Chapter 366 Drowning 2
Because Sisi had been thinking about what happened tonight, she had been concentrating on her own world, and she didn't notice anyone approaching beside her. She didn't come back to her senses until she heard the sound of "crashing, clattering" water, and turned her head to look. The person who came up from the water turned out to be Seventeen, and he was taken aback for a moment.

When they had dinner just now, the two of them hadn't spoken to each other. Now that they met here, they naturally didn't know what to say.

Seeing her blank expression, Shi Qi couldn't help snorting, and swam over, "What? You came here to hide from me? Are you afraid of danger?"

When he said this, Sisi quickly looked around the surrounding environment, only to realize that she had swum into the deep water area!
Of course she was a little scared, but she didn't want to admit in front of him that she was so preoccupied with thinking about things, so she asked, "Why are you here?"

Shi Qi also didn't want to admit that he was upset because he didn't see her, so he said duplicity, "I want you to take care of it!"

"Who cares about you? You ran to me!" Sisi also retorted unceremoniously, then turned around very unhappy, and swam in another direction.

"Hey, Lou Sisi!" Shiqi hurriedly grabbed her from behind, and Sisi turned her head suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

Shi Qi frowned, he didn't know what to do, anyway, he just didn't want her to avoid him anymore.

"How about I teach you how to swim?" He thought of a reason.

Sisi looked at him suspiciously, although he was good at all kinds of swimming styles, but teaching others?Can he do it?

Shi Qi knew what she was thinking just by looking at her expression, and suddenly felt despised, "Don't look down on me!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and pulled Sisi to him, holding her swimming ring with one hand and paddling with the other, "I'll teach you how to breathe first!"

Sisi looked at the distance, everyone was swimming freely in the water, and then looked at the cumbersome swimming ring on her body, her delicate eyebrows frowned immediately, after a moment of hesitation, she still couldn't resist the temptation to swim, " Well, I hope you can do it!"

Shi Qi snorted coldly in anger. Although he is not a coach, he can swim at the age of five, and it is more than enough to teach her a rookie!
"Don't keep holding on to the swimming ring, let go!"

Where did Sisi dare, Shi Qi had no choice but to reach out and grab her arm, "Relax..."

His hand touched hers, both of them were startled at the same time, and then simultaneously remembered the embarrassing scene tonight.

The water temperature in the swimming pool was cool, but their body temperature began to heat up.

Sisi's body was covered in a swimming ring, but the swimming ring was a bit too big, so her slender body was exposed. The tea-blue swimsuit made her skin fairer. The silver moonlight shone on the water surface, and the rippling ripples It flashed and reflected on her body, and there was an unexpected beauty.

Seeing this scene, Shi Qi's eyes froze slightly, and he was a little bit reluctant to take it back.

Sensing his gaze, Sisi immediately rolled her eyes angrily, and cursed angrily, "Wolf!"

How could Shi Qi admit that he still held onto her and would not let go, otherwise it would seem like he had a guilty conscience!

"Cough..." He coughed deliberately, and said a little uncomfortably, "Didn't I see you, so I taught you how to swim, as compensation for the head office?"

"What?" Sisi couldn't help but raise his tone, as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world, he said it so lightly, he showed her from head to toe, and then taught her how to swim as compensation ?

God, she's going crazy!
"Forget it, forget it, I still don't want this kind of compensation, let's forget about it, just pretend it never happened, and no one is allowed to mention it again..." She was angry and ashamed.

Shi Qi still didn't do it, "It's easy for you to say, you are avoiding me like this, how does it look like nothing happened?"

Sisi's little face was almost distorted, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Then what do you want?"

Oh my god, shouldn't he be asking her this sentence?She is the one who suffers!

Oh my God, talking to him is so maddening!
Sisi was so angry that she was about to vomit blood, she put on the swimming ring and wanted to leave, if she continued talking to him, she would explode with anger!
Shi Qi still refused to let her go. On the one hand, it was because the matter had not been clarified. On the other hand, he did not want to have another "cold war" with her. He was about to go to the juvenile class, and he could stay at home. Time is running out, I don't know when I will be back after going to the army, and I don't know when the next meeting will be, so he doesn't want to make trouble with her again before he leaves, after all... After all, he treats her very well I kind of like it.

He can basically be sure of this kind of liking. The reason why he didn't tell her clearly is because he heard what she said to Tuoba Yang last time. He heard her say that she minded the relationship between siblings. He would definitely be scared to death, and then run far away, but he is leaving soon, and he doesn't want the two of them to argue again in the days before parting, that would be a waste of time!

Therefore, he patiently took the initiative to please.

" can do whatever you long as you don't get angry..." he said awkwardly.

Sisi found it incredible, her eyes widened immediately, looking at him like a monster, "Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

"You're just..." Seventeen subconsciously wanted to scold back, but suppressed his anger forcefully, and said with restraint, "Just treat me as if I took the wrong medicine! Otherwise, you can treat me like a slut! I I'm full and have nothing to do, so I want to teach you how to swim, okay?"

Hey, it was obviously a good intention, but the words changed when they came out of his mouth!
Sisi naturally couldn't stand his tone, "Thank you! But I don't need it!"

Shi Qi couldn't help but want to slap his mouth, why is he so speechless!
He quickly explained, "That... no... I didn't mean that... I mean... I will teach you how to swim. If you learn it, you can swim by yourself without a swimming ring in the future. Look at you How old are you, and you're not a child, it's so ugly to wear a swimming ring, how stupid and stupid..."

Sisi was so angry that the top of her head was about to smoke, she had never seen such a vicious person in her life!

"I'm willing to be stupid! You don't need to worry about being stupid!" The girl got angry!

Shi Qi was also half-deadly angry, but he couldn't tell whether he was more angry with himself or with her. Damn, this girl is usually well-behaved and has a good attitude towards everyone, so why is she making an exception for him?If you don't have three sentences, you will start to quarrel!
He immediately had a feeling of being treated differently.

Annoyed, he slapped the surface of the water vigorously, causing a big splash!
Sisi was naturally affected, she tilted her head, but she still couldn't avoid it, her head and face were all wet, like a washed duck!

"Lou Chengxi, you crazy!" She wiped her face, her mouth faintly tasted the smell of bleach.

Shi Qi was also very angry and wanted to explain, but he didn't know what to say. He didn't lose his temper on purpose, but... he was just blinded by that kind of grievance and unwillingness. To put it bluntly, it was jealousy!Jealous of her always being nice to others, but always stern to him, jealous of her always talking and laughing with others, but always arguing with him!

"Did I owe you in my previous life?" He cursed angrily.

"What?" Sisi blinked, her face blank.

Shi Qi stared at her, with unspeakable emotions rolling in his chest, he gritted his teeth, but in the end he turned around and walked away without saying a word.

As soon as he left, Sisi immediately felt relieved, but what followed was boundless... loneliness around her.

(End of this chapter)

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