Chapter 102

Cheng Luo drove an Audi A6 from the garage, which surprised Su Qiao who was used to the red flag: "Your own car?"

"How is it possible! I play with cars very badly, and the Audi A6 will be useless at most ten times!"

Cheng Luo took out the car keys and threw the phone to Su Qiao casually: "With military interception installed, as long as you turn on the do not disturb mode, no one can call you except the chief. Under normal conditions, it has not been saved in the address book." If you call from the number, it will be automatically replied that the number you dialed does not exist!"


Su Qiao grabbed her phone tightly, feeling like she was in a sci-fi movie.

"It's just a necessary secret protection method."

Cheng Luo didn't take it seriously, and when Su Qiao sat still, she started.

Su Qiao noticed that there were only her and Cheng Luo in the car: "Is it just the two of us?"

"Don't you think I'm not enough?"

Su Qiao was silent.

Start the car, and gallop away!

Su Qiao didn't know that the Audi just drove out of the community, and immediately a Hummer that had been camouflaged with a deck followed.


After Audi left the community, he drove all the way to the south of the city. After driving for 10 minutes, Cheng Luo suddenly braked suddenly.

"We were being followed," she said.

Su Qiao was surprised: "Who? When? How can I..."

"You can feel the stalking, that's called following!"

Cheng Luo glanced at the rearview mirror and suddenly started again.

Su Qiao was surprised: "Aren't you being followed? Why..."

"We're not doing sneaky things, there's no need to be timid."

With that said, Cheng Luo took out her phone.

Su Qiao exclaimed, "Sister Cheng, points will be deducted for calling while driving!"

"Traffic regulations are traffic regulations, practice is practice!"

While speaking, the phone was already connected, and Cheng Luo skillfully commanded the other side of the phone through bluetooth.

"Are you sure the person is in the room? Good! Now seal all the exits immediately, and then release tear gas... What, no tear gas! What are you doing!"

The other party hastily explained, and Cheng Luo smoothed her curly hair: "Okay, forget that you are working part-time, use pepper spray and pepper spray if there is no tear gas! Remember, keep things clean and don't disturb the neighbors. Don't set off the sirens!"

After finishing speaking, the woman took off the Bluetooth and said to Su Qiao behind her, "I found it."


"Those who post to hack you."

After speaking briefly, Cheng Luo turned the steering wheel and drove the car into the alley. After the car came to a complete stop, she rolled down the window and waved at a black van opposite.

The man leaning against the van and smoking came over immediately.

The man was around 35, tall and tall, with scars on his face. He walked up to the Audi car and said respectfully, "Hello, Sister Cheng!"

Cheng Luo glanced at the man arrogantly: "How is the matter going?"

"Could it be possible for me to screw up what Sister Cheng told me?"

The man pointed forward: "It has been brought out!"

Su Qiao followed his hand to look over, and saw a man with a sluggish expression sandwiched between two ruffian-looking youths, one on the left and one on the right, and an accomplice behind him was holding a laptop.

The group walked out of the community, got into the van immediately, and closed the door.

Cheng Luo also returned to the car, drove the Audi and followed the van to an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs.

When parking, she glanced behind her and said to Su Qiao, "The people following us are very persistent."

"Then what do we do?"

Cheng Luo sneered and asked Su Qiao, "Can you drive?"

Su Qiao nodded.

"Just know how to drive!"

(End of this chapter)

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