Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 338 Wei Emperor's Counterattack

Chapter 338 Wei Emperor's Counterattack (8)
Zhang Chunhua looked deeply at the two of them again with unsatisfactory intentions: "You two brothers are busy with official duties in Luoyang City, you should spare time to study more good books, think more about world affairs, and exercise your skills as soon as possible. But you must pay attention to learning according to your nature, practicing according to your heart, and not being forced! From the perspective of your mother, you are more rigid than soft, strong in martial arts and weak in character. Your character is softer than tougher, Wen is strong and martial is weak, you can take Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu as a model and forge ahead. Don't underestimate yourselves. According to your potential, you will be able to compete with Cao Cao and Liu Xiu in the future. He is famous all over the world!"

"Reporting to Taiwei, the scouts from the front line came to report that the Yan thief opened the south gate and openly let his soldiers and civilians go out of the city to collect firewood and herd cattle and horses in front of our army. Should our army send troops to fight?"

Panting, Yu Song ran into the tent of the Chinese army, bowed to Sima Yi and asked.

Sima Yi was leaning on the high bed and reading military books. Hearing Yu Song's question, the light in his eyes flickered and then disappeared, and he muttered: "Oh? The swallow thief is so brave, and he came out to firewood under the eyes of my soldiers in front of the battle." Picking and grazing? Doesn't this mean that I, the mighty Great Wei, are nothing?"

"Yes! Yes!" Yu Song said angrily, "I want to tell you, Lord Taiwei, that the Yan thief is so arrogant and arrogant in front of our army. It is unbearable! I must be the teacher of the Great Wei King Charge forward and give them a heavy blow!"

After hearing his words, Sima Yi put down his book of war, pondered for a while, slowly shook his head, frowned and said, "It's not right! It's not right! The Swallow Thief took this action to show his pride to me. In fact, he was trying to lure my army to fight. .If our army does not examine the truth and attack it by force, there may be unexpected changes!"

Hearing the words, Liang Ji couldn't help asking in surprise: "Master Taiwei, why should you treat mere Gongsun Yuan so seriously? In the past, when you captured Jingzhou New City, Taiwei, you divided your troops into eight groups and worked day and night without stopping. We quit, so we were able to pull out the strong city and kill Mengda in half a decade. Now that the army is coming from far away and not stepping up to attack the city, we have been living in the muddy rain and mud for a long time, and let the thieves, woodcutters and shepherds behave freely, how slow it is I am really puzzled."

Sima Yi listened carefully to his speech, but didn't bother him at all. Looking at him and Yu Song, he patiently explained: "Oh? Mr. Liang, do you also have doubts? Let's listen to my detailed analysis. Although the bandit Meng Da has few soldiers, he can feed for a year, but our army has a large number of soldiers but not enough food for a month. How can we plan for a year in one month? How fast is it? Rather than competing for food! Now that the swallows are numerous and our army is few, the swallows have little food and our army has enough food, and the rain is so thick, even if we attack as quickly as possible, the effect will not be very great!

"Since my army set off from the capital, I am not worried about the attack of the swallows and the thieves, but I am afraid that the thieves will escape! Right now the rebel army is sitting in a lonely city, with food and grass exhausted, and our army's [-]-mile circle around the city has not yet completely encircled the company. If it is not very strong, if it ignores the overall situation and plunders its cattle and horses and steals its firewood, it will actually drive the enemy away! How can it be so confused? There is an old saying: soldiers are deceitful, good at changing due to events, good at random Yes. The Yan thief relies on the rain, so although the hunger and poverty have been revealed, they are not willing to let go. Our army properly shows their incompetence to confuse them and make them suffocate themselves in the isolated city! Taking a little profit indiscriminately and disturbing their hearts for no reason is really true. Not a good strategy!"

Yu Song was originally a person with a delicate mind, and when he heard Sima Yi's analysis so brilliantly, he couldn't help but admire secretly, this Sima Taiwei really deserves to be the top general and genius in the world today!These words have already grasped the general situation of the enemy and ourselves, as if seeing the palm prints, Gongsun Yuan has fallen into his trap for a long time!

"However, it's raining so hard here..." Liang Ji said with a worried expression on his face, "If you keep soaking in this puddle, pus and maggots will grow all over your body..."

Sima Yi glared at him coldly: "It's true that you've all had a hard time soaking in the puddles of rainwater recently. Could it be that I've just stayed at a high place to avoid the water? I've survived a long time, you young men Is the young man no better than this seat? Even if pus and maggots grow on our heads, we have to endure it! Only by enduring the pain of suffering can we gain the benefit of profit!"

Then, he slowly turned his eyes to the outside of the tent window, looked at the water splashing all over the ground, and said solemnly: "No matter how urgent the rain is, no matter how strong the wind is, there will eventually be a day when the wind stops and the rain stops. As long as we can bear it to the end, we will definitely win to the end! Yu Song, pass on your order, especially to give a patient explanation to Murong Ba and Gao Yunming. As soon as the heavy rain stops, we will besiege Xiangcheng in all directions. Onslaught, vent the depression of the past few days!"

Just as he was talking, Hu Fen, the captain of the battalion, stepped into the camp and said in a loud voice: "Lord Taiwei, my subordinates have just inspected the entire army, and found that Zhang Jing, the food supervisor, moved his dormitory to Gaoqiu without authorization. The soldiers of the rear battalion are talking about it!"

"Zhang Jing?" Sima Yi asked in surprise.Liang Ji's eyes flickered, he leaned forward, and said in a low voice, "Zhang Jing was recommended by Cao Shuang and Xia Houxuan to join the camp in the capital of Luoyang that day."

Sima Yi raised his eyebrows, and ordered to Hu Fen solemnly: "Zhang Jing dared to violate the military order and avoid labor. It is really not enough to calm down the army if he does not kill him. You behead him immediately to show the public, as an example to others!"

If ministers are too serious, the country will be in danger, and those who are too close to each other will be blinded. This is the most precept in ancient times.In the past, the ministers were doing their jobs, fanning the outside and inside.Your Majesty Zhuoran has seen all the opportunities for himself, and he is all serious.Husbands and ministers are not disloyal, but when the authority is low, the hearts of the people will be slow, and the situation is always there.Since your majesty has observed it in the ministers, I hope you will never forget it.The left and right are loyal and far-sighted, and they may not be better than the ministers. As for making arrangements and combining them, they may be able to work.As far as the outside world is concerned, although the book in the cloud makes Gong Shen dare not make diplomacy, but with this name, it still confuses the world.In fact, the important thing is that the day is at present, and if there is some restraint due to fatigue, all the ministers will see that they can move on to the matter, and they will follow it according to the time.Once there is such an end, because it should be self-contained internally, this multi-language, privately handed over, is used as internal aid.If this is the case, whether it is praised or not, there must be prosperity, and rewards and punishments for meritorious service must be changed;It enters because of the subtlety, and emerges from the shape, and the meaning is believed, no longer guessing.This should be heard by the sage and wise, and the meaning of the scriptures will appear in the form.Or if the courtiers are afraid of disagreement and will be resented by the left and right, it is not appropriate to hear it.Your Majesty, Your Majesty, meditates, listens, and observes. If there are things that are not completely rational and things are not useful, I will change the song and change the tune, far away from the achievements of Huang and Tang, and close to the traces of Zhaowu and Wen. Is it just a recent study?However, you still can't understand the world's affairs so that you can understand yourself, and you should pay for it.If the three officials are all ministers, if they are not loyal to the Duke of Zhou, and they are not the one who is in charge of Yiwu, then there will be disadvantages of playing games and defeating officials.Although there are few pillars of officials today, as far as the line is called a state, the wise and effective official, loyal and dedicated, each fulfilling his duties, they can be urged together, so that the sage dynasty will not have the name of a special official.

Xia Houxuan read the "Admonishing Your Majesty to Discipline His Left and Right Relatives" written by Jiang Ji slowly, read and read it repeatedly, and sighed deeply: "Uncle Zhao, Xuan found that Your Majesty has been quite eloquent recently. Taking people is also an act of rewarding people for their words. Last time, Sima Zishang won the title of Marquis of Xincheng and Township with a piece of advice; So he entered the Imperial Palace and took up the position of the Central Guard. That's all right, after all, they both paid something to get this reward. Sima Zishang took the risk of offending His Majesty, and Doctor Jiang also took the risk of offending Zhong Zhong. The risk of the book province... Therefore, even Lu Yushangshu, the official who has always been fond of criticizing people, let them go all the way through the appointment edict, and did not stop them. It's just that the new boss of the palace, Guo Zhi, he can be promoted to this position by "carp jumping over the dragon's gate", but it is a bit unconvincing!"

"That's right! Your Majesty insists on going his own way and desperately inserting a Guo Zhi among the imperial guards in our palace. Doesn't this mean that he wants to use his relatives again?" Cao Shuang also had an unhappy expression on his face. Yun, the families of the descendants are not allowed to accept the nobles of Maotu, and they are not allowed to participate in the auxiliary government. Has your Majesty forgotten all the plots of the old lady Guo, Guo Biao, Guo Jin and other relatives back then? He is so important now. What is the intention of the Yao and Guo Zhi clans?"

"Does it need to be said?" Xia Houxuan gave Cao Shuang a white look, "Why can't you even understand this point? Throughout the ages, the primary purpose of the emperor's re-use of foreign relatives is to check and balance the clan's nobles. If your majesty wants to deal with ministers with different surnames such as the Sima family, As long as we rely on our old acquaintances such as the Cao family and Xiahou's family, it is enough, why bother to force Guo Zhi, who is incompetent in civil and military skills, to come in?" Cao Shuang's expression changed a few times, and he sighed deeply. : Maybe, in His Majesty's mind, he doesn't know who he should trust and rely on in this world, right?

Xia Houxuan still chattered over there: "My Xiahou family has been famous for its military achievements for generations, but I don't even bother to sit side by side with Guo Zhi, a mediocre person who has made a fortune through nepotism! He came to be this hubby general. , this seat is ultimately unwilling to accept."

When the autumn wind rises, white clouds fly, and when the grass and trees fall yellow, the geese return to the south.The orchids are beautiful and the chrysanthemums are fragrant, and the beautiful women are not to be forgotten.Panlou boats come to the Jifen River, cross-flows come to Yangsubo, and flutes and drums sing and sing.Extremely happy and sad, how long will you be young and strong? Nai Laohe?

Leaning on the side of the dragon boat, Cao Rui looked at the sunlight and clouds reflected on the surface of the Yellow Dragon Pool, and slowly recited the song "Autumn Wind Song" written by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, with tears already in his eyes.The water in Huanglongchi is as blue as jade and as calm as a mirror. The dragon boat slowly opened a green rainbow on the water and sailed into the depths of the cloudy water.

"My dear concubine, pass on the decree for me, so that the imperial hospital no longer has to adjust the jade nectar!" Cao Rui picked up a pool of water with his hand, sat in the palm of his hand, and watched the strands of water flow from between his fingers. Qinqin shed tears, "The prescription Cao Shuang gave has no effect at all! I have been taking it for nine days and nine nights, and my body still hasn't improved!"

"Yes. The concubine will go back to deliver the decree after the dragon boat docks." Guo Yao replied softly.

"In life, the best choice is to have fun in time." Cao Rui said leisurely, "When you go to the imperial hospital to pass the decree, by the way, let Cairen Shishi and the others prepare a feast of singing and dancing in Fanglin Garden. You are going to have a good night there tonight!"

Guo Yao's cheeks flushed pink: "Okay. My concubine thanked Your Majesty for your kindness!"

(End of this chapter)

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