Chapter 17 The Haunted House

"Ah!" Ming Xiaoxiao couldn't help but let out a miserable exclamation, and at the same time, there was an exclamation from behind her: "Ah!"

Ming Xiaoxiao was taken aback by the voice, and couldn't help but look back, only to realize that someone was about to come out from the room behind her. The girl was wearing a pair of seven-inch high-heeled shoes and a lace skirt, which was very delicate. .

"It's you?" Ming Xiaoxiao blurted out and asked.

"Ah!" The other party continued to scream, and then began to mutter tremblingly: "The golden light appears as quickly as the Jade Emperor's light descends on laws..."

Although she didn't understand what she said, but at this time, Ming Xiaoxiao finally figured it out, probably because she forgot to close the door after cleaning, and then this girl came late, and when she was walking, the sound of high heels sounded in the room , also blame her preconceived ideas.

Thinking of this, Ming Xiaoxiao immediately breathed a sigh of relief, got up, smiled at the other party and said: "Hello, I am Ming Xiaoxiao, a freshman this year, do you live in this building too?"

"You live here?" The roommate didn't seem very friendly, but he didn't continue to scream, but looked at Ming Xiaoxiao tremblingly, and didn't shake hands with her.

Seeing her like that, because Ming Xiaoxiao received a cold reception for a day today, she also took it for granted, just patted her buttocks and got up by herself, then looked at the other party and said: "When I came, there was no one in this room, So when I heard the movement... I was frightened, sorry, did I frighten you."

"Hehe..." The other party smiled bitterly.He just looked at Ming Xiaoxiao with a strange expression, but didn't answer.

At this point, Ming Xiaoxiao couldn't be too hot-faced to stick to other people's cold ass, so he just smiled and was about to go back to the house to sleep, when he saw Ming Xiaoxiao was about to go in again.

The other party finally said: "Are you really a freshman this year, do you live here?"

"Well, don't you?" Ming Xiaoxiao replied a little strangely, and she just said, how could such a big villa be given to her to live alone.

At this time, the other party suddenly took a step forward tremblingly, put his finger under Ming Xiaoxiao's nose impolitely, and then said with relief: "So, you are really human, and your breath is hot. "

"What do you mean?" Ming Xiaoxiao finally came to her senses. Could it be that the other party has always thought she was not human?

The girl in the lace skirt smiled embarrassedly, and then quickly exited the 104 villas from Ming Xiaoxiao's side, and then pointed to a villa not far away and said, "I live in the 108 villas over there." Yes, because I saw that the lights were on here..."

Speaking of this, the other party bit his lip in embarrassment, and then said politely: "My name is Yan Xuanxuan, I'm sorry to disturb your rest, because no one lives here, and we didn't expect the school to distribute this villa to students. , Seeing the light on, I thought it was very strange, so I came here..."

Although the other party was very polite, Ming Xiaoxiao only paid attention to one sentence, and hurriedly asked: "Why didn't you expect this place to be allocated to students? When I came in, I thought it was very strange. Such a big villa It’s just me here.”

After hearing this, the other party just bowed her head and said nothing, Ming Xiaoxiao could only hold her and not let her go, and said shamelessly: "Just tell me, I asked many people along the way, but no one told me. I beg you."

Yan Xuanxuan blinked her eyes, finally bit her lip, nodded in agreement, but signaled Ming Xiaoxiao to go back to Building 108 with her.

After walking into Building 108, Yan Xuanxuan entered the small kitchen of their villa, took out the freshly baked snacks and said, "Do you want to try it?"

Ming Xiaoxiao shook her head. Although she was hungry all the time except for eating on the plane, she was too embarrassed to eat other people's food when they met for the first time.

As a result, Yan Xuanxuan poured two glasses of fruit juice, and started to gobble up all the snacks, then looked at Ming Xiaoxiao and kept looking at herself, and explained embarrassingly: "I can't be scared. Once I am scared, I have to eat it." Eat something right away and suppress the shock."

Seeing what she said, Ming Xiaoxiao became a little closer for no reason, and then picked up the juice that Yan Xuanxuan poured for her and drank it.

After eating the snacks, Yan Xuanxuan said: "You really don't know? Someone died in Building 104, and it was rumored that it would be haunted. The former senior sister ran away overnight in fright. She didn't even dare to go back to get her clothes. Later, I heard that the school Let’s use it as a utility room, but when the workers went in to tidy up, strange things happened, and after that, no one dared to go.”

"Uh." Hearing this, Ming Xiaoxiao was drinking juice, almost biting her tongue.Seeing that her face had changed, Yan Xuanxuan said: "At first, I didn't want to live too close to this haunted house, but now there is only such a house with a swimming pool, so I can only make do with it."

While talking, there was a baby-faced girl who was eavesdropping outside the house. Yan Xuanxuan glanced at her, frowned and said, "Huaduo, can you stop acting like a silly roe deer, you want to stop when you see everything?" To see what happened, I insisted on going to 104 to have a look, but finally left me and ran away first.”

After hearing Yan Xuanxuan's words, Huaduo walked in shyly, stuck out her tongue, and said with a face of shame: "Xuanxuan, I really didn't mean to leave you alone in that haunted house, but when I opened the door and saw The inside is so clean, thinking of what the seniors said, I can't help..."

After finishing speaking, Huaduo continued to say timidly: "My heart is still beating fast, if you don't believe me, listen."

Hearing that there is a haunted house on the left and a haunted house on the right, Ming Xiaoxiao has been feeling very uncomfortable for a long time, but when she saw Huaduo's pitiful words, she smiled and revealed a dimple, very charming, Ming Xiaoxiao Xiao still couldn't help laughing.

Then Huaduo looked at her curiously, and then said with a natural and cute face: "You are the one who came out of 104..."

"Female ghost!" Yan Xuanxuan snapped her out angrily, and as soon as she finished speaking, the lights in the room flickered twice, Huaduo couldn't help but screamed in shock, and then pulled Ming Xiaoxiao's sleeve nearby and said : "I said not to mention this word at night, take a look..."

But before he could finish speaking, the light went out silently and silently...

"Ah!" Huaduo immediately screamed again, and the little hands connected to Ming were trembling.

Seeing her like that, Ming Xiaoxiao couldn't help thinking of playing tricks on her, and deliberately lowered her voice and said, "You forgot where I came from...hehe...but 104 Haunted House...hehe..."

This time, Huaduo couldn't even utter an exclamation, she just swayed her feet, and with a bang, she fainted on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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