Wedding favors: A savage wife raises a sweetheart

Chapter 18 The College of Brides-to-be

Chapter 18 The College of Brides-to-be

Seeing Huaduo falling stiffly, Ming Xiaoxiao yelled, and quickly helped Huaduo up.

Just as she was about to call Yan Xuanxuan on one side to help, she heard Yan Xuanxuan on the other side reciting: "...All the gods pay homage, make thunder, ghosts and monsters frightened, and ghosts and monsters forget their shapes. There is a thunderbolt inside, and the god of thunder is invisible. , the five qi are surging. The golden light appears quickly, covering and protecting the real person. It is urgent like a law."

Immediately, Ming Xiaoxiao really made her feel anxious outside and tender inside, thinking to herself: This girl must have a brain problem.

It seemed unreliable, so I could only help Huaduo to sit on the lounge chair in the kitchen first, then patted Yan Xuanxuan, and just about to speak, I heard her: "Bah", spit on the bed Ming Xiaoxiao's face.

Then he continued to mutter: "...Xian Yu Linxuan, hurry like a law, order!"

Ming Xiaoxiao looked at her dumbfounded, and then said: "Don't worry, the light tube is probably broken. Do you have a flashlight and a spare light tube? May I replace it for you?"

Yan Xuanxuan continued to point to Ming Xiaoxiao's forehead in disbelief, and then shouted: "Definitely!"

At this moment, Ming Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily, "I'm a man, I'm a man. Can you be sober, don't keep talking here. Huaduo fainted."

While talking, Ming Xiaoxiao shook Yan Xuanxuan's shoulders fiercely. At this moment, she finally came back to her senses, and said in a low voice, "That's right, you are human, I was scared and forgot just now..."

Ming Xiaoxiao stared at the darkness speechlessly, a little at a loss. Fortunately, after Yan Xuanxuan woke up, her mind was still very useful. She went to the living room and turned on the corridor light, and immediately the kitchen was filled with light.

Seeing Huaduuo's eyelashes blinking, Ming Xiaoxiao guessed that she might have woken up, so she reached out and stroked her forehead, and said, "Stop pretending, get up, give me the chair, I'll help you Change the light bulb."

Sure enough, Huaduo narrowed her eyes and peeked cautiously, Ming Xiaoxiao said angrily and amusedly, "If it's really a ghost, why are you so useful?"

"Shh! Don't say that word, be careful." Huaduo subconsciously retorted, and after finishing speaking, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand, and looked at Ming Xiaoxiao pitifully.

At this time, Yan Xuanxuan had already turned on the flashlight, took a new spare lamp, Ming Xiaoxiao swept the flowers, drove her up, and quickly replaced the lamp for the two of them.

Seeing her changing the light tube and coming down, the room was bright again, Hua Duo stood up straight, pouted and said: "Actually, you should turn off the power before changing the light tube, how dangerous it is."

"Shut up, why didn't you say it just now." Yan Xuanxuan yelled at her fiercely, then looked at Ming Xiaoxiao's face still drooling, and thought of what she had done just now, she said a little embarrassedly: " I'm sorry, I thought you were... saliva is used to avoid evil..."

In the end, I couldn't continue talking, but Huaduo on the side said very wisely: "Why don't you come with me and wash your face."

When Ming Xiaoxiao came out after washing her face, Yan Xuanxuan said to her, perhaps because of apology: "We still have a lot of vacant rooms in this building, why don't you go back to Building 104 and stay with us for a night first. , Go to the Academic Affairs Office tomorrow to ask, and try to change the room. A girl lives there, even if there are no ghosts, it is gloomy enough."

Although Ming Xiaoxiao knew that when she rushed out just now, the one who grabbed her trousers was probably caught by a creeper growing on the side of the wall.

But the feeling at that time was really bad, and because of the previous farce, the three of them got closer.

So Ming Xiaoxiao didn't show too much politeness with Yan Xuanxuan, so she accepted her kindness.

Perhaps it was because she was really too tired, Ming Xiaoxiao fell asleep after not staying in the room for long.

When I woke up the next morning, Yan Xuanxuan and Huaduo had already prepared breakfast, and the three of them were eating together when they suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Hehe, I thought someone was here, the air has become so bad , it turned out to be you bitch, who wouldn't have eyes to bring you back as a mistress?"

As soon as Ming Xiaoxiao raised his head, he saw Xiaojing standing there proudly raising his head and chin, without even giving Ming Xiaoxiao a sideways glance.

Huaduo was drinking mango milk, and when she heard her speak, she couldn't help but frowned, put down the cup in her hand, turned her head, looked at Xiao Jing and said, "Xiao Xiao is my guest, are you looking for trouble?"

Xiaojing still seems to be a little afraid of Huaduo, this is the first time Ming Xiaoxiao saw her showing stage fright, but soon, she calmed down, and said to Huaduo kindly: "Duoduo, you I don't know, she is a mistress who was taken care of by brother Mingjun..."

"Enough, is this what a lady should say?" At this point, Huaduo swiped her fingertips across the cup, and said thoughtfully: "Besides, you are questioning my aunt and uncle. tutor?"

"No. I'm not saying that Brother Jun...I mean that she's pestering..." Xiao Jing explained in a panic, but couldn't continue. She just looked at Huaduo and bit her lip. At this time, Qin Shumei had already dressed Well went downstairs and watched such an impasse.

She pulled Xiao Jing and said decently: "Xiao Jing, don't we two go to the student union, let's go quickly."

Seeing the two walking away, Hua Duoyou said with some injustice: "Bastard, how dare you say that about my cousin."

Although Ming Xiaoxiao was a little dazed, she wasn't stupid, and immediately realized the taste, and couldn't help asking: "You mean... Zhuo Mingjun is your cousin?"

"That's right, he is my sister-in-law's son. Isn't he my cousin?" When Hua Duo faced Xiao Jing just now, although she was very cold, she was still very gentle to Ming Xiao Xiao.

As soon as Ming Xiaoxiao came back to her senses, she quickly grabbed her hand and said, "Duoduo, then you can ask Mr. Zhuo for me, and ask him why he insists that I come here to study public relations."

"My cousin asked you to come?" After hearing this, Huaduo was taken aback for a moment, and Ming Xiaoxiao hurriedly nodded and said, "Well, I also find it very strange. It's not that this school is not good, but he pays tuition fees. It also provides a monthly living allowance of [-] yuan, allowing me to study here, which always makes me feel a little uneasy."

After hearing this, Huaduo looked at Ming Xiaoxiao with an even weirder expression.It took a long time before he said, "Could it be that my cousin really likes you?"

"Do you believe it?" Ming Xiaoxiao couldn't help but wryly smiled when he saw the gossip flashing in the other party's eyes.

Huaduo looked Ming Xiaoxiao up and down, finally sighed, and said, "I don't believe it, but if it's not like this, it can't explain why he asked you to study here."

Seeing Ming Xiaoxiao's suspicious expression, Yan Xuanxuan explained: "You don't know that ZMHY College, which looks glamorous, actually except for a few students, most of the people who study here are just to expand their lives. circle, or to find a better marriage partner. This is a famous aristocratic academy, but what public relations teach most is not ordinary knowledge, but etiquette and conversation, so it has become the place where the famous sparrow turns into a phoenix. It even has the nickname of Brides-to-be Academy."

Ming Xiaoxiao still had a cute face, and Huaduo could only hate iron and steel and said: "In our circle, there is an unwritten habit. If someone falls in love with someone with a normal family background, he will let him come here. Gold-plated, learn etiquette and conversation by the way..."

Hearing this, Ming Xiaoxiao finally understood why Xiaojing went crazy when she heard that she came to study here.

(End of this chapter)

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