Chapter 328
Sima Yi shook his head, still knelt down on the long seat where the ministers were sitting in the pavilion, and said softly but firmly: "What your Majesty bestows is the grace of the ages; what the veterans keep is the eternal grace." The rules of etiquette. The old minister deeply thanked Your Majesty for your kindness, but begged you not to force the old minister to unintentionally break the rules of etiquette."

"Well... Sima Aiqing, since you are so humble and upright, I won't force you." Cao Rui had no choice but to allow him to sit on the long seat opposite to his seat, pondered for a while, and straightened his figure. , Straight to the point, "Sima Aiqing's expedition to the west was hard work, and he should have a rest in the mansion. But I have to trouble you to call you here. It is really an important matter in the court, so don't take it lightly. That Gongsun Pifu is a mere rascal The anti-thief ear, because of the danger of the mountains and rivers in Liaodong, the key points of the frontier, and the crowd of scholars and horses, I am afraid that he will take advantage of the situation in the future. Therefore, I have to entrust this important task of suppressing the rebellion to you, and I hope you will never forget Don't give up."

Sima Yi bent down on the seat and replied: "The old minister is only obedient to His Majesty's orders, and will never slack off. The mere Liaodong thief, the old minister is willing to wipe out for His Majesty."

"Then, according to Sima Aiqing's opinion, what kind of strategy will Gongsun Yuan adopt to fight against my Great Wei Wangshi?"

"Qizou Your Majesty, the old minister has been thinking deeply about the affairs of Liaodong recently. According to the old minister's humble opinion, Gongsun Yuan wanted to fight against our great Wei, but he used only three strategies: abandon his city and flee and hide in advance to avoid our great Wei. It is the best strategy to keep the edge of the king's division and preserve its strength as a future plan; to guard the natural dangers of the Liaoshui River and take advantage of the advantages of the land, to block the way of our Great Wei Wangshi's eastward advance, so as to defend the enemy from abroad, this is the best strategy; Confronting and confronting my Wang Shi is the worst strategy, and my army will definitely capture him."

Cao Rui frowned, and asked: "Which of these three strategies will Gongsun Yuan adopt in the end? I would like to ask Sima Qing to analyze it in detail."

"In the eyes of veterans, there is an old saying: He who knows himself is wise, and he who knows others is wise. Only a wise man can know himself and the enemy, know the strengths and weaknesses, know the false and the real, and make trade-offs beforehand, and be in an invincible position first. Is Gongsun Yuan such a talent? He is greedy for profit but does not know, and is rebellious but ignorant. How could he willingly abandon the Zhuchi Mansion in Xiangping City, which he has worked so hard to usurp, and flee to the bitter cold place to preserve his strength? In addition, he thinks that my Great Wei Wangshi's [-]-mile expedition to Liaodong is really a long journey, and the service fee is hard to pay. Master Wang confronts him, he will first defend Liaoshui to resist him, and then retreat to Xiangping to resist! In this way, he will be caught in the middle and lower strategies and cannot escape. At this point, the old minister is fully sure to kill him in one fell swoop. Exterminate!"

Cao Rui saw that Sima Yi spoke so confidently, so he asked: "Sima Aiqing has such a plan in his heart, I believe that Gongsun Yuan's rebel will be defeated soon! But I don't know that you led the army to go on this expedition and return again." Time, how long should it take?"

"Qizou Your Majesty, the old minister led his troops to put down the rebellion, go for a hundred days, attack for a hundred days, and then rest for sixty days, it will only take one year."

As soon as he said this, Wang Su, Huan Fan, Jiang Ji, He Zeng, Cao Shuang, Xia Houxuan and others who were sitting in the imperial study were all taken aback. It is unbelievable to calculate the period of suppressing the rebellion and killing the enemy so accurately!
Cao Rui looked at Sima Yi suspiciously for a while, then squinted at Huan Fan, Cao Shuang and others.Huan Fan returned a firm look to him, secretly cheering him up.Only then did Cao Rui grit his teeth, coughed lightly, cleared his throat, and said, "By the way, Sima Aiqing, you previously proposed to lead an expedition of 4 troops to Liaodong, but I was a little undecided. You know that, Now that the flames of Liaodong are rising, Eastern Wu and Western Shu are all staring at the frontier, sharpening their swords, how dare I draw too many troops from the east and west wings to Shuofang? Alas... the last time Qin Lang misled the country, he sent the Gyeonggi tiger and leopard to the forbidden army Losing more than half of it... I... I... I am also in a dilemma! Besides, the one hundred thousand army has to carry food and go on an expedition of four thousand miles, fearing that the students and teachers will have heavy burdens, and the disadvantages of laboring the people and disturbing the people are even more difficult! So, after thinking about it, You can only allocate [-] troops to counter the rebellion!"

"4 horses?" All the ministers present cried out in surprise when they heard this.

Wang Su, He Zeng and others hurriedly held up their wats and came out: "Your Majesty Qizuo, Gongsun Yuan has [-] soldiers in Liaodong, but Sima Taiwei has [-] soldiers to fight against him. How can this be feasible? Your Majesty, please think carefully."

Jiang Ji also remonstrated: "What Lord Wang and Lord He said is true. When Emperor Taizu Wu defeated the Xiongnu and Wuhuan in the battle of Bailang Mountain, he also used 6 horses... Sima Taiwei's [-] There are too few soldiers."

Cao Rui had a wry smile on his face: "My dear friends, now we are facing enemies from three sides in Wei Dynasty, and indeed only [-] soldiers and horses can be used. Why don't I want to send more soldiers for Sima Aiqing to strengthen Tianwei? But...but, Soochow, How can I support the two wings of Western Shu? Lovers, please give me a lot of advice..."

When Huan Fan saw Cao Rui throwing his eyes at him secretly, he lifted his beard and left the table, his eyes were shining brightly, he looked straight at Sima Yi, and said aggressively: "It is said that Captain Sima uses his troops like a god and is invincible, why? , You met a mere Gongsun Yuan today, but you were timid? How about it! If Captain Sima is afraid of danger, why not give the tiger charm to Huan. Huan is willing to lead the army on your behalf to suppress Liaodong! Taiwei Sima , what do you think?"

Throwing out his words, it was tantamount to driving Sima Yi to a dead end, almost making him unable to maneuver.Sima Yi twitched his eyebrows, and stared at Huan Fan with a complicated expression for a long time, but saw that he was still looking straight at him, without flinching!The expression on his face changed a few times, and finally he gritted his teeth and bowed his head to Cao Rui and replied: "Since your majesty has such difficulties, the old minister can only sincerely understand and agree. The old minister is willing to lead an expedition of 4 people and four thousand miles to Liaodong. -"

As soon as he said this, Cao Rui and Huan Fan couldn't help but look at each other, their expressions immediately relaxed, and Sima Yi finally agreed!This strategy of "two tigers fighting each other and reaping the benefits" has finally succeeded!Sima Yi used 4 troops to suppress Gongsun Yuan's [-] troops. Regardless of victory or defeat, he himself would "kill [-] enemies and lose [-] himself"!As long as Sima Yi's spirit is frustrated, it will be a great victory for the Wei family!Of course, the best ending is to let Sima Yi be dragged out of breath in Liaodong, and then Huan Fan can assist Cao Shuang to lead the troops to reinforce - take the opportunity to seize the final victory of this expedition to Liaodong!

When the two of them were secretly cheering, Sima Yi said again: "However, before the old minister goes to the expedition, there are two things to beg His Majesty's permission."

"It's okay for you to say it." Cao Rui pretended to be generous on the surface, but he couldn't help but raise his heart.

"One is to ask Your Majesty to grant veterans the right to recruit talents and select generals. There is a saying in the tactics of soldiers: there are not many soldiers, but generals. Since the soldiers commanded by veterans are so few, if we don't choose good generals to supplement them, wouldn't it be driving A flock of sheep enters the tiger's mouth? I hope His Majesty will grant it."

"Well... I will grant your request." Cao Rui originally thought that Sima Yi would ask him for money, food and power, but he didn't expect his request to be so light, so he agreed.

"Secondly, this memorial from the old minister, please allow your Majesty."

Cao Rui took the memorial and read it, only to see that it read:

The old minister remonstrated that it was the old minister's responsibility that the Duke of Zhou managed Luoyi in the past, and Prime Minister Xiao built Weiyang, but now the palace is not ready.However, from the north of the river, the people are poor and poor, and there are wars inside and outside, so the situation is not going well.The veteran thinks that it is appropriate to suspend internal affairs to save the emergency.

When Cao Rui saw it, his face turned red, knowing that he was secretly admonishing him to stop repairing the Nine Dragon Hall and other giant fortifications, so he put the memorial aside on the side of the imperial case, and replied lightly: "I know. I will be careful Considering your advice."

Sima Yi saw a slack look across Cao Rui's eyebrows, and understood that after he came down, he must put his memorabilia on the shelf again.Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing deeply in his heart, and didn't want to say anything more.

With a sharp whistle piercing the sky, a sharp arrow shot towards him like a black lightning bolt, hitting the red heart of the target!
There was a burst of applause on the school field.However, the young man who shot the horse and shot the arrow was still running non-stop, "swish" repeatedly, and released two sharp arrows, and all of them hit the bull's-eye!In an instant, the cheers and applause on and off the court were even louder.

On the viewing stage, Sima Yi was wearing simple clothes, watching the boy's performance from afar, he couldn't help nodding his head slightly.Sitting next to him, Deng Yang, the adjutant of supervisory selection and servant of the Ministry of Officials, also nodded and praised: "Master Taiwei, this young man is very heroic and can be a good general. You can definitely include him in the army!"

Sima Yi turned his head to look at Deng Yang, stroked the locks of his beard, and said lightly: "Deng Jun, you probably don't know that this young man is Hu Fen, the eldest son of Hu Zun, the general under my tent. It has just passed. Hu Zun had been recommending his son to me in private before to serve in the army, but I stopped him. I, Sima Yi, have always been upright and selfless in employing people! His son claimed to be the leader of a thousand men. Bravery, the talent of a general, my opinion is that you are a mule or a horse, so you don’t need to say too much, just pull it out in the arena and take a walk in public! Everyone says you can do it, you can do it; everyone says you can do it No, you can’t! No, this kid really came to this battle to show his skills. Deng Jun, don’t you think he’s humiliated the word ‘Jiangmen Huzi’?”

Deng Yang was originally Cao Shuang's confidant.This time he was sent to Sima Yi's side to supervise the selection and examination, and he also followed Cao Rui's secret decree to strictly prevent Sima Yi from secretly placing his wings in the name of "recruiting talents and selecting generals".However, Deng Yang participated in the recruitment activities in the past few days, so he couldn't catch him at all.The talents selected by Sima Yi are all of extraordinary ability, and none of them are inconsistent with their positions.It was Hu Fen in front of him, Deng Yang vaguely guessed that he must have a close relationship with the Sima family behind the scenes, but he himself had no reason to stop Hu Fen from it, after all, he shot three arrows in a row and hit the bull's-eye. A person can make a material!The military affairs in the Quartet are urgent, and a general like him is really needed!Therefore, no matter how doubtful Deng Yang was, he had no choice but to smile at Sima Yi and say, "Master Taiwei is right. The imperial court has appointed General Hu Zun as the deputy commander of the Gongsun family for your Northern Expedition—this Hu Fen." Going to the battlefield with his father because of the national calamity, father and son went to the battlefield, it might not be a good story for my great Wei!" Sima Yi nodded with a smile, and called the soldiers to order: "Send a message to Hu Fen, saying that he has been selected by the court. .The official position is tentatively set as commander-in-chief!"

Deng Yang raised his head to look at the sun and saw the sunset glow in the sky, so he leaned forward and asked, "Lord Taiwei, it's going to be late today—you think it's better to stop here!" Sima Yi looked Looking at the few players on the field, he thought about it for a while, and then nodded in agreement.At this moment, there was a sound of beating drums and begging for election outside the arena!
(End of this chapter)

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