Chapter 329
As soon as they heard the sound of the drum, everyone's expressions changed slightly. The procedure of "beating the drum for selection" is specially designed for outstanding talents, and they can go directly to the interview without following the usual order.However, in the past few days, the procedure of "playing drums for election" has never been activated.Today's sound is unprecedented!

Deng Yang raised his eyebrows, and ordered his soldiers to say: "Who dares to beat the drum to be selected without authorization? Does he really have any outstanding abilities? You go and tell him to stop, and you will enter the rankings in order to apply for the election tomorrow. Show the limelight!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Sima Yi waved his hand, stopped the messenger and said, "Wait a minute! This man dares to beat the drum and beat the drums, and asks for more choices. He must be conceited that he is superior. How about it, you guys And bring him up to let me and Deng Shilang test it together!"

Deng Yang's expression froze, he had no choice but to laugh dryly: "Since your lord is so tireless, Deng has no choice but to accompany the last seat respectfully, to see the true talents of this gentleman!"

After a while, a young man in green shirt with gentle manner and elegant demeanor was led to the viewing platform by the guards. It turned out that he was the one who was beating the drum for selection.

When Deng Yang saw it, he couldn't help frowning, he slapped the wooden table heavily with his right palm, and asked coldly: "What talent do you have, you dare to beat the drum for selection? You can draw a hard bow of several stones? How many cowhide can you shoot through? How many catties of spears can you dance with?"

Although the green-clothed scholar listened to his sharp questions, he showed no fear, and answered politely: "My lord, the young student's riding and shooting skills are extremely clumsy, there is nothing to call them."

Deng Yang's eyes were raised, and the color of sarcasm overflowed: "Then how can you, a mere Confucian scholar with no power to restrain a chicken, be so arrogant and conceited, beating the drums to beg for election? Hearing the sound of golden drums and the sound of arrows flying, you will surely run away with trembling!"

The green-clothed scholar straightened his waist and said, "Using troops in battle is only to promote the courage and skill of a man? Although Xiaosheng is young, he is confident that a pen in his hand can be worth thousands of soldiers on the battlefield." Spear!"

"You crazy man is full of nonsense—" Deng Yang was blushed by him, "Come here! Beat him out!"

After hearing this, the scholar in Qingshan couldn't help laughing: "Xiaosheng heard that the imperial court wanted to follow the example of the former sages and go to the sages to get scholars and openly recruit talents. That's why he came all the way from Lujiang County! Unexpectedly, on the stage, there is You are a man who waits for Ye Gong to love dragons! You really missed the world's heroes and cooled the ambition of a strong man! Xiaosheng is so disappointed!"

"Wait!" Sima Yi spoke slowly at this time, "Your Excellency is young and vigorous, condescending and conceited, which is a common problem of many Confucian scholars who have never experienced the world, and I understand somewhat. Since you let out such a big breath, you can do it right away." You only need to have great talent! You said 'a pen in your hand is worth a thousand spears' - then your pen must be quite fast and sharp?

"You should also know that when composing during wartime, you must rely on horses and wait for it to be completed without the slightest delay. This majesty will let you write an article "On the Use of Soldiers" on the spot to have a look, how about it?"

The green-shirted scholar didn't expect that the senior official would go straight to the point when he opened his mouth. He seemed to be much wiser and sharper than Mr. Deng just now, so he smiled and replied, "What's so difficult about it? Cao Zhi, the king of Dong'a, walked seven paces back then." And he can compose poems. Although Xiaosheng can’t do it, he can still write a poem within ten steps!” As he spoke, he slowly walked up on the viewing platform—he had just stepped to the tenth step At that time, he raised his head and recited aloud:
The sage's military use is to benefit things, not to harm them; to save the nation, not to endanger it.So use your ears as a last resort!However, it is dangerous for warriors and dangerous weapons for soldiers, and it is not easy for others to use them.Therefore, after making the law, he ordered the general to go out as a teacher. Although he defeated the enemy and returned, he still treated him with a funeral ceremony, Ming Fule also.Therefore, it is said that those who love war will perish, and those who forget war will be in danger; those who do not forget well will be the king of the world.

The key to soldiers and soldiers lies in the repair of government; the key to repairing government is to win the hearts of the people; to win the hearts of the people is to benefit them.The essence of benefit lies in the combination of benevolence with love and righteousness with reason.Therefore, if the six horses are not in harmony, Cepheus cannot go far.If the subjects are not attached, Tang and Wu cannot make meritorious deeds.Therefore, the key to soldiers lies in winning the masses; winning the masses is called good governance; good governance means sympathizing with the sufferings of the people and eradicating their harms.Therefore, if the government is good at the inside, the soldiers will be stronger than the outside.

Historically, the defeat of military use in ancient and modern times was not a day of drumming, when the hearts of the people were scattered, and they were pre-failed;Therefore, following the way of heaven, following the virtues of the earth, perfecting the harmony between people, the monarch and his ministers agreeing, one mind, one mind, no oaths made, no rewards and punishments given, eliminating evil before it is young, and destroying evil and evil, this is the soldier of the emperor. .Virtue is regarded as a death, and prestige is supplemented; to cultivate benevolence and righteousness, follow the orders of fraternity; Traveling is not involved in the field, but the enemy is fighting: this is the king's soldier.If the emperor's soldiers are used by the saints, why should the world worry about uncertainty?
After he finished reciting this in one go, Sima Yi was fascinated by listening to it, and after a long time of recollection, he shouted loudly: "Good! Good article! It is well written, rich and solid! Deng Jun, I want him to enter I was in the shogunate of the Northern Expedition Army, and served as Secretary Lang."

Lord Taiwei said so, Deng Yang naturally had no choice but to nod in agreement, he took an official certificate and prepared to fill it out, and asked the green-clothed scholar: "My lord, your family origin is..."

"My surname is Yu and Mingsong." The green-clothed scholar suddenly looked a little nervous, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

"My surname is Yu? Could it be that you are from the Chenliuyu clan? Then you are related to the Bian clan?" Deng Yang put down his pen, his face changed suddenly, and his tone became stern.

"The former Jiujiang prefect Bian Rang was Yu's grandfather." Yu Song gritted his teeth and confessed frankly.At the same time, he couldn't help turning his eager eyes for help to Sima Yi, who was soothing his beard and not saying a word.

As soon as Deng Yang heard it, he immediately yelled: "No wonder you dare not take the exam in order of ranking. It turns out that you are afraid that you will be dismissed halfway because of the investigation of your family background!" Said: "Master Taiwei, there was a grudge against Emperor Taizu Wu over there, so Emperor Taizu Wu killed him and issued a strict order to imprison the relatives of the Bian family from becoming officials. I am afraid that Yu Song cannot be selected. Already!"

"Can't be selected? Why can't it be selected? Emperor Taizu Wu also said: appoint people on their merits and don't stick to one pattern. This is our criterion for recruiting talents!" Sima Yi straightened his face and sternly retorted to him, "Former Taiwei Jia Xu once had a feud with Emperor Taizu Wu who killed his son, but Emperor Taizu Wu still put aside the past suspicions and trusted him! Can the grievances between Bian Rang and Emperor Taizu Wu compare to this? Deng Jun , if you blindly stick to strict rules, how can you recruit real talents for our Great Wei? Mr. Yu has both literary talent and ingenuity, and is willing to work for our Great Wei's great cause of countering rebellion. Why can't you choose? My seat He has been chosen!"

Deng Yang turned pale with astonishment: "This... this is the Taizu's legacy, have to think twice!"

"I have already asked His Majesty for the right to recruit talents and select generals. Now it is time to replace the emperor, how dare you resist the decree?" Sima Yi's face darkened, and his gaze on Deng Yang immediately became as sharp as a knife!

How could Deng Yang afford it?Hastily said yes again and again, not daring to say more, continued to draw a pen and filled in the form for Yu Song.

With tears in his eyes, Yu Song knelt down to Sima Yi: "Taiwei Sima is worthy of being a hero of the world with a measure like the sea and a courage like a mountain! Xiaosheng can only do his best and wholeheartedly, and swear to his death to repay your extraordinary cultivation!"

On the morning of the [-]th day of the first lunar month in the second year of Dawei Jingchu, the snowflakes all over the sky were like pieces of goose feathers swirling down in the air, fluttering and scattering, covering the sky and the earth like a cashmere blanket.

The cold wind kept whistling, and the military flag embroidered with the five characters of "Wei Taiwei Sima" in official script was lifted high into the air in bursts, and it fluttered into a striking black cloud!Under the military flag, there are rows of Wei soldiers lined up in an extremely majestic phalanx, neatly dressed and ready to go.

The white poplars beside the roads on both sides of the phalanx stretched out their dead branches like spears and spears towards the sky, densely packed beyond sight, revealing a fierce and murderous aura.Crows in twos and threes flew from a distance from time to time, staying on the dead branches and standing with their wings folded.

(End of this chapter)

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