Chapter 101

I don't love him!

I flatter him and stay with him because I want to use him, I want to use his power to reach the top, and then I'll settle my old scores with Mr. Yu!
Su Qiao thought timidly, Cheng Luo's gaze made her feel uncomfortable.

"Don't look reluctant, no matter how many people want your status, they won't get it."

Cheng Luo teases Su Qiao.

Su Qiao hugged the ice cream bucket, a little at a loss.


In the morning, when Su Qiao opened her eyes, she was shocked by more than 120 missed calls on her mobile phone and thousands of friend requests that paralyzed WeChat!

"This is... what's going on! Why is my phone..."

"This is already the result of the interception."

Cheng Luo, who had to go to work early in the morning due to Su Qiao's affairs, pushed open the door unhappily and explained the ins and outs.

"Last night, shortly after your fake Weibo account was permanently banned, someone posted your WeChat ID and mobile phone number on a gossip forum!"


Su Qiao looked at Cheng Luo: "Why are you doing this to me!"

"Instead of asking why this person is targeting you, it's better to think about who is targeting you! I have photos of your life, know your phone number and WeChat number, and have a lot of hatred for you!"

Cheng Luo's words made Su Qiao fall into deep thought.

During Mo Qiaoqiao's two years in Ou's, she has always been cautious in her words and deeds, trying not to offend others as much as possible.And judging from Ou's response yesterday, it was obviously not ordered by the company...

In the same period of the training camp, everyone is suspicious, especially Yang Mengying, she is the most suspicious.But she has something in Zifan's hands, so there's no need to do this...

Su Qiao thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out.

But Cheng Luo saw her muttering non-stop, couldn't help but took out her notebook and opened a few pages.

"Xunxin Internet Cafe on the first basement floor of No. 28 Caoming Road..."

"The person who pretended to be you to open Weibo went online and posted Weibo in this Internet cafe yesterday."

"3991th Floor, Building E, No. 7 Minghui Road..."

"According to the Weishang warehouse address found in the mask purchase link at the back of the second Weibo, I took his agency marketing contact information by the way. After checking them one by one, there is no motive for committing the crime."

"What about 139****3355? And..."

"The front is the mobile phone number used for Weibo registration, and the last string is the ID number. The number has been confirmed to be a virtual network number, and the ID number is also fake."


After listening to Cheng Luo's explanation, Su Qiao's starry eyes appeared: "I am so happy to be friends with the Emperor of Technology!"

"These are basic methods," Cheng Luo said casually, "It's because your opponent is too unprofessional, and every step is full of flaws."

"But it's enough to deal with a noob like me."

Su Qiao muttered, feeling a little sympathetic to the bastard who stabbed the knife secretly—unknowingly, she offended a group of murderous characters that even ghosts and gods dare not mess with!

"In short, this time, no matter whether the opponent is Xiaobai or Da Niu, if he dares to attack you, he just doesn't pay attention to the chief! We must dig them out as quickly as possible, and catch them all!"

Cheng Luo took out her mobile phone, and after communicating with various incomprehensible technical terms, she cut off the conversation and said to Su Qiao: "The person has been found, I will take you to a good show!"

"So fast……"

Su Qiao was intimidated by Cheng Luo's high efficiency.

"Do you want to delay until tomorrow?!"

Su Qiao heard the words, glanced at the phone, and made more than [-] calls while speaking: "Of course I don't want to..."

"Go and change immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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