I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 111 Red Rose and Ferrari

Chapter 111 Red Rose and Ferrari





The non-stop reshoots, the non-stop slaps, Su Qiao was simply fascinated by the feeling of playing the traitorous concubine.

Seeing this group of fake white lotuses being slapped made her feel extremely happy, even though she knew that the slaps were excuses and did not really slap them in the face.

In the evening, the filming of the video was finally finished, and the director recorded some behind-the-scenes footage as usual.

Su Qiao also knows that acting as a villain is not good for an actor's image, so she deliberately showed her cute side in the tidbits, and made a gesture of "I actually forced myself to play a villain" to the camera.

The director originally recorded the sideshow just to salvage Su Qiao's image, and he was also secretly happy to see that she was so good.

At 09:30, work was finally over, and the director invited everyone to have supper.

Su Qiao thought that no one would wait for her even if she went back, so she agreed.


The food stalls on half the street were all taken over by the crew, and almost all the regular employees were invited.Everyone ate and drank until late at night before getting up to say goodbye.There are also a few couples who don't know whether they are really drunk or fake drunk, and they are going to find a nearby hotel to have a sex.

It's not uncommon for everyone to see this kind of thing. Of course, she pretended not to see anything. Su Qiao walked to the side of the road and prepared to call Xiao Li to pick her up.


The red Ferrari stopped by the side of the road, the door was lifted, and Yi Xi stepped down with a red rose in his arms.

The half-drunk crowd suddenly sobered up. They stared dumbfounded at the sudden appearance of Yi Xi and the red rose in his arms. They didn't know which woman had such luck that Guo Guomin's brother could send roses.

Yi Xi went straight to Su Qiao and offered a red rose: "Have you thought it through?"

"What did you say?"

Su Qiao was at a loss.

Yi Xi showed an electric smile: "It's about getting married."

It was only then that Su Qiao remembered that when she was in the tea restaurant yesterday, she seemed to have promised Yi Xi——

"I thought you were joking."

Su Qiao smiled forcedly.

The corner of Yi Xi's mouth curled up: "You have been in Oushi for two years, when did you see me making jokes in life?"

Although she played the role of a cynical and affectionate prodigal son, in reality, Yi Xi is known for being serious and dedicated.

"I take my relationship as seriously as I take my work." He said, "Every word I said yesterday is the result of my sincere words, repeated thinking and rehearsal."


"Accept him!"

The onlookers made booing sounds.

Yi Xi took the opportunity to stuff the red rose into Su Qiao's arms: "Marry me! Qiao Qiao, I swear to God, I will never be more serious in this life than today!"


The women started screaming and the men started whistling.

"Marry him! Marry him!"

The terrible chorus made Su Qiao almost unable to think.

The red rose was stuffed into his arms, and Yi Xi took the opportunity to pull Su Qiao into the car. When the car started, he announced to everyone present: "Thank you for your support! Let Brother Chu give everyone red envelopes tomorrow!"

"Should! It should!"

The director smiled and narrowed his eyes.

Yi Xi added another sentence: "No one is allowed to tell reporters what happened today! I will block anyone who dares not to listen!"


The director led the whole crew to watch Yi Xi leave.

Su Qiao was embarrassed all over, she wished she could jump out of the car and run away immediately!

what's going on!
Why is it that every time I meet Yi Xi, I feel as if I have been bewitched by an evil spirit?

(End of this chapter)

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