Chapter 103

Cheng Luo pointed at the man who was directing the younger brother to get the man out of the car: "This guy is called Chen Xiaolong. He is the boss in this area. His main business is financial investment. He has a group of younger brothers who specialize in catching Lao Lai."

"It sounds amazing..."

Su Qiao smiled dryly. She didn't expect Cheng Luo to look elite, and she was familiar with loan sharks.

"Don't forget that I am from the second bureau."

After speaking, Cheng Luo took Su Qiao into the warehouse to watch Chen Xiaolong torture amateur hackers.


"Boy, we are not doing charity. If you persist, we will give you a disability certificate!"

Through the translucent plastic film, Su Qiao saw the ferocious man inserting a fruit knife between the man's fingers, gesturing and threatening.

"Brother! Brother! Please spare me!"

The amateur hacker had never seen any big scenes, so he was scared and shivered.

"Don't call me big brother! You bad manners."

The man drew out his knife, ready to cut off a section of his finger to show his prestige.


The youth screamed!

"I'll tell! Tell! What do you want to know! I'll tell you everything!"

Hearing this, Chen Xiaolong walked out of the isolation film and walked up to the frightened young man: "Who told you to post about Miss Hei Mo!"

"...Yes...Yes...It's Xiaomeng... She said they were all assistants, why is Su Qiao the only one famous, she is uncomfortable, she wants to punish Miss Mo..."

"It's just that simple? Who is Xiaomeng's real identity?"

"I don't know! I chatted with her a few times on the Internet... I only met once in reality, and it was at night. We went to the hotel directly after we had an appointment at the night market after eating skewers... I remember that she was a little fat and very makeup Nong... I can be sure it was her first time..."

It's a matter of life, the man tried his best to remember, but Su Qiao became more and more confused.

When she first heard about Xiaomeng, she thought it was Yang Mengying who was being mean again, but the more details the young man provided, the more she was sure that Xiaomeng who was secretly blackmailing her was not Yang Mengying.

Because Yang Mengying would not casually go to a hotel with netizens.

She just wanted to be a rich man, and it was impossible for her to hand herself over to the poor.

She looked at Cheng Luo inquiringly. The latter had already turned on the computer she had brought back from the hacker's house. After a lot of tinkering, she came to a conclusion that Su Qiao couldn't even dream of.

Pan Mengmeng, who succeeded Su Qiao as Tang Ansi's personal assistant, was Xiaomeng who conspired with the hacker to stab the knife secretly!
"Why did she do that!"

Su Qiao thought that she treated Pan Mengmeng well.

"Because of jealousy," Cheng Luo sneered, "people's hearts are so ridiculous. She doesn't mind being oppressed by strangers, but she doesn't want to see people who are of the same status as her suddenly step on her head."

"Then what do we do next?"

Su Qiao wanted to bring this guy to confront Pan Mengmeng, but she was afraid that the other party would jump over the wall in a hurry.

"Let a professional do it." Cheng Luo smiled coldly, "Chen Xiaolong is the best at teasing villains."

"But he..."

Su Qiao felt that Chen Xiaolong was doing things in an unreasonable way, and was worried that the tail would not be lost.

"Worried about being blackmailed by him in the future?"

Su Qiao nodded.

Cheng Luo smiled.

"He knows who I am and won't do such ungodly things."

After finishing speaking, Cheng Luo gestured to Chen Xiaolong "We are leaving immediately" through the transparent film.

Chen Xiaolong understood and sent the two out through the back door.

At the back door of the warehouse, there are two identical Audis parked, even with the same license plate.

(End of this chapter)

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