Sima Yi's Three Kingdoms Collection Collection

Chapter 340 Wisdom eliminates dissidents, Sima Yi 3 becomes a minister who entrusts Gu to assist the

Chapter 340 Wisdom eliminates dissidents, Sima Yi is the third minister who entrusts Gu to assist the government (1)
Wei Di Tuo Gu
On August [-], the showers in Liaodong finally stopped.Sima Yi immediately gathered the elite of the three armies and encircled them on all sides. With Murongba, Gao Yunming and other guest troops as the vanguard, they built earth mountains, dug tunnels, installed ladders, and erected artillery mounts. They attacked day and night without stopping.

Only six days later, the Yan army in Xiangping City ran out of ammunition and food. Everyone resented, everyone was heartless, and they all wanted to sacrifice the city and surrender.In desperation, Gongsun Yuan had no choice but to send Wang Jian, the pseudo-Yan Xiang, and Liu Fu, a doctor of imperial history, to put down the hanging basket from the tower and leave the city to come to the Wei camp to ask for surrender, begging the Wei army to relieve the siege and retreat, and his own side will bound their faces and ask for forgiveness.

How deep and sophisticated Sima Yi was, he immediately knew that this was Gongsun Yuan's plan to feign surrender and escape. Without hesitation, he ordered Wang and Liu to be beheaded and sent back to Xiangping City, and ordered Yu Song to shoot When they entered the city, they reported, "Chu and Zheng are all states, and Zheng Bo is still leading a sheep to welcome him. Is it proper for Wang Jian, Liu Fu and others to escape the siege and retreat alone to meet him? The two are old and old, the rumors are false, and they have already killed each other. If Mr. Gongsun has any intentions, you can send a young man with a clear decision!"

Gongsun Yuan had no choice but to send his servant Zhong Weiyan to beg for a surrender in a short time. Sima Yi angrily reprimanded in front of Wei Yan: "Gongsun Pifu is just trying to delay the army to earn another chance of rainstorm. Yes! It can be said that they only want to wait for the opportunity to escape without sincerity! Just listen to it, there are five general principles of military affairs——If you can fight, you should fight; Ear! If you don’t want to surrender with sincerity, the only way forward is death! Why send your son as a hostage?” Wei Yan fled back to the city with his head in his arms, but Gongsun Yuan still refused to beg for surrender.

Five days later, under the powerful offensive of the Wei army, all four gates of Xiangping City were defeated. Gongsun Yuan and his son fled in a panic, but were intercepted by the Wei soldiers on the bank of Liangshui, killed on the spot, and passed on to the capital.

Immediately Sima Yi led his troops into the city, punished his puppet Yan Cong Ni Gongqing, and more than [-] people from [-] families of soldiers, built a Beijing temple to frighten the crowd.At the same time, he sealed the tombs of the Liaodong generals Lunzhi, Jia Fan and others who were killed for admonishing Gongsun Yuan not to betray the Great Wei that day, and honored their descendants, as a warning for those who came later.So far, since the Chuping period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Gongsun clan that had ruled Liaodong for more than [-] years was eradicated by Sima Yi in one fell swoop, and there was no future trouble.And Sima Yi himself once again deeply shocked Wu and Shu with this illustrious military exploit.

In the middle of the night, in the hall of the Taiwei Office, which was rebuilt from Gongsunyuan's old palace, Sima Yi screened away other irrelevant personnel, and personally greeted Sima Niuheng, the shogunate army who had rushed from the capital of Luoyang day and night.

After the two sat down at the guest-host table, Niu Heng wiped off the hot sweat on his face, and without caring about the politeness, he directly reported: "Master Taiwei, Niu has been ordered by his wife to come here specially. I have come to send you a message. Now I have received top-secret news from the palace. His Majesty is suffering from a serious illness and is in danger of dying. There are traitors everywhere in the court, and the situation is extremely complicated! Madam suggests that Mr. Taiwei must solve it in the shortest possible time. Settle Liaodong, and then return to the capital as quickly as possible to deal with unexpected changes!"

Sima Yi listened carefully, stroking his beard under his chin with his hand, and remained silent for a long time.After half a stick of incense, he opened his mouth in a deep voice: "This matter, I have my own sense of proportion. You go back with the news and let the madam and the two sons do it in the capital or continue to do it." This seat is full of confidence in them. Brother Niu, this seat is asking you and Steward Yin to give them full support from the rear!"

Seeing Sima Yi's sincerity, Niu Heng hurriedly got up and clasped his fists and replied: "Please rest assured, Mr. Taiwei—Madam and the two young masters are in the middle of planning, and we will work hard and fight hard in the thunderous danger!"

"Okay! I also trust you and Steward Yin's loyalty and wisdom!" Sima Yi also stood up and thanked him, "Our Sima family's great cause is supported by you and Steward Yin, so why worry about everything going wrong?"

He thanked him, called Liang Ji, and asked, "Mr. Liang, in your opinion, under the current situation, how should we respond to His Majesty's suspicions and the complicated situation in the court?"

Liang Ji pondered for a while before slowly answering: "My lord Taiwei, according to Liang's humble opinion, under the current situation, when His Majesty is seriously ill, what he cares most about is naturally which subject treats him The most loyal... Our Sima family must be conscientious and sincere, and we must show a more loyal attitude than all other officials, so that we can get His Majesty's reassurance and reuse!"

"Very good, you spoke very well." Sima Yi slowly started to walk in the hall with his hands behind his back, "I remember such a thing: A few days ago, many soldiers were short of clothes due to the cold weather here in Liaodong. Wearing clothes, complaining endlessly, Mr. Liang, you came here to suggest that I give them the cotton robes and trousers that were stored in the Liaodong official treasury before to keep out the cold...Of course, Mr. Liang, your suggestion is very good. Maybe you You will be surprised, why I did not comment on your suggestion at that time. In fact, I had already made up my mind at that time, and it must be done to distribute cotton robes and trousers to everyone to keep out the cold. But here Under the circumstances, it is inappropriate for me to come forward to do this matter. As the saying goes, the selfless deeds of a minister will give the best reputation. Liang Jun, you should immediately write a memorandum for this seat and add [-] li Hurry up and send it to the palace. You are the only one who writes this memorandum, keep it secret, and don’t disclose it to Yu Song. Its content is that I am asking His Majesty for permission to distribute the cotton clothes of the Liaodong official treasury to the soldiers of the Northern Expedition. The matter of keeping out the cold... His Majesty saw that this seat, who is a Taiwei, even had to ask himself for trivial matters such as distributing cold cotton clothes to the soldiers, it must be very useful in his heart, and this might dilute some of the suspicion in his heart of……"

When Liang Ji heard this, he was deeply impressed: "Your Majesty Taiwei is really insightful and has exhaustive strategies. Liang admires him the most."

Sima Yi didn't answer, but continued to think hard, and after a long time, he said again: "After taking Xiangping City this time, I asked Yu Song to take a closer look at the existing soldier book, and found that my Great Wei Wangshi Among the three armies, there are as many as [-] veterans who are over [-] years old. Alas! These veterans have fought so hard for my great Wei for so many years, and it is time to let them have a good life! , you can also write this matter in the memorandum for me. I beg Your Majesty to allow the dispatch of these more than [-] veterans to return to their hometowns to recuperate, so as to declare to the whole world the mighty power of the Emperor of Wei. Grace and generosity."

Niu Heng heard it clearly, and was also secretly surprised.This Sima Yi's ability to win people's hearts and win people's hearts is really amazing!With this move, he won the reputation of being a benevolent emperor for the emperor above, the benefits of pensions for the old soldiers below, and the praise of himself for himself. It is really ingenious and ingenious!

The snowflakes in the night sky fluttered leisurely with the new wind, like light flakes fluttering one after another, covering every corner between the sky and the earth.

The curtains in the inner room of Sima Mansion were lowered, blocking the bitter cold outside.

Zhang Chunhua was sitting on the couch in the middle, Sun Zi and Liu Fang sat on the brocade reed mat to her right, and Sima Shi and Sima Zhao sat on the brocade reed mat to her left.

Sun Zi and Liu Fang were all beaming. They raised their wine cups together and congratulated Zhang Chunhua, mother and son: "Sure enough, Taiwei Sima lived up to everyone's expectations and overcame all kinds of difficulties and dangers. Gongsun, the traitor, is truly unparalleled in the world, unparalleled in the world!"

Zhang Chunhua accepted the congratulations from the two of them with a slight smile, and said in a soft voice: "You two adults are too famous. If my Lord Taiwei hadn't received the secret help of your two adults who are hiding behind the scenes, how could we have made such a smooth move?" Success? Half of the great achievements in finalizing Liaodong and clearing up the traitors belong to you two, Lord Sun and Lord Liu."

"Ma'am, if you say that, Liu and Sun Jun really have no place to be ashamed." Liu Fang listened, leaned on the seat and answered humbly.

But Sun Zi put down his wine cup, and let out a deep sigh: "Alas... If Dong Situ is not dead, Cui Sikong is not ill, and Wang Sujun is not released, Mr. Taiwei will be my teacher on the day of Xuanjing's class teacher this time. Let us try our best to persuade him to be promoted to the prime minister and congratulate Jiuxi! It is a pity that there are too few old and respected senior ministers like Dong Situ and Cui Sikong in the current capital."

Zhang Chunhua smiled leisurely, and said slowly: "My lord Taiwei and I both understand the difficulties the two lords are facing now. As long as you always have this kind of concern, my Sima family will be very grateful for it."

Liu Fang stood up, glanced at Sun Zi, and said slowly: "Sun Jun, in fact, according to Liu's opinion, everything has a twist and turn, and a turning point suddenly becomes clear. Today, His Majesty is getting seriously ill, and Chu Jun is too young and weak , I'm afraid I won't be able to push Mr. Taiwei to the position of prime minister for a while, but we should still be able to help him to be promoted to the position of first assistant minister of Gu Ming."

Sun Zi looked certain, and stared deeply at Liu Fang: "Liu Jun, you are too optimistic about this matter. Recently, Cao Shuang, Xia Houxuan, Yan Wang Cao Yu and others have frequently entered and left the palace to meet His Majesty, and almost every time When I came in, I had a private conversation with him... The situation in the court changes so unpredictable, how can everything be determined? Besides, Cao Shuang, Xiahouxuan and others have already been behind the scenes and have repeatedly lurked to make moves, so don't be lazy suddenly!"

"Admiral? That's right, my wife has also noticed that the palace officials seem to be much smarter than before, and I have always felt very strange." Zhang Chunhua's heart trembled, but his face remained calm, "Do you two adults know Who are Cao Shuang, Xia Houxuan and others behind the scenes?"

"Hmm... Sun just heard Guo Zhi Zhonglang vaguely mention that Xia Houxuan and Cao Shuang have been secretly trying to help Da Si Nong Huanfan to become one of the three princes and take over the position of Situ!" Sun Zi twitched the corner of his mouth. Twisting his beard, he replied thoughtfully.

When Zhang Chunhua heard it, he immediately understood.Guo Zhi is also the uncle of the noble concubine Guo Yao.The news he sent to Sun Zi must have been given by Guo Yao!Because now only Guo Yao is the closest person around Cao Rui, the news she heard must be the most accurate!Thinking of this, Zhang Chunhua sighed secretly in his heart.No wonder Cao Rui seems to have become a lot smarter all of a sudden recently!It turns out that the brain trust behind him is Huan Fan, his husband's classmate and good friend back then!Thinking about it carefully, only this resourceful and sophisticated Huan Fan could devise so many extremely fierce tricks!She suddenly changed her mind again, and asked in surprise: "Master Sun, General Guo Zhi Zhonglang doesn't have much close friendship with our Sima family, and he is not irritable and easy to vent. Why did you make such a big one?" What about the gift' hand in hand? Is there a fraud in it?"

(End of this chapter)

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