I am the daughter of the bosses

Chapter 112 Don't mess around

Chapter 112 Don't mess around
Ferrari deserves to be a Ferrari. As soon as you step on the accelerator, you will accelerate to the point where you will be fined for taking pictures.

Su Qiao regained her senses and kicked the car vigorously: "Yi Xi, let me go! There will be no results at all!"

"But when I asked you to get in the car, you didn't refuse."

Yi Xi's expression was so subtle that it made people playful. In the night wind, the handsome side face that thousands of girls tried their best to render with the most gorgeous words even vaguely showed loneliness.

Su Qiao couldn't help staring blankly: "...I...I...I'm not..."

"I know what you think. If you are being sought after by a girl again, in your eyes, I am just an actor after all, unlike Ou Shao, who is from a wealthy family, has a high education, a high IQ, and a natural demeanor of a king."

Yi Xi's words smacked of self-defeating.

"I don't mean to dislike you, let alone compare you with Zifan... I just don't have feelings for you, I really don't want to..."

"The feeling can be cultivated slowly. Didn't you refuse when I proposed to you yesterday and when I gave you roses today? It means that you actually have a good impression of me."

Yi Xi turned the steering wheel, and the car drove into Jinyao Community.

"My apartment in this community has only been lived in by one woman other than you, and she is my mother."

Yi Xi said proudly, and parked the car in the underground garage.

Su Qiao walked down in a daze, her head was in a daze, as if she had been possessed by an evil spirit.


Walking into the apartment, Su Qiao's drowsiness became more intense, as if her limbs were not her own, Ren Yixi pushed to the sofa, pressed on the sofa, took off her high heels and put on indoor slippers, and took the rose in her arms.

"I'll make you an iced tea."

Yi Xi, holding a rose in her hand, walked into the home bar, placed a big bouquet of roses on the white marble table, and skillfully mixed the drink with her fingers.

The scene like an idol drama makes Su Qiao suspect that she is dreaming, but can dreams be so real?
Su Qiao suddenly didn't come with a burst of fear: "The room is a little stuffy, can you open the window?"

"This is the 59th floor. Opening windows is dangerous."

Yi Xi rejected Su Qiao's request, and walked up to Su Qiao with a Long Island Iced Tea: "Drink some wine and calm down."

Su Qiao took the Long Island Iced Tea, but didn't want to drink it at all.

"I guess I still—"

She suspected that her cold was still not cured, otherwise why would she be so dizzy and dizzy.

"Why do you have to go? Do you dislike me that much?"

Yi Xi squatted in front of Su Qiao, her eyes bewitching: "I am absolutely sincere to you."

"But I... I..."

Before she could say the words of refusal, the man had already stood up and took the wine in her hand.

"Leave the rest to me!"

As he spoke, he took a sip of the cocktail, leaned on the sofa with both hands, pressed one leg between Su Qiao's legs, leaned his handsome face close, intending to feed him the wine mouth to mouth.

"Don't...don't be like this..."

Su Qiao spoke in a panic, she didn't even know what she was talking about, she just instinctively wanted to push Yi Xi away.

"No! No!"

Pushing and pulling hard, Su Qiao finally pushed Yi Xi away smoothly, escaped from the sofa, leaned on the window sill with one hand, panting: "If you dare to come over, I'll jump off!"

"Why? You hate me so much?"

Yi Xi was very surprised, his eyes were full of puzzlement.

"I don't hate you, but I don't feel so good that I can sleep with you...not to mention you treated me just now..."

"What's wrong with me?"

"You purposely used psychedelic perfume on me!"

(End of this chapter)

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