Chapter 365 Drowning 1
However, he didn't do it on purpose, and besides, his original intention of coming in was to help her, but now she looks at him like a wolf, how depressing she is!

"Hey, Lou Sisi, I wanted to help you when I broke in. Don't bite Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people!"

"You are the dog!" Sisi gritted her teeth angrily.

Seeing that she was about to cry, Shi Qi didn't dare to provoke her anymore, so he softened his tone and said comfortingly, " fact, I only saw a little...really, just a little...uh, okay , a little bit more than a little bit..."

"Shut up!" Sisi was furious.

Shi Qi wanted to please her, but was sprayed back. She couldn't hold back her face, and subconsciously wanted to continue arguing with her, but due to the situation, she had no choice but to endure it.

He took two steps back and didn't tell her anymore, but he was unwilling, so he could only mutter to himself, "Didn't you just take a look? What's so great about it? It's not a devil figure, who cares about it?"

Sisi was about to die of anger, but she had no choice but to imitate him talking to herself, cursing him for the third time, "Lou Chengxi, I curse you, you will never be able to marry a wife in the next life!"

After finishing speaking, she took two deep breaths, hugged the swimming ring, walked carefully to the door, and unlocked the door with trembling fingers, "Yaya, I'm fine."

Without waiting for Su Yaya to turn her head, she immediately flashed out and closed the door behind her.

"Wow, Sisi, you are so beautiful!" Su Yaya praised heartlessly.

Sisi didn't even care about modesty and shyness, and quickly took her friend's hand, "Yaya, let's go, don't make everyone wait too long!"

"Well, let's go!"

The two left together.

In the room, Shiqi was on the door panel, listening to the situation outside, and only after confirming that Sisi and Su Yaya had gone far away, did they gently open the door and leave quickly.

At the dining table in the courtyard, everyone has already prepared. Everyone has changed into swimsuits, but because of their young age, everyone’s clothes are also very conservative. The boys are all wearing tank tops and boxers, and the girls are not bikinis. It was a one-piece dress, Shi Qi glanced at Sisi secretly from the corner of her eye, and still had the urge to wrap her from head to toe with a bath towel!
But Sisi didn't even look at him, and deliberately sat far away, the blush on her ears didn't fade for a long time.

The party started soon. Listening to the nice music, everyone ate and drank, talked and laughed from time to time, enjoying youth and thinking about the future.

Smiling under the moonlight, youth is like the greenery all over the world, with girlfriends, brothers, and ideals.

Because everyone was still young, they didn't drink alcohol, they just used drinks instead, and there was a constant sound of clinking glasses. They didn't care what they were drinking, what they cared about was just a sincere and simple blessing.

In the years of youth, happiness and worry-free.

It took more than an hour for dinner to finish. Sisi originally wanted to help wash the dishes, but Su Yaya quickly stopped her and said to the boys, "We girls have all cooked just now, so we don't need to wash the dishes. Should we come again?"

The boys looked at each other, "Should we wash it?"

"Of course! You can't just open your mouth and do nothing, can you?" the girls said in unison.

"But we're boys, aren't boys too girly to wash dishes?" The boys were obviously not happy, they would rather do something else!

Su Yaya rolled her eyes and said in a non-negotiable tone, "Anyone who doesn't wash is not a man!"

As soon as the words fell, all the men ran to the kitchen.

The boys do things more neatly, and they have a clear division of labor. Some wash the dishes, some wash the dishes, and some wash the cups.

The girls are relaxed, sitting and lying on the deck chairs by the pool, watching the stars and chatting.

A shooting star suddenly slid across the sky, several girls screamed in unison, Su Yaya quickly pushed Sisi who was dumbfounded, "Sisi, hurry up and make a wish!"

Sisi was stunned for a moment, and quickly clasped her hands together, made a gesture of making a wish, and prayed devoutly, "I hope all my family and friends will be healthy and safe!"

Her idea is very simple, but it attracts the contempt of other girls, Su Yaya is also angry with her, "Sisi, you can't say a wish! You have to say it silently in your heart! Also, can you be more romantic? According to the divination book, when you make a wish on a shooting star, it is best to make a wish about love, you just wasted a big opportunity!"

Sisi blinked and asked blankly, "Then what wish did you make?"

Su Yaya snickered, "It won't work if you say it!"

"Tch, it must have something to do with your Prince Charming!" The other girls snickered.

Su Yaya was not shy either, she admitted it openly, "So what? I hope to dedicate my first kiss to him!"

"Yaya!" Sisi hurriedly pinched her, Yaya was too open-mouthed!

Su Yaya still looked indifferent, "What? Scared you? Actually, I'm too late. I have a little cousin who just started kindergarten this year. She told me last week that the girl in her class Half of the classmates gave away their first kisses, she also has this plan recently, and is looking for candidates!"

"Ah? Really or not?" Sisi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Oh, what are you laughing at? What I said is true!" Su Yaya swore with a smile, and then said jokingly, "Sisi, pure little Sisi, when do you want to save your first kiss? ah?"

"You... What nonsense are you talking about? I won't tell you anymore!" Sisi blushed and jumped into the water with a "plop" in her arms, obviously trying to escape.

Her first kiss... Hey, it's long gone!
Thinking of this question, she felt annoyed again and again, and felt that someone was bad.

"Haha, I'm so shy! Sisi, you have already given your first kiss, right?" Su Yaya laughed loudly.

The top of Sisi's head was about to smoke, so she quickly swam a few times and swam further.

Not only was her first kiss gone, but even her body was gone by him!
God, why is she so unlucky, her lips, breasts, hands, and even her whole body are not "pure" anymore, how can she fall in love and marry in the future?
Want to cry but can't cry, angry but don't know how to vent, just feel that someone is always taking advantage of her, it's really disgusting!
The more she thought about it, the more entangled she became, and the more she thought about it, the more annoyed she became. She was in the cool swimming pool, but she felt that the water was about to boil!
Unknowingly, she swam to the deep water.

Time passed slowly, the boys finished washing the dishes, returned to the courtyard, and poured water in groups of three and four.

Shi Qi subconsciously looked around, but didn't find Sisi's figure, and his handsome face sank suddenly.

You stinky girl, who knows where she's hiding again!

Cut, who cares to look at her!

Yep, out of sight is out of mind!

He cursed a few words in displeasure, then moved his arms and legs a few times, and after doing some warm-up exercises, he also jumped into the swimming pool.

After getting into the water, he first swam a 50-meter breaststroke, and then turned back to swim a 50-meter butterfly. One went back and forth, but he still felt that it was not enough fun. After turning around flexibly, he turned into freestyle again, and This time he headed in the direction of the deep water area.

After swimming for about tens of meters, he suddenly saw a familiar swimming ring floating on the surface of the water in the distance, and then looked closely, it was indeed Sisi!
She was wearing a swimming ring and was paddling every now and then. Her posture was so clumsy that she was not swimming at all. It was more like taking a bath, but he still saw her graceful body through the fat swimming ring. His stature and heart skipped a beat, and his mouth was even parched. He quickly plunged into the water again and swam a few times vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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