Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 339 Wei Emperor's Counterattack

Chapter 339 Wei Emperor's Counterattack (9)
"By the way, I heard that Xia Houxuan's attitude towards General Guo Zhi seems to be very bad?" Cao Rui turned his eyes and looked deeply at Guo Yao, "It's really hard for you to pretend like a golden gourd in front of me! Forget it, find an opportunity to comfort your uncle and tell him to let Xia Houxuan and the others take care of him. Xia Houxuan and Cao Shuang are both nobles of my Wei family. The poor family of the common people. However, as long as I treat you well, that's enough..."

"Your Majesty is so considerate of my concubine, I am very grateful." Guo Yao said in a soft tone, "After my concubine returns, I will comfort and restrain my uncle. But I don't know that Xia Houxuan is so arrogant, Cao Shuang They are so flashy and lustful, who should come to check them in the middle? Besides, His Majesty Longwei is still there, and they seem to be unable to tolerate their concubines. As the uncle of Huben Zhonglang, what if..." Speaking of this, Suddenly shut his mouth and stopped talking.

Cao Rui's expression has changed several times in the short span of a few words.First of all, it is exactly what he wants in his heart to drive a wedge between the foreign relatives and the clan Sugui to cause discord; Unwilling to endure; third, the relationship between foreign relatives and the clan's nobles must be operated as "two wheels of a car, two wings of a bird". This is the key factor for maintaining the long-term stability of the Wei family. power structure.But now, can I control the relationship between the two of them?Cao Rui didn't have enough confidence in his heart.He fixed his thoughts, raised his eyes suddenly, pierced Guo Yao's face with sharp eyes, and said in a deep voice: "You Guo family must never have such thoughts. If I die one day , your Guo family, Xiahou family, and Cao family must be sincerely united and treat each other with sincerity! Remember! Remember! In front of powerful officials with different surnames, the relatives of the Wei family and the clan relatives Sugui really benefit from cooperation, and both benefit from separation. Harm!"

"Your Majesty, you think too much. Although the concubine complains a little in her heart, she will never miss the overall situation. The concubine and relatives of the family will definitely be respectful and prudent in the future, and get along well with the Xiahou family and the Cao family. "Guo Yao naturally didn't dare to raise any objections in front of Cao Rui at this moment, and hurriedly put on a smile to perfunctory her face.She thought to herself, everyone said that the Sima family in Hanoi was so powerful, it sounded like Gonggao, I couldn't be more slow, but recently Uncle Guo Zhi often talked to herself about how the Sima family treated us Guo members. He is extremely humble and sincere, compared to Cao Shuang, Xia Houxuan and the others, I don't know how many times warmer they are!It seems that the Sima clan of the so-called "Quanhao with different surnames" is actually not so unpredictable and terrifying!

While she was thinking about it, Cao Rui spoke slowly again: "My concubine, I have decided to make Fang'er the crown prince, and you have to take good care of him and support him for me from now on..."

Hearing this, Guo Yao couldn't help shaking her heart, and her face changed color slightly.what... what?His Majesty really wants to establish Cao Fang, a "wild species" who came from nowhere, as the crown prince? can this be done?Cao Fang is so young, can she take on the role of the East Palace?In fact, Guo Yao knew the details of Cao Fang's background.Cao Rui had always been childless among the concubines of the six palaces. Later, during a night trip to Furong Pond, she accidentally got lucky with a palace maid and gave birth to Cao Fang.The old Empress Guo of Yong'an Palace disliked the humble status of the palace maid, and feared that she would regard her son as the most precious and become her own opponent in the harem, so she secretly asked the eunuch to poison her to death on the night of her childbirth.In this way, as soon as Cao Fang was born, he became an illegitimate son with no father and no mother in the harem of the Great Wei Dynasty.Cao Rui asked Cao Fang to be fostered under Guo Yao's knee since she was three years old.But he is not her own after all, Guo Yao can't have a strong blood relationship with him no matter what.Therefore, Guo Yao was not particularly happy when she heard that Cao Fang was going to be crowned prince today. Instead, she thought that Cao Fang's background was not right, and it was not suitable for her to be a successor.

When she was tangled in her thoughts, she looked up and saw Cao Rui's meaningful eyes sweeping towards her face. She knew that all of this had already been planned in Cao Rui's mind, so she could only bow and say: "My concubine congratulates your majesty on the crown prince of the East Palace." The position is fixed, and the concubines must regard Fang'er as their own, and support her wholeheartedly!"

After the rain in the capital city of Luoyang, the air was exceptionally fresh. Although it was an autumn rain and then a chill, the coolness increased a bit, but the haze that had lasted for many days was swept away, which made people feel extra refreshing.

On the side of the road in Beifang market, Sima Shi, who had come down from the imperial court, and Jia Chong, who was the secretary of the court Wei's office, were walking side by side with their official documents in their arms.

Jia Chong glanced at the large pile of bamboo and silk documents in Sima Shi's arms, and said with emotion: "Mr. Sima, can you bear the trouble of burying your head in these boring bamboo and silk documents every day? I'm afraid it would be better without you." In the past, galloping freely and freely on the Guanzhong battlefield!"

"Ah! Master, now that he has been serving as a regular attendant of scattered riders, he really understands the true meaning of Ban Chao's lament of joining the army!" Sima Shi tightened the bamboo and silk documents in his arms, wanting to grow up. I complained, but when the words came to my lips, I changed my mind, and deliberately understated the point to stop.

Jia Chong is also a smart and witty person, so he explained to him: "Sima Jun, as the saying goes, God has given me things to train my talents. As long as you do it with your heart, you can say that you will be self-satisfied with everything." There is a saying in the Sutra that the trees that embrace each other are born at the end of the millet; ninety percent of the platform starts from the pile of soil; the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. In Jia’s view, Mr. Sima, you are busy with chores today, how do you know that this is not heaven? Do you intend to let you prepare for your future visit to Jinglun Avenue?"

Hearing Jia Chong's words, Master Sima couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, but his face remained calm, and he said respectfully: "Jia Jun, you are too fond of me! Master is working in the university, so I just want to be free from thoughts. It's a blessing to be exonerated, how dare you have such lofty aspirations as you say, and don't want to be content with your position!"

"Mr. Sima, you are treating Jia as an outsider!" Jia Chong's face turned red, and the circles of his eyes suddenly turned red, "My father and Mr. Taiwei were always close friends, and our two families have always had family friends. Friendship. Back then, my father died of illness, and if there was no Taiwei to manage the business, how could Jia have come here today? Naturally, Jia is looking forward to the rise and prosperity of the Zunfu with all his heart!"

Hearing Jia Chong's words from the bottom of his heart, Master Sima couldn't help being moved, he took out his hand and gently stroked Jia Chong's shoulder, everything was speechless.It turned out that when Jia Kui, Jia Chong's father, was the governor of Yangzhou during his lifetime, he did not have a good relationship with the noble clans such as Cao Xiu, the general of Zhendong, and Cao Zhen, the general of Zhengxi, so he was often suppressed and suppressed. It's so deserted and deserted!In this bleak predicament, it was Sima Yi who brought Man Chong, Tian Yu, Wang Chang, Wang Guan and other generals from Dongjiang to send charcoal to Muxue, and risked offending the nobles of the Cao family, to come to Jia's mansion to pay tribute to the mourning and condolences. Jia Chong was deeply moved by his kindness and friendship.Later, it was Sima Yi who fought for Jia Kui's posthumous title of "Su Hou" in the court, and urged His Majesty to posthumously bestow Jia Kui as Yushi Zhongcheng to show his honor.Therefore, Jia Chong's family has always been deeply grateful to Sima Yi and respected him as the father and grandfather.And Sima Yi and his son also treat Jia Chong as their own, and never treat each other like outsiders.

At this moment, Sima Shi and Jia Chong were talking and walking by themselves, when they suddenly heard a deafening noise from the street behind them - they turned their heads in surprise, only to hear a loud "rumbling rumbling", Jeweled with gold and jade, the gorgeous and astonishing carriage dragged along the billowing smoke and dust and galloped towards it!All the shops and stalls on both sides of the street were knocked upside down by these two carriages, and all the utensils, clothes, food, and cloth were scattered all over the floor!The townspeople stomped and scolded, and chased after... But the two carriages ignored them completely, and still rushed forward!
Seeing Master Sima raised his eyebrows, he wanted to stand up and stop him.Jia Chong hurriedly took the bamboo and silk document from Sima Shi's arms and put it on the ground, reached out and grabbed Sima Shi's robe corner, and shouted in a low voice: "Mr. Sima, you must not—"

Master Sima was stunned, and only heard a "rumbling" sound passing by his ears, and the two carriages rushed past him.The strong wind brought by the carriage made him take two or three steps back!He wanted to go forward again at this time, but the two carriages had already disappeared without a trace, how could he catch up?
"You...why are you stopping me?" Master Sima shouted angrily at Jia, "How can you easily let go of such a madman who disturbs the people and disrupts the market and hunts down the people?"

"Mr. Sima! On this street, there are no eyesight vehicles, and they are rampaging. What if you accidentally hurt you, what should you do?" Jia said with a full face of grievance, "Jia did this for your own good! Alas! This is just the two younger brothers of General Wuwei racing horses on the street! Jia usually sees this scene every time he walks home from here... To be honest, Jia is used to these things for a long time! Sima Sir, do you deserve to have the same knowledge as them?"

"General Wuwei's two younger brothers?" Master Sima couldn't help being startled when he heard this.

"Cao Xun and Cao Yan!" Jia Chong whispered in Master Sima's ear, "They often go in and out of the palace, relying on General Cao Shuang's relationship to steal His Majesty's royal horse out to race in the street. They are really sensual , unscrupulous!"

Sima Shi secretly clenched his fists: "Is Cao Shuang just watching his two younger brothers act like this?"

"Oh, Mr. Sima, your question is too superficial. Cao Shuang himself is also extravagant, and he likes to be flashy. Since he is already unrighteous, how can he lead an upright person!" Jia Chong sighed quietly, picked up from the ground again Picking up those bamboo and silk documents and holding them in his arms, "Forget it! Forget it! This has always been a scene in Luoyang. Sima Jun, you get angry when you see it, how can you vent so much anger!"

Master Sima didn't agree with his tone, stomped his feet angrily, and said in a cold voice: "My father and all the soldiers are still going through life and death in the front, fighting bloody battles, how hard it is! This Cao family brother actually bent the law for personal gain in the rear, sensual and sensual , looking for fun, doing mischief! It's really embarrassing!"

Seeing Master Sima's angry appearance, Jia Chong was afraid that others would hear him, so he stepped forward and covered his mouth with his sleeve in a panic: "The Cao family is expensive, but Sima Jun can easily be reprimanded by you now? Let's go! Let's go! Go! You are full of righteous anger, and you can vent it in the future when you have the right to be able to show your talents!"

(End of this chapter)

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