can almost cook out more than a dozen dishes!
When it comes to cooking, Sisi is the main force, maybe it's because of her close relationship with her since she was a child. The little girl is very similar to Ye Xingchen in this aspect. Although she is not very old, she is very good at cooking. She was also the one who used to be when there was no one at home. Cooks, feeds himself and is picky and lazy Seventeen, he won't even turn on the microwave!
Sisi was wearing an apron and skillfully wielding a spatula. Su Yaya and a few other girls helped, and the kitchen was full of heat.

Seeing Sisi's performance, the other girls were stunned. They didn't expect that Sisi, who looked soft and weak on the outside, would be so powerful!It's completely different from them who don't touch the spring water with their fingers!
"Sisi, whoever marries you in the future will be happy!"

Sisi smiled shyly, "I just like to cook. I learned it from my mother. Her cooking skills are even better! I will show you to try it when I have a chance in the future!"

A few girls were drooling when they heard it, but they refused her invitation again and again, "Forget it, we're drooling after seeing the dishes you cook, if we eat your mother's cooking again, we'll be hungry Yes! It’s enjoyable to have a meal, but what will we do in the future? We don’t want to go home and lose our appetite for the food at home!”

"Hehe, how can you be so exaggerated? Why don't you all learn to cook by yourself, and I'll teach you!" Sisi was willing to teach a few recipes.

"Forget it, it looks difficult!" Several girls flinched.

Sisi waved the spatula a few more times, "It's actually very easy, practice makes perfect, just practice more! I was also clumsy at the beginning, I can't even scramble eggs with tomatoes, and I got confused when frying eggs!"

"Ah? Then how do you eat it?"

Sisi’s memories were terrible, and she pouted and said, “At that time, there were only me and 17 in the family. He ate all the tomatoes that weren’t muddied, and only left me the eggs that were muddied.”

"Uh...that...you are my sister, you should let him..." Everyone could only comfort her like this.

Sisi's small face was grim, "I thought so too, but after he finished eating, he told me that eggs are nutritious, so he let me eat them, and he only ate vegetarian tomatoes, which are called Kong Rongrang pears!"

The girls were speechless, but they suddenly admired Sisi, "Sisi, it's really not easy for you to grow up so much despite being oppressed!"

Sisi was amused, yes, Shi Qi has been bullying her since she was a child, but this kind of life will soon end, he will go to the army soon, she is liberated!
However, how did she feel that in that case, life would become boring?
The boys were responsible for moving the tables and chairs. It was night and the sun was not so strong. They decided to eat in the courtyard, with stars and lights. Eating by the swimming pool at this time is obviously the best choice!

The tables, chairs and benches are all set up, covered with white tablecloths, and decorated with a pot of small flowers on the table, it has the style of a big hotel!
The evening wind was blowing, and the air was cool. Everyone closed their eyes and sniffed lightly, feeling drunk.

"Okay, okay, the dishes are ready, everyone help me serve them!" Sisi said nervously.

Everyone started their hands one after another, and Tuoba Yang was even more active. Seeing that Sisi was about to serve the steaming bowl of seafood loofah soup, he quickly said, "Sisi, let me serve this for you. This is easy to spill, don't burn it!" arrive!"

For Tuoba Yang's attention, Sisi was a little uncomfortable, but if she pushed back and forth because of such a bowl of soup, it would not be good, it seemed that she was too petty, so she nodded and agreed, "Then I will trouble you."

"No trouble! This is what boys should do!"

Shi Qi watched from the side, the corner of his mouth twitched again, and he couldn't help but sarcastically said, "Tuoba Yang, be careful, don't fall!"

"Crow mouth!" Tuoba Yang choked back angrily.

Shi Qi snorted coldly, picked up another dish and walked out.

In the courtyard, the table has already been set up, the chairs have been set up, the food has been brought up, and the dinner is ready.

Su Yaya clapped her hands and said, "Everyone, don't be too busy eating. Let's change our clothes first. Since we are eating by the swimming pool, of course we have to wear a swimsuit! This will create an atmosphere! How about we have a swimming pool party? "

"Okay!" Everyone's swimsuits were already ready.

The boys and girls went to change their clothes, and after a while, everyone came out in swimsuits again.

Sisi brought a swimming ring with her when she came, but for the convenience of holding it, she didn't blow it. Now she is blowing hard into the blowing hole of the swimming ring, her cheeks are bulging, and her face is also full of suffocation. It was red, but the swimming ring was still only half bulged.

"Sisi, are you alright?" the other girls urged after they had changed their clothes.

Sisi stopped blowing, pinched the blowing hole of the swimming ring with her fingers, raised her head and replied, "I have to wait, you guys go out first, I will be back in a while."

"Okay, then let's go first!" Several girls took the first step.

Sisi lowered her head and blowing hard again, exhausting all her lung capacity, the swimming circle finally bulged up, and the blue dolphin pattern was fat and very cute.

"Phew... it's finally ready!" She said to herself, put the swimming ring aside, and then began to change clothes. She took off her original skirt and was about to change into a swimsuit, but the door of the room was suddenly pushed open from the outside. .

"Lou Sisi, do you want me to help you..."

"Ah..." Seeing the boy who suddenly barged in, Sisi screamed in fright, and hurriedly grabbed the clothes she had just taken off to cover herself.

Shi Qi froze at the door, looking at the disheveled girl inside, he was also shocked. He changed into his swimsuit and went out directly, but after waiting for a long time, Si Si did not come out. He suddenly remembered that she might be playing with swimming. As for the swimming circle, thinking of her dry little body, her lung capacity can be imagined, so he turned back to look again, thinking that if necessary, he could help her blow up the swimming circle, but unexpectedly, he bumped into her. She is changing clothes!

Sisi's face turned red and then turned white, and she shouted loudly, "Lou Chengxi, are you still going out?"

(End of this chapter)

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